Video Catches L.A. County Sheriff's Brutal Stomping & Beating of Limp Latino Man

From [HERE] and [HERE] While investigating another story, Telemundo's video team says it caught a brutal L.A. County Sheriff's arrest on tape -- adding to the leaning stack of "excessive force" allegations on some neglected desk at the sheriff's Internal Affairs Bureau. Video footage from an arrest the morning of Friday July 13 shows a young Latino man being slammed mercilessly into the sidewalk and a deputy stomping on his head.
Although he does not appear to be resisting the three Transit Services deputies who take him down one deputy in a green vest begins repeatedly elbowing/punching his face into the concrete. And, near the end of the arrest, the suspect is dealt a final crippling blow by the bottom of the deputy's boot. He instantly goes limp.
A news release from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, issued before the beating video surfaced, identifies the arrestee as 30-year-old Alexis Husmario Torres. He's currently being kept in the section of the L.A. County jail reserved for people with possible mental illness. After deputies tried to take Torres into custody at 1st and Hill downtown, they say he became uncooperative and fought with deputies. As a result, the deputies and the suspect received minor injuries and were treated at area hospitals." Torres was booked for sexual battery and battery on a peace officer, as well as possessing a fake ID.
According to the release, his female victim "alleged that as she got out of her husband's car, the suspect reached from behind her, took hold of her arm, and groped her chest." However, "the husband thought the suspect had tried to rob his wife." Torres was booked for sexual battery and battery on a peace officer, as well as possessing a fake ID.
Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore tells NBC LA that the deputy who stomped on Torres' head has been put on paid leave while the department conducts an internal investigation.
Back in January, another sheriff's deputy was caught on video punching a special-needs woman in the face. In defense, Sheriff Lee Baca said the attacking deputy might need to be retrained, but shouldn't necessarily be laid off altogether.
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