Attorney Thomas Mesereau joins defense of Black Man in Videotaped Beating by Birmingham Police

From [HERE] A well-known Birmingham attorney has joined a team of lawyers defending a man beaten by Birmingham police officers during an incident captured on video surveillance.
Monday, Thomas Mesereau announced he had offered to defend Travarious Daniel. Daniel was assaulted March 20 during his arrest by police outside a Birmingham club where he works. The downtown police precinct is across the street. Mesereau may be best known for defending late pop star Micheal Jackson. Birmingham Mayor William Bell has ordered a full investigation of the incident.
The video shows several Birmingham Police officers pile on a suspect, and beat him. Prior to the beating Daniel is standing with arms outstretched as he had apparently surrendered to police. Although over twenty blows are counted on the tape, the Alabama police report described the attack by police as "minimal force."
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