Funeral Held For Unarmed Black Man Gunned Down by Orange County Deputy

The investigation continues into what led an off-duty officer to shoot and kill a man last week. An Orange County sheriff's deputy said he shot the victim during a robbery attempt, WESH 2 News reported.Steven Johnson's funeral was held at the Shiloh Baptist Church in downtown Orlando Tuesday.The shooting happened as Deputy Greg McQuitter was leaving the Windchase Apartments in Sanford around 2 a.m.McQuitter claimed Johnson, 40, tried to rob him. McQuitter said he pulled out his service revolver and shot Johnson three times. Johnson died at the scene. An investigation later revealed Johnson was unarmed. McQuitter was placed on administrative leave and has hired his own lawyer while the matter is investigated. At first he did not give any statements to investigators, but this past weekend, he voluntarily gave a statement and repeated his belief that Johnson was trying to rob him. [MORE] and [MORE]
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