Calumet City Police Officer Cleared of Wrong Doing in Beating of 15 Year Old Black Teen says he was Set Up

Black Teen Beaten by Police: Stopped for Jaywalking in 2004 [more ]
Police Officer Louis Picicco was cleared in October of accusations of beating a detained teen, but he said he still feels betrayed by numerous city officials. Picicco was accused in August 2004 of beating Don Pennington Jr., then 16. He was placed on administrative leave in September of the same year. Picicco, who is white, said he only restrained the black teen, who he said attacked him after becoming irate at the station. Picicco filed a lawsuit against the city in April 2005 for damage to his reputation and his out-of-pocket expenses. He returned to work in May. In October, arbitrator Brian Clauss cleared Picicco of any wrongdoing. Picicco sent a letter this month to the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois requesting it investigate how the city's attorney, Burt Odelson, handled legal proceedings after the incident. Picicco said in August he believed city officials set him up as a political fall guy to pacify rising racial tensions prior to Qualkinbush's run for re-election, where one of her challengers was black. Odelson said Pennington dismissed Picicco out of the civil lawsuit voluntarily, and said no further legal actions can be taken by Pennington. [more]