And Even More Disrespect from Denver Police, Cop who Killed 15 Year Old Black Boy gets Job Back

He returned to work Monday, 11 months after receiving one of the stiffest penalties for a fatal police shooting in Denver in connection with the killing of a developmentally disabled teen. Officer James Turney is back on the job and sitting behind a desk. Turney is now working in the police department's technology and support division, police spokesman Sonny Jackson said Tuesday. Turney's 10-month suspension was lifted in January by a civil service commission hearing officer. Although Turney has said he wants to return to patrol, the final decision was up to Police Chief Gerry Whitman, who said last year he would be assigning Turney to an administrative post upon his return. Last April, Manager of Safety Al LaCabe suspended Turney for 10 months without pay. The suspension came almost a year after Turney shot and killed 15-year-old Paul Childs, who wielded a knife. "He shouldn't have a job, period," said Helen Childs, who was reached at her home Tuesday evening. "He should be in jail where he belongs." At the very least, she says, Turney should have been fired for killing her son in July 2003. She said she takes some comfort knowing he's assigned to a desk job. "I'm glad he's not on the streets because he would do it again," Childs said. In January, Civil Service Commission hearing officer John Criswell overturned Turney's 10-month penalty, saying Turney should not have been disciplined for the shooting The city has filed an appeal of the ruling with the Civil Service Commission.[more]
Reader Comments (4)
Hystory teachs nothing but conform and restraint, for ever death there is a death then alot of shottings would stop and the thought would be dang if i wrongly kill this man maybe my daughter or son maybe next so let me just arrest him and take him in..
Hystory is built on making some one bend over and be subdued by thoughts of the writer in question, lets not think of the past but focus on now and why they allow such bull to continue, well people are people and and eye for and eye should be just a sjustified as yea it was a wrongfull and regreetable death..
Alluh Ak-bar = GOD IS MERCIFUL
please excuse my spelling, I am just one of the people..
Thats what racism IS.
In my own limited experience if I noticed in my localized area nearly all black people are on welfare, and thought 'damn lazy black people, they should work harder.' is that very fair? No... because I've noticed a trend in a small area and generalized it to apply to ALL black people. I didn't look outside my bounds to see there are many black people who work and have jobs.
Don't insult us 'crackers' because you hear stories like this and assume we're all out to get you, you'll find many of us aren't bad.