Tucson Police Shoot Latino Man 70 Times with Pepper Gun

A man in Arizona was hospitalized after he was hit by about 70 rounds fired by a pepper ball gun when he resisted arrest, according to Local 6 News. A television news crew captured the incident on videotape, showing Gabriel Gandara, 29, covering his face as pellets hit his chest. Eventually he hit the ground, face down. Police had been summoned to the scene by people who said they heard shots. Officers stopped a car leaving the area with three men. Gandara got out, but he yelled at police and backed away, police Sgt. Kerry Fuller said. Officers thought they saw a weapon and fired the pepper balls, intended to immobilize suspects with the irritating powder. Officers said they spotted something in Gabriel Gandara's waistband, behind his back, they thought might be a weapon. It turned out to be his underwear label, said Tucson police Sgt. Kerry Fuller.Fuller would not say how many balls police fired. Gandara was taken to a hospital for a reaction to the powder. He's jailed on charges of assault, resisting arrest, criminal damage and marijuana possession. No weapons were found at the scene, Fuller said, and police were conducting a routine review to determine whether appropriate force was used. Gandara's brother, Carlos, also was arrested. [more] and [more]
Reader Comments (1)
I am sorry to say that is a Mexican Dog wonder across the border and someone abuses it or denies the poor animal water, they can be arrested, While Activist for No More Death were arrested for giving aid to a sick Mexican. This is further brought to light in the investigation by the Fed that Sheriff Arpio has racially profiled and failed to investigate over 100’s of claim of abuse by law enforcement on Mexican, because “They have no Civil Rights” says He
Arizona: Where Dogs are treated better than Humans
Summary of Abuse at PIMA County Jail by Sheriffs by Jack C Musick, 2020 Richey Blvd, #14,Tucson AZ 85716 email: theomatica888@aol.com
I was beat senseless in a PIMA County Jail Cell by two Sheriffs: Kidney punched, back ribs punched from behind, picked up and kicked in the chest, displace ribs, and then thrown to the floor and stripped naked. It was awhile before I could even talk… and coughing up blood, later I told them I did not remember anything except waking up here; and I was soon let out. (but, I do remember.)
I was finally released late at night, walked home “shell shocked” in pain, and was in bed for days. As my wallet was lost, taken? Bank account was emptied: no id, no money, no insurance cards to get treatment, and no busses to get home. Was I beaten because they thought I was a thirsty Mexican with a stolen ID? Regardless, no one deserves that, as they used kill type blows to the left chest and heart. I finally popped my rib back into place which gave me some relief, though I am still pending treatment when my Personal Doctor, Dr Kaplon, returns from vacation in mid September as I do not trust anyone else to treat me.
An overview of my Recent Arrest #3:
I would not expect one understand, but I was participating in a religious ceramonie which includes, Prayer of Repentance and crying, and ashes, and finalized with a water baptism of forgiveness. As I walked North of Ft Lowell on Dodge I was heading towards the Jewish Center as I did my” out load” prayers and weeping of repentance. It’s a shaman thing, I would not expect you to understand, but my religious right, not the less.
The ceremony was finalized with a quick baptism in one of the sprinklers running in the park. I only mention this as I have no idea why I was stopped on my way back from Brandy Fenton Park, maybe they don’t like wet people walking down the road or did someone complain about the weeping?
As I was now passively walking South on Dodge, to get back home, and I was detained by two Sheriffs was finally arrested.!? The worst I may be accused of is “passively” acting like weird Christian Indian: Is that a crime? At no time was I charged or read my rights, but cooperated fully. I told them I was tired and just wanted to go home and sleep. I hope someone can get the SUV Web Cam on this arrest to prove my point.
I was then taken to PIMA County Jail expecting I would be abused there, given my previous experiences and I am known for running a Tucson Police Abuse Site by a few Officers ~ Now erased off of MySpace. It was Pro Police, overall, but reported on abuses, regardless, of who was being abused be it the abuse of the Police or Local Citizens.
When I was in the fingerprinting line and told to wait on the red” X” I saw a nearby water fountain and thought this would be my chance to get a drink before being locked in a cell without water. (Which they have done to me before as well as others). I got about two gulps down before I was put on the floor, by two or three and at no time did I resist. I would be nice to get the video of this. Their own PIMA Jail cameras will show this if you can get them to give you the tape.
I was then taken to a cell and was left there for a while, offered food, but I was not interest, somewhat in shock still I did not talk to them, at all. After about a day? I asked for something to eat and told well if you cooperate, but we need to move you to this other cell. I was handcuffed and lead to the other cell.
When my hands were behind my back and held, and the cuffs removed, I was Punched in the back Left Kidney; punched in the back a couple of times; picked up and kicked in the front chest and then slammed to the floor and stripped naked.
I was dumb founded and beat senseless… it was awhile before I could even break my silence and talk.
I was then finger printed confirming who I was and all the Sheriff could say was “Thank You” for not reporting him. But what about the other guy, and if I had turned out to be a Mexican who stole jack ID would I be getting another beating instead?
The next room I was then taken to had no water, though they fed me a sandwitch, there was open sewage in the toilet and splashed around the room, and they were not in a hurry to give me water until I requested a” form to file a complaint.” ) Officer: “They are working on the water pipes outside.” They claim, but why is it every time I visit they are always working on the water pipes? And I end up in a cell with no water, but water is running in the cell you took me out of… now empty? But, hey it pays to be crazy and not ask too many questions to Nazi Styled gangsters in Uniform who may just beat you up again.
Obviously, mistaken for a typical “Thirsty” Mexican who stole jack c musick license as that has happened to me before, having my ids stolen.
While I would like to think this is jail beating is an exception, mistaken for the guy who dated his wife or something, but I have found human rights abuses are the standard practice for how they treat most vagrants, blacks and Mexicans in PIMA County Jail. I have some witnesses, when, and if needed. This type of treatment of Mexican and Racial Profiling was recently “proven” by the FBI on Sheriff Arpio, who represent the typical attitude among Arizona Lawman: The can’t seem to forget the Alamo.
I will be going to Court Friday to make a plea for this latest arrest. Regardless, something needs to be done about the humanitarian abuses in PIMA County Jail.
Arrested #2: In April 2009 for Trespassing and Marijuana : CR 09041991
I was arrested for Trespassing and was detained at PIMA County Jail where Dr. Achor confiscated my Antibiotics, Prescribed by a Doctor Specialist for my Stomach infection, and my medications for Anxiety Disorder and My Blood Pressure Medications and was locked away for two or three day with hypertension and they literally made me “stir crazy” Though, I was to be released in 5 days, The medical nurse did not bother to sign the release form, so I missed a need medical procedure, as well.
As I that is not bad enough I was released in the middle of the night, somewhat insane, and left to walk a back to my home in Catalina about 30 miles away. If they don’t kill you in the jail, the gangsters can finish you off on the way home.
I will be going to Court Friday to make a plea. Regardless, something needs to be done about the humanitarian abuses.
Mexican or Not I hereby swear that that what I have stated is true, so help me God
Jack C Musick, Aug 29, 2013
Degreed Minister: ThG Theology 1980, BA Theology 1988, Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College.
Former”: “Multi-Disciplined” Engineer for Raytheon, Department of Defense DOD Secret Clearance till 2006; “Quality” Teacher for PIMA College Quality 101 and 102, (2001)
The is not the America I gave 23 year of my life for by making the latest high tech weapons for our soldiers.
Appendix: Misc. Notes:
Arrest #1: Other PIMA Sheriff abuses, but few records > In Feb 2008 I ended up arrested for not showing up in court for traffic violations and then arrested “in Jail” for touching an officer on the neck to get his attention.
I was put in the medical and given “mind altering” drugs in the PIMA County Jail Medical Clinic.
I later appeared in court on the Assault charge and was vindicated. I requested the internal Jail video from the jail incident, but was denied by the prosecution Lawyer saying no such request had been made. She lied. Though it was clear in comparing PIMA Jail’s own internal paperwork that Officer Garcia who was brought to testify against me was lying about me striking a fellow officer: Their jail records of the event as documented by another officer proved he was lying. Their own internal paperwork even. So far I have heard the sworn testimonies of four sworn officers and have yet to meet one that does not bear false witness. Somewhat forgetful? Lying? What is wrong with Arizona Laws Officers and Procedures?
The real issue is not about any individuals, but about a Dark Ages Styled System that allows abuses. I personally think the Red Cross should go in there to investigate War Crimes against Mexicans and vagrants and there needs to be a Humanitarian third party look at some of the internal video
I will be going to Court Friday to make a plea for this latest resisting arrest charge?. Regardless, something needs to be done about the humanitarian abuses in PIMA County Jail in case I am arrested again and don’t return.
See for yourself: I suspect if you just go to the PIMA County Jail at night and speak to those being released at the back door; To walk home in the dark, you will get an earful as well as see for yourself how they put citizens at risk to walk home from 32nd Street on the South West side and they don’t even care how old you may be or if you are handicapped. For Real! On one occasion the Paramedics were trying to get in… but the jail just left them out there knocking on the doors?: Stall them, he not dead yet? What is going on in there. Another prisoner was put in a cell with gangster to beat him up, and when he defended himself, was charged with assault. That is what some of what if going on in PIMA County Jail. As they have recently proven that the Mexican Mafia has been secretly running my California Prisons, it should not surprise us that the Nazis in Arizona have manage the same, right under the nose of Judges even.
Arrest #1: PIMA County erased my first arrest in Feb 2008, because they did not bring me before a Court within 24 hours as required by Arizona State Law. I was also accused of Assaulting an Officer, when all I did was “touch” him on the neck to get his attention. Seven of them slammed me to the floor and I was strapped down, which made me quite crazy. I confess due to “Anxiety Disorder” and “Shell Shock.”
I spent about 6 days in jail, no toilet paper, no shower, and given drugs without permission for treatment, blood samples taken and then lab results disappeared says the Doctor. The medical contractor was later fired, I understand because of me.) So PIMA Sheriffs just reprocessed me to make it look like I had just been arrest to the judge for charges, though I had been there the whole time.
After my release late at night, no money, no buses running and no one to call? I don’t even have telephone numbers? I was found wondering around the next morning and taken to Northwest Hospital trying to walk back to Catalina… mile away. Yes I was somewhat in a Psychosis, as I was coming down from their Thorazine and some other stuff they gave me at PIMA County Jail? Should I at least get an insanity plea? No?
I confess my timing does relate to having to go to court to face the resent charges, and if I am arrested, well, at least there will be a record somewhere.
The FBI in Phoenix was informed of the Humanitarian Abuses on my April Arrest, but they don’t care.
Though I have anonymously provided information on illegal drug activity as Concerned Citizen888.
If the Crackhead and Methhead s who hate me, drive by for a shootout, and they have. The last thing I will do is call 911 as calling a Hippie would be safer. For everyone involved.
As soon as I get his case behind me, I am leaving Tucson forever, and having all my friends and family do the same and plan to warn all my Humanitarian Friends and ministers across the country, do not go there. For it is like Sodom and Gomorrah I expect fire and brimstone soon. I’m just venting sorry.
See YouTube Video