Black Man Killed in Custody by Jacksonville Sheriffs

The daughters of a man who died of a broken neck during a struggle with police have asked for $7.5 million to settle a lawsuit against the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. Attorney Willie Gary notified the city by mail that he is representing the four daughters of Sammie Evans, 49, who died when former Officer Kaleb Underwood took him to the ground during a public drinking arrest Dec. 3. "This egregious action taken by Officer Underwood against a handcuffed gentleman resulted in the breaking of Mr. Evans' neck," Gary wrote in an intent-to-sue letter received by city officials Monday. City attorneys said Evans' death was still being reviewed and declined comment on the potential lawsuit. But the claim wasn't unexpected, said Rick Mullaney, the city's general counsel. The case is the second this month in which the city is facing a lawsuit for actions allegedly taken by Underwood, a rookie patrolman who resigned a day after Evans' death. On Jan. 4, the parents of a Jacksonville teenager filed an excessive force claim for $600,000. They claimed their son was handcuffed then kicked and punched in the face by Underwood after running from police Oct. 1. Police investigators had recommended a finding that Underwood, 27, used excessive force in that incident. But Underwood's brother said his family is confident his name will be cleared. At the request of Sheriff John Rutherford, the FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office are investigating Evans' death and that of Ezra Jones, 29, at the jail two days later. The sheriff's office serves as the police department for the Jacksonville area. A month after Evans' death, a Duval County judge held the city's public drinking law unconstitutional. [more]
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