Minneapolis Police Smashed Windshield with Black Woman's Face, witnesses say

"They just pushed her head right through the back windshield!" a woman said as she shook her head rapidly back and forth, her voice rising. She waved her hands in the air and pointed at the police car parked in the middle of Bloomington Ave. Blood was smeared across the police car, its window shattered. Parallel to, and facing the opposite direction, was a second police car. Behind it sat an idling ambulance. According to reports, the woman had been involved in an altercation with a man several blocks from the scene. In the ensuing fracas a car crashed into a backyard damaging a fence and a picnic table. From there the woman ran down the street yelling for help. When she reached the corner of 31st and Bloomington, she spotted a squad car heading in the direction of the crash. When she reached the car, police claimed the woman tried to jump in the window and reach for the officer's gun. "The cops are saying she tried to grab his gun. How are you going to reach across and grab the gun?" said DeJuan Reid.[more

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