Greg Palast on Trump's Election Theft & Why Clinton Didn't Push for Michigan Recount - Part 1 of 2

Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy
Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism
Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?
Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality
The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)
What is the First Step in Counter Racism?
Genocide: a system of white survival
'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'
Fear of annihilation drives white racism
Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian
Where are all the Black Jurors?
The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism
Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom
White Domination, Black Criminality
Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%
Race is Not Real but Racism is
Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers."
A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural
Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King
Black Power in a White Supremacy System
The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man
Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?
Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did
BILL O'REILLY: Abolishing the Electoral College, that is the subject of tonight's Talking Points Memo. After Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, the left in America is demanding that the Electoral College system put into place in 1787 be scrapped. But there's a hidden reason for this.
As we reported, even though Secretary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million, the progressive state of California provided all of that margin. Clinton defeating Trump there by about 4.3 million votes. So if the Electoral College were abolished, presidential candidates could simply campaign in the nation's largest states and cities,New York, L.A., Chicago, Houston, and rack up enough votes to pretty much win any election. That's what the left wants. That's what they want. Because in the large urban areas and blue states like New York and California, minorities are substantial. Look at the landscape. Philadelphia, Dallas-Fort Worth, Miami. In all of these places the minority vote usually goes heavily to the Democrats. And to that New York City, L.A., Chicago, San Francisco, don't really have a national election anymore, do you? You have targeted populations. Newspapers like the New York Times and the L.A. Times have editorialized to get rid of the Electoral Cllege. They well know that neutralizing the largely white rural areas in the Midwest and South will assure liberal politicians get power and keep it.
Talking Points believes this is all about race. The left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with. Therefore white working class voters must be marginalized and what better way to do that than center the voting power in the cities. Very few commentators will tell you that the heart of liberalism in America today is based on race. It permeates almost every issue. That white men have set up a system of oppression. That system must be destroyed. Bernie Sanders pedaled that to some extent Hillary Clinton did. And the liberal media tries to sell that all day long. So-called white privilege bad. Diversity good.
If you look at the voting patterns, it's clear that the Democrats are heavily reliant on the minority vote. Also on the woman vote. White men have largely abandoned the Democrats and the left believes it's because of racism that they want to punish minorities, keep them down. So that's what's really going on when you hear about the Electoral College and how unfair it allegedly is.Summing up, the left wants power taken away from the white establishment. They want a profound change in the way America is run. Taking voting power away from the white precincts is the quickest way to do that.
Reality star Omarosa Manigault has officially joined President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team executive committee, Politico reports.
The 42-year-old TV personality—who admitted to being a former, lifelong Democrat—dropped her ties to the Democrat Party and began helping Trump court black votes on the campaign trial in July, as his director of African American Outreach. Now, she’ll join the real estate mogul in the White House. Defending her oppression as freedom, she will serve her masters well.
Last month, she made headlines when she claimed that the Trump campaign was keeping a list of enemies. “Let me just tell you, Mr. Trump has a long memory, and we’re keeping a list,” she said. In addition, in September she told Frontline, “Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.” Fuck Trump.
Omarosa is a SNigger. According to Dr. Blynd,
SNigger ---a sold-out snitching-smiling Sambo-Negro. 2) a South-Bender offender. SNiggers smile for nothing except an empty mind while selling-out their own kind. They typically have an intellectual base yet are devoid of intelligence, thus promoting the on-going smiling face. They also often giggle and have a frivolous conception of society and scant knowledge of the vestiges of the trans-Atlantic slave trade that even brought their sorry-ass selves to shore. SNiggers are traitors and pawns of the downpressors. [MORE] and CNN
Today, President Obama granted clemency to 231 deserving individuals — the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history. With today’s 153 commutations, the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals, including 395 life sentences. The President also granted pardons to 78 individuals, bringing his total number of pardons to 148. Today’s acts of clemency — and the mercy the President has shown his 1,324 clemency recipients — exemplify his belief that America is a nation of second chances.
The 231 individuals granted clemency today have all demonstrated that they are ready to make use — or have already made use — of a second chance. While each clemency recipient’s story is unique, the common thread of rehabilitation underlies all of them. For the pardon recipient, it is the story of an individual who has led a productive and law-abiding post-conviction life, including by contributing to the community in a meaningful way. For the commutation recipient, it is the story of an individual who has made the most of his or her time in prison, by participating in educational courses, vocational training, and drug treatment. These are the stories that demonstrate the successes that can be achieved — by both individuals and society — in a nation of second chances.
Today’s grants signify the President’s continued commitment to exercising his clemency authority through the remainder of his time in office. In 2016 alone, the President has granted clemency to more than 1,000 deserving individuals. The President continues to review clemency applications on an individualized basis to determine whether a particular applicant has demonstrated a readiness to make use of his or her second chance, and I expect that the President will issue more grants of both commutations and pardons before he leaves office. The mercy that the President has shown his 1,324 clemency recipients is remarkable, but we must remember that clemency is a tool of last resort and that only Congress can achieve the broader reforms needed to ensure over the long run that our criminal justice system operates more fairly and effectively in the service of public safety.
In an interview with The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple Blog, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly -- who is reportedly competing for a new contract among networks -- downplayed her role in pushing the pseudo-scandal that the Department of Justice was covering up voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party and admitted she could not name any African-American people on her staff.
In 2010, Kelly devoted more than 3.5 hours of her then-show America Live to hyping a contrived scandal about the Justice Department. The claim was that the department engaged in racially charged “corruption” in its handling of voter-intimidation claims about two members of the New Black Panther Party who appeared in a video standing outside a Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election, one of them holding a nightstick; the other was a registered Democratic poll watcher. No one came forward to say he or she was intimidated by the two men. The story resurfaced during the 2016 election when supporters of Donald Trump used it to defend his false “rigged election” claim.
Kelly was sharply criticized for her sensationalistic coverage of the supposed scandal, with Dave Weigel -- then of The Atlantic -- calling Kelly’s coverage a “minstrel show.” Kelly’s focus on the Black Panthers constitutes just one part of her consistently insensitive and out-of-touch coverage on race issues.
During the interview, Wemple asked Kelly if it was a “fair reading” to use the Black Panthers incident to justify “Trump’s claims of the possibility of a rigged election.” Wemple, linking to Media Matters’ research in the transcript, also asked Kelly if her “pushing” of the incident “is where people draw their memory from,” to which Kelly responded, “next question.” Kelly also conceded that her show The Kelly File may not employee any African-Americans “at the moment.” Kelly’s deflection on her record comes as she is reportedly competing for contracts between networks. From the December 19 article:
[ERIK WEMPLE BLOG]: I was interested to see the photographs in your book. And you have a photograph of your staff and it sprung a question for me: You do all kinds of aggressive coverage, including on race. That staffing picture looked pretty much white, although there could be a couple of minorities in there. Do you think that for as aggressive as you are on racial issues, that you could use more diversity on the staff?
[MEGYN] KELLY: Well, I don’t know about the first part of your question. That’s not the reason. The reason to have more racial diversity on any team is because it’s helpful to have different perspectives on any issue. And I also believe that. It’s easier said than done, unfortunately. At Fox we started — this is one of Roger’s good legacies, the Ailes Apprentice Program, and that’s been pretty good about getting more people of color into the TV news ranks. But we don’t have enough, that’s just a fact. We don’t. And we can do better at that, just like most of the news networks can.
EWB: Do you have anyone who’s African American on the staff at this point?
KELLY: Not at the moment. Don’t hold me to that, Erik, because I’m probably forgetting somebody. Definitely we have some crew who work with me who are African American but . . . to be perfectly honest with you, I have never asked. We . . . have a couple of mixed-race people . . . I don’t know if they identify as mixed race or African American, so I don’t want to guess.
EWB: Obviously you know a lot about the whole New Black Panther issue, Philadelphia; you were famous for that. I didn’t see much mention in the book, but now, eight years later, a couple CNN pro-Trump commentators cited that incident sort of in the context of Trump talking about a rigged election. Do you think that’s a fair reading of the New Black Panther issue, sort of as grist for justifying Trump’s claims of the possibility of a rigged election?
KELLY: What do you mean, that guys like those New Black Panthers [inaudible] at the polls?
EWB: I believe Kayleigh McEnany said something to the effect that Trump “doesn’t want a scenario where there’s New Black Panthers outside with guns, essentially like intimidating people from coming into the polls.”
KELLY: That was not a widespread incident as far as we knew. That was a couple of rabble-rousers who showed up causing a bunch of nonsense at one Philadelphia polling station. I wouldn’t say you could extrapolate that to a general concern, especially because I don’t believe we saw it again in 2012. I believe it was these two guys trying to make a point in 2008; their point was made and I assume they understood the ramifications of it after the Department of Justice got involved.
EWB: Do you think that your pushing that incident is where people draw their memory from?
KELLY: Come on, Erik, next question.
EWB: No? I just wondered. I mean, you did scores of segments on it.
KELLY: You should take those scores of segments numbers with a huge grain of salt because that was some tabulation done by Media Matters that included teases. Teases!
This is the first of a three-part series called “The Hanging,” which focuses on the details surrounding the death of Lennon Lacy in Bladenboro, North Carolina. The 17-year-old was found hanging from a swing set in 2014, and while law enforcement and federal investigators ruled it a suicide, his family and the North Carolina NAACP remain unconvinced. They suspect it was murder. You can watch the second and third episodes here and here.
“The Hanging” is the result of a reporting project from Independent Lens on PBS, North Carolina’s UNC-TV, Orlando de Guzman, and WUNC reporter Leoneda Inge. This investigation was inspired by Always in Season, an upcoming documentary about the history of lynching in America, which includes an examination of the Lacy case.
Census Bureau statistics released today are culled from the annual American Community Survey, which provides in-depth state and regional information based on monthly interviews with individuals.
The survey looks at statistics from all 3,142 counties in the U.S. The numbers released today cover the period from 2011 to 2015.
The American Community Survey helps local officials, community leaders and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. It is the premier source for detailed information about the American people and workforce.
The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly basis about our nation and its people. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year.
Through the ACS, we know more about jobs and occupations, educational attainment, veterans, whether people own or rent their home, and other topics. Public officials, planners, and entrepreneurs use this information to assess the past and plan the future. When you respond to the ACS, you are doing your part to help your community plan hospitals and schools, support school lunch programs, improve emergency services, build bridges, and inform businesses looking to add jobs and expand to new markets, and more.
By Population
Total Metro Population |
Black or African American |
New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CSA |
23,723,696 |
3,813,973 |
Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA CSA |
9,625,744 |
2,416,074 |
Atlanta–Athens-Clarke County–Sandy Springs, GA CSA |
6,362,668 |
2,020,222 |
Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI CSA |
9,923,466 |
1,636,919 |
Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD CSA |
7,183,479 |
1,396,166 |
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Port St. Lucie, FL CSA |
6,654,313 |
1,377,806 |
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA CSA |
18,679,763 |
1,231,312 |
Houston-The Woodlands, TX CSA |
6,857,660 |
1,176,398 |
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX-OK CSA |
7,503,731 |
1,124,617 |
Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor, MI CSA |
5,319,913 |
1,096,353 |
Memphis-Forrest City, TN-MS-AR CSA |
1,370,161 |
641,036 |
Charlotte-Concord, NC-SC CSA |
2,583,956 |
571,923 |
Virginia Beach-Norfolk, VA-NC CSA |
1,827,009 |
549,774 |
Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OH CSA |
3,493,596 |
536,873 |
Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT CSA |
8,152,573 |
531,732 |
San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA CSA |
8,713,914 |
522,023 |
St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL CSA |
2,917,172 |
516,710 |
New Orleans-Metairie-Hammond, LA-MS CSA |
1,493,205 |
499,625 |
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC CSA |
2,117,103 |
488,725 |
Orlando-Deltona-Daytona Beach, FL CSA |
3,129,308 |
458,892 |
Richmond, VA Metro Area |
1,246,215 |
373,687 |
Birmingham-Hoover-Talladega, AL CSA |
1,319,422 |
364,208 |
Greensboro–Winston-Salem–High Point, NC CSA |
1,642,506 |
349,665 |
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area |
2,888,458 |
346,574 |
Columbia-Orangeburg-Newberry, SC CSA |
937,794 |
338,375 |
Jacksonville-St. Marys-Palatka, FL-GA CSA |
1,573,606 |
335,762 |
Jackson-Vicksburg-Brookhaven, MS CSA |
670,319 |
326,650 |
Columbus-Marion-Zanesville, OH CSA |
2,424,831 |
316,623 |
Indianapolis-Carmel-Muncie, IN CSA |
2,371,865 |
306,969 |
San Juan-Carolina, PR CSA |
2,495,780 |
296,411 |
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI CSA |
3,866,768 |
291,493 |
Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI CSA |
2,046,692 |
286,014 |
Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro, TN CSA |
1,951,597 |
283,660 |
Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO-KS CSA |
2,427,532 |
278,247 |
Cincinnati-Wilmington-Maysville, OH-KY-IN CSA |
2,217,828 |
263,083 |
Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, SC CSA |
1,426,066 |
261,696 |
Las Vegas-Henderson, NV-AZ CSA |
2,362,015 |
235,481 |
Seattle-Tacoma, WA CSA |
4,602,591 |
232,852 |
Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ Metro Area |
4,407,915 |
227,743 |
Little Rock-North Little Rock, AR CSA |
903,900 |
220,611 |
Pittsburgh-New Castle-Weirton, PA-OH-WV CSA |
2,649,496 |
198,858 |
Louisville/Jefferson County–Elizabethtown–Madison, KY-IN CSA |
1,504,754 |
195,973 |
Fayetteville-Lumberton-Laurinburg, NC CSA |
546,215 |
181,386 |
Savannah-Hinesville-Statesboro, GA CSA |
530,661 |
177,149 |
Columbus-Auburn-Opelika, GA-AL CSA |
504,052 |
176,115 |
Lafayette-Opelousas-Morgan City, LA CSA |
627,146 |
170,718 |
Mobile-Daphne-Fairhope, AL CSA |
619,104 |
168,205 |
Montgomery, AL Metro |
375,435 |
166,413 |
Sacramento-Roseville, CA CSA |
2,544,026 |
166,145 |
San Diego-Carlsbad, CA Metro Area |
3,223,096 |
163,276 |
Denver-Aurora, CO CSA |
3,418,876 |
161,462 |
Macon-Warner Robins, GA CSA |
419,401 |
161,147 |
Hartford-West Hartford, CT CSA |
1,483,187 |
152,393 |
San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX Metro Area |
2,286,702 |
151,999 |
Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY CSA |
1,213,152 |
142,612 |
Rocky Mount-Wilson-Roanoke Rapids, NC CSA |
302,665 |
141,022 |
Tallahassee-Bainbridge, FL-GA CSA |
405,612 |
138,885 |
Oklahoma City-Shawnee, OK CSA |
1,430,327 |
138,779 |
Austin-Round Rock, TX Metro Area |
1,889,094 |
138,633 |
Dayton-Springfield-Sidney, OH CSA |
1,076,832 |
134,184 |
Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls, NY CSA |
1,175,724 |
131,124 |
Huntsville-Decatur-Albertville, AL CSA |
692,157 |
119,395 |
Monroe-Ruston-Bastrop, LA CSA |
253,407 |
97,592 |
Grand Rapids-Wyoming-Muskegon, MI CSA |
1,433,288 |
95,762 |
Harrisburg-York-Lebanon, PA CSA |
1,247,235 |
89,334 |
Tulsa-Muskogee-Bartlesville, OK CSA |
1,150,961 |
89,219 |
Chattanooga-Cleveland-Dalton, TN-GA-AL CSA |
949,394 |
86,971 |
Cape Coral-Fort Myers-Naples, FL CSA |
1,059,287 |
86,482 |
Toledo-Port Clinton, OH CSA |
646,833 |
85,600 |
Greenville-Washington, NC CSA |
223,493 |
75,304 |
Portland-Vancouver-Salem, OR-WA CSA |
3,111,922 |
73,876 |
Myrtle Beach-Conway, SC-NC CSA |
493,262 |
73,728 |
Albany-Schenectady, NY CSA |
1,173,891 |
73,532 |
Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA CSA |
952,263 |
71,834 |
South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI CSA |
725,065 |
70,792 |
North Port-Sarasota, FL CSA |
977,491 |
68,181 |
Lexington-Fayette–Richmond–Frankfort, KY CSA |
719,949 |
65,661 |
Gainesville-Lake City, FL CSA |
345,229 |
65,239 |
Youngstown-Warren, OH-PA CSA |
654,691 |
62,989 |
Syracuse-Auburn, NY CSA |
738,746 |
58,319 |
Knoxville-Morristown-Sevierville, TN CSA |
1,109,429 |
55,515 |
Dothan-Enterprise-Ozark, AL CSA |
248,947 |
54,907 |
Longview-Marshall, TX CSA |
284,527 |
54,714 |
Wichita-Arkansas City-Winfield, KS CSA |
680,290 |
53,990 |
Fresno-Madera, CA CSA |
1,129,859 |
51,643 |
Kalamazoo-Battle Creek-Portage, MI CSA |
530,672 |
46,814 |
Springfield-Greenfield Town, MA CSA |
702,583 |
46,504 |
Tyler-Jacksonville, TX CSA |
274,478 |
45,970 |
Rockford-Freeport-Rochelle, IL CSA |
438,071 |
42,850 |
Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn, IN CSA |
626,124 |
42,127 |
Lansing-East Lansing-Owosso, MI CSA |
540,895 |
39,841 |
Saginaw-Midland-Bay City, MI CSA |
382,598 |
37,452 |
Tucson-Nogales, AZ CSA |
1,056,486 |
36,801 |
Peoria-Canton, IL CSA |
412,686 |
36,764 |
El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM CSA |
1,052,314 |
35,319 |
Madison-Janesville-Beloit, WI CSA |
866,475 |
34,589 |
Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA CSA |
782,390 |
32,970 |
New Bern-Morehead City, NC CSA |
193,945 |
32,244 |
Salt Lake City-Provo-Orem, UT CSA |
2,468,347 |
31,150 |
Ponce-Coamo-Santa Isabel, PR CSA |
399,540 |
30,660 |
Davenport-Moline, IA-IL CSA |
475,363 |
29,511 |
Albuquerque-Santa Fe-Las Vegas, NM CSA |
1,168,795 |
28,845 |
Springfield-Jacksonville-Lincoln, IL CSA |
314,958 |
28,555 |
Charleston-Huntington-Ashland, WV-OH-KY CSA |
692,348 |
26,952 |
Hickory-Lenoir, NC CSA |
407,499 |
24,856 |
Modesto-Merced, CA CSA |
806,843 |
23,644 |
Asheville-Brevard, NC CSA |
480,051 |
23,318 |
Erie-Meadville, PA CSA |
364,529 |
22,078 |
Lubbock-Levelland, TX CSA |
335,866 |
20,528 |
Columbia-Moberly-Mexico, MO CSA |
226,174 |
19,302 |
Cedar Rapids-Iowa City, IA CSA |
432,538 |
19,128 |
Rome-Summerville, GA CSA |
122,370 |
17,659 |
Corpus Christi-Kingsville-Alice, TX CSA |
522,751 |
17,320 |
Bloomington-Pontiac, IL CSA |
225,396 |
16,044 |
Visalia-Porterville-Hanford, CA CSA |
610,828 |
15,911 |
Jonesboro-Paragould, AR CSA |
172,590 |
15,792 |
Midland-Odessa, TX CSA |
324,863 |
15,577 |
Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH CSA |
219,831 |
14,631 |
Amarillo-Borger, TX CSA |
283,924 |
14,015 |
Bowling Green-Glasgow, KY CSA |
219,168 |
13,862 |
Cape Girardeau-Sikeston, MO-IL CSA |
135,550 |
13,436 |
Harrisonburg-Staunton-Waynesboro, VA CSA |
251,352 |
13,048 |
DeRidder-Fort Polk South, LA CSA |
87,265 |
12,763 |
Lincoln-Beatrice, NE CSA |
345,457 |
12,740 |
Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA CSA |
506,193 |
12,614 |
Paducah-Mayfield, KY-IL CSA |
136,018 |
12,221 |
Springfield-Branson, MO CSA |
540,609 |
12,156 |
Hot Springs-Malvern, AR CSA |
130,603 |
11,943 |
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, NV CSA |
605,954 |
11,309 |
Manhattan-Junction City, KS CSA |
135,575 |
10,595 |
Portland-Lewiston-South Portland, ME CSA |
633,528 |
10,296 |
Lafayette-West Lafayette-Frankfort, IN CSA |
247,606 |
9,500 |
Rochester-Austin, MN CSA |
252,989 |
9,150 |
State College-DuBois, PA CSA |
241,574 |
8,919 |
Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN CSA |
256,616 |
8,819 |
Mansfield-Ashland-Bucyrus, OH CSA |
217,226 |
8,498 |
Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA CSA |
263,873 |
8,482 |
Elmira-Corning, NY CSA |
184,702 |
8,362 |
Spokane-Spokane Valley-Coeur d’Alene, WA-ID CSA |
697,153 |
8,248 |
Victoria-Port Lavaca, TX CSA |
120,935 |
7,705 |
Morgantown-Fairmont, WV CSA |
195,101 |
7,232 |
Kokomo-Peru, IN CSA |
118,418 |
7,170 |
Martin-Union City, TN-KY CSA |
70,211 |
7,170 |
Boise City-Mountain Home-Ontario, ID-OR CSA |
756,244 |
7,146 |
Appleton-Oshkosh-Neenah, WI CSA |
402,553 |
6,598 |
Williamsport-Lock Haven, PA CSA |
155,489 |
6,443 |
Johnstown-Somerset, PA CSA |
211,933 |
6,368 |
Pueblo-Cañon City, CO CSA |
210,283 |
5,959 |
Green Bay-Shawano, WI CSA |
362,457 |
5,767 |
McAllen-Edinburg, TX CSA |
906,099 |
5,761 |
Mayagüez-San Germán, PR CSA |
227,075 |
5,646 |
Mount Pleasant-Alma, MI CSA |
112,238 |
4,507 |
Bloomington-Bedford, IN CSA |
211,072 |
4,403 |
Quincy-Hannibal, IL-MO CSA |
116,319 |
3,985 |
Clovis-Portales, NM CSA |
69,518 |
3,952 |
Sioux City-Vermillion, IA-SD-NE CSA |
178,572 |
3,937 |
Dixon-Sterling, IL CSA |
91,663 |
3,617 |
Ithaca-Cortland, NY CSA |
153,420 |
3,484 |
Mankato-New Ulm-North Mankato, MN CSA |
124,447 |
3,380 |
Findlay-Tiffin, OH CSA |
131,183 |
3,269 |
Richmond-Connersville, IN CSA |
91,100 |
3,211 |
Redding-Red Bluff, CA CSA |
242,841 |
2,940 |
Joplin-Miami, MO-OK CSA |
209,192 |
2,146 |
Wausau-Stevens Point-Wisconsin Rapids, WI CSA |
307,691 |
2,078 |
Eau Claire-Menomonie, WI CSA |
210,133 |
1,886 |
Medford-Grants Pass, OR CSA |
297,312 |
1,884 |
Brownsville-Harlingen-Raymondville, TX CSA |
444,308 |
1,862 |
Parkersburg-Marietta-Vienna, WV-OH CSA |
153,888 |
1,836 |
Pullman-Moscow, WA-ID CSA |
86,955 |
1,328 |
Rapid City-Spearfish, SD CSA |
170,176 |
1,211 |
Bend-Redmond-Prineville, OR CSA |
198,233 |
1,128 |
Edwards-Glenwood Springs, CO CSA |
131,661 |
723 |
Moses Lake-Othello, WA CSA |
112,514 |
539 |
Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID CSA |
219 [MORE] |
Sixty-six percent of states that elect prosecutors have no blacks in those offices, a new study has found, highlighting the lack of diversity in the ranks of those entrusted to bring criminal charges and negotiate prison sentences.
About 95 percent of the 2,437 elected state and local prosecutors across the country in 2014 were white, and 79 percent were white men, according to the study, which was to be released on Tuesday by the San-Francisco-based Women Donors Network. By comparison, white men make up 31 percent of the population of the United States.
The numbers are being released as debate continues about racial imbalances in the criminal justice system in the wake of police-related deaths in Ferguson, Mo.; Staten Island; and Baltimore.
While the racial makeup of police forces across the country has been carefully documented, the diversity of prosecutors, who many law enforcement experts say exercise more influence over the legal system, has received little scrutiny. Prosecutors decide in most criminal cases whether to bring charges. And, because so many criminal cases end in plea bargains, they have a direct hand in deciding how long defendants spend behind bars.
“What this shows us is that, in the context of a growing crisis that we all recognize in criminal justice in this country, we have a system where incredible power and discretion is concentrated in the hands of one demographic group,” said Brenda Choresi Carter of the Women Donors Network, who led the study.
The data was compiled and analyzed by the Center for Technology and Civic Life, a nonpartisan group that specializes in aggregating civic data sets. The Women Donors Network, which undertook the project, is composed of about 200 female philanthropists who promote a variety of causes, including diversification of elected officials by race, class and sex.
Researchers looked at all elected city, county and judicial district prosecutors, as well as state attorneys general, in office across the country during the summer of 2014. Kentucky had the most elected prosecutors, 161, and four states — Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire and New Jersey — had none that were counted by the study.
Although the study found that 14 states had exclusively white elected prosecutors — Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming — there are only 13 because Connecticut’s attorney general exercises only civil jurisdiction and is not a prosecutor. In Kentucky and Missouri, which also has more than 100 elected prosecutors, all but one was white, according to the analysis.
The study also found that 16 percent of elected prosecutors were white women, 4 percent were minority men and 1 percent were minority women.
“I think most people know that we’ve had a significant problem with lack of diversity in decision-making roles in the criminal justice system for a long time,” said Bryan A. Stevenson, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, a group that offers legal representation for poor defendants and prisoners. “I think what these numbers dramatize is that the reality is much worse than most people imagine and that we are making almost no progress.”
Mr. Stevenson said that while African-Americans had increased in number in mayoral positions and police forces in recent decades, the numbers suggested that the prosecutorial field had not kept pace.
Melba V. Pearson, a Miami lawyer and the president of the National Black Prosecutors Association, said a “long stain” caused by the imbalance was responsible for mistrust in the system by African-Americans and other minorities.
“They have to see someone that looks like them,” she said. “When you walk into a courtroom and no one looks like you, do you think you are going to get a fair shake?”
Ms. Pearson said she tried to show African-American lawyers that they needed to be represented in all roles in the criminal justice system, including as prosecutors, a role traditionally stigmatized in the black community, to ensure fair outcomes.
Mr. Stevenson questions whether it is possible to diversify the ranks of prosecutors, given that most of them are elected and incumbents often serve long tenures. With 85 percent of incumbent prosecutors re-elected without opposition, according to a study, sitting prosecutors will either need to start making diversity a priority in vetting their successors or the system will need to be significantly altered to give state bar associations and other legal entities more of a say, he said.
The new study did not look at federal prosecutors, who are appointed, or other state or local appointees. The Women Donors Network planned to make a database of all elected prosecutors available on its website later on Tuesday. [MORE]
A new report co-authored by the Association of State Correctional Administrators and The Arthur Liman Program at Yale Law School reveals significant overrepresentation of black women in solitary confinement across the United States. Among 40 jurisdictions providing data (38 states, the federal system, and the Virgin Islands), black women constituted 24% of the total female incarcerated population but comprised 41% of the female restricted housing population. The report documents smaller but substantial racial disparities in male isolation and estimates the disparities in each jurisdiction. Its authors define restricted housing as “the separation of prisoners from general population and in detention for 22 hours per day or more, for 15 or more continuous days, in single-cells or in double-cells.”
This week, the Michigan House approved a bill— the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act—to compensate people who’ve been exonerated of wrongful convictions. Over the past 25 years, 66 people in Michigan have been exonerated of crimes they did not commit. With no compensation law in place, these individuals had to forge ahead with their new lives without the financial means to do so. This legislation would offer Michigan exonerees much needed support, providing them with $50,000 per year of wrongful incarceration.
Last year, a local news station featured a story on Donya Davis, who was exonerated in 2014 in Michigan of a 2007 armed rape and robbery. Davis was asking state lawmakers to strongly consider passing a compensation law. Surviving life post-exoneration with no financial footing was nearly impossibly, he stressed.
At the time of the story, Davis was in dire straits financially. “I couldn’t even feed my children. I’m barely feeding myself. I couldn’t get a job based on their [the state’s] mistake,” Davis told FOX 17 West Michigan.
State Senator Steve Beida (D-Warren), sponsor of the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act, has been working for more than a decade to get this legislation passed. The next step and last step to making this bill law is getting Governor Rick Synder’s signature, which advocates are hopeful will happen.
“They’re not going to get rich off this,” said State Senator Steve Beida to WEMU, “but it will give them the chance to do something that’s meaningful and allow them to move forward. We can’t bring them their time back. We can’t bring back the time they’ve lost with their families, the ability to establish a career, everyday things we take for granted, we can at least when we release these people onto the street, we can give them the ability to have a decent life.” [MORE]
The alt-right, a loose rightist coalition of opportunistic clickbait YouTube pundits and organized white nationalists, has been busy glorifying US President-Elect Donald Trump as a “God Emperor,” hailing the incumbent president as a potential “hero” and “saviour” of the declining white population in the United States.
Conveniently ignored and brushed aside by Trump’s sycophants in the alt-right is the troubling fact that many of the billionaire’s closest advisors and supporters are well-known DC establishment criminals who, during the Bush years, facilitated the traitorous cover-up of 9/11 and helped launch the murderous War on Terror, a completely fraudulent scheme to initiate a series of wars planned by Zionist imperialists in Israel decades earlier.
One of Trump’s loudest proponents on the 2016 campaign trail was none other than former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a key player in the 9/11 conspiracy and cover up.
Corbett’s report plays an amateur video showing an endless stream of dump trucks moving into Lower Manhattan to cart away thousands of tons of building debris from the collapsed World Trade Centre, including all of the steel beams which, if tested by experts, could have demonstrated conclusively that explosive charges were used to bring down the buildings.
That key evidence was not only not retained for analysis, but was instead quickly sold and shipped off to Chinese smelters for a profit and destroyed forever. Giuliani himself personally oversaw this process of rapidly removing and extinguishing the evidence which could have indicted the real perpetrators of the attacks and which would have severally undermined the neocons’ pre-planned war agenda.
Corbett also makes the case that Giuliani had foreknowledge that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were going to collapse before anyone could have predicted such a momentous event. In an interview Giuliani gave to the media on 9/11, he admits to receiving a warning by unnamed individuals that the buildings would collapse, a caution that no one else was privy to and which Giuliani failed to pass on to the first responders, many of whom died trying to rescue people trapped in the towers.
Also suspicious, in the late 1990s Giuliani as mayor commissioned the construction of a state-of-the-art command bunker in WTC Building 7, known as the Office of Emergency Management (OEM), containing blast and bullet proof walls, living quarters to accommodate 30 people and back up generators. Yet, amazingly, on 9/11 Giuliani and his team were nowhere near this emergency bunker built specifically for the purpose of housing state officials to coordinate a response to crises. Instead, Giuliani confided that he was in a different command centre located at Pier 92, oddly set-up shortly before 9/11 for the purpose of organizing a bio-terrorism drill involving FEMA as well as federal and state officials, scheduled for September 12. Was this “drill” just a smoke-and-mirrors cover story to provide Giuliani and his New York City administration an excuse to explain away their absence from the OEM in Building 7, which later collapsed in an apparent controlled demolition?
Probed about his semblant foreknowledge and complicity by activists, Giuliani smirked and denied ever receiving the warning or knowing the buildings would collapse. New York firefighters and 9/11 first responders so detest Giuliani for his scandalous actions on and after 9/11, that they have launched several public campaigns exposing his misdeeds. [MORE]