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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Black Soldier To Be First Military Execution [Murder by the Government] In 50 Years

Breaking News for Black America

The federal government plans to execute a former solider after a judge lifted a stay of execution last week that stood for eight years, the Fayetteville Observer reports.

A Jury convicted Ronald Gray in 1988 of two murders and three rapes while stationed at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The former Army cook also pleaded guilty to two other murders and five rapes in civilian courts. He’s on death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

During the legal battle, the Observer said Gray’s defense team has centered its appeal on the argument that the military court lacks jurisdiction to prosecute him. However, U.S. District Court Judge J. Thomas Marten, who has presided over the case since 2014, has consistently ruled that the defense has failed to prove that a legal error occurred.

President George W. Bush signed a warrant in 2008 that authorized Gray’s execution, which is required for military executions, according to CNN. If the military goes forward with its plans, Gray’s execution would be the first since 1961, when the military hanged John A. Bennett for rape and attempted murder.

The Death Penalty Information Center, a District of Columbia-based group, reports that six men are currently on the military’s death row. Three of them are African-American.


With No Evidence Racist Fox News Says Food Stamp Fraud is ‘at an all-time high’


On Tuesday, Fox News revisited its longstanding disgust for poor people with what appeared to be a simple question: “Food stamp fraud is at an all-time high. Is it time to end the program?” Their onscreen graphic cited “2016 USDA” as the source of this information. However, according to the Department of Agriculture website, the most recent data available is from 2015.

In fiscal year 2016, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as food stamps) is expected to cost about $70.8 billion. If Fox News’ claim of $70 million in waste is correct, that would still mean that less than one-tenth of one percent of SNAP dollars are spent fraudulently. SNAP overall comprises about 0.1 percent of the federal budget. Compared to the $125 billion of waste that the Department of Defense recently tried to cover up, that figure appears even more microscopic.

SNAP usage overall is actually down to its lowest levels since 2011, and current program costs are slightly higher than they were in 2010. In spite of the prevailing conservative narrative, SNAP is not a wasteful program.

As ThinkProgress reported in 2013, the program doesn’t even reach millions of people who qualify for it, because they get caught up in red tape. If there is waste in relation to SNAP and other government assistance programs, it comes not in the form of the recipients abusing the system, but in the form of state governments subjecting citizens to unnecessary drug tests and other bureaucratic measures that yield few results.


Gallup: Obama Bests Trump as Most Admired Man in 2016


President Barack Obama finished ahead of President-elect Donald Trump in Gallup's 2016 most admired man poll, 22% to 15%. Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman.


Map of the Trump Family Network 


click to enlarge 


In Food Industry Black Women Earn 42 Cents for Every Dollar Earned by a White Man

The Nation

One of the great contradictions of the American economy is that the workers who feed us are the workers who struggle the hardest to feed themselves. The corporations that produce and market America’s sustenance are also the monopolies whose low wages have pauperized a workforce of more than 21 million nationwide. And now the American diet is about to get even costlier under an administration that campaigned on cheap taco bowls and Trump-brand steaks.

The “food-supply chain,” which includes production, processing, distribution, retail, and food service, constitutes the largest sector of the labor force, and has expanded by 13 percent since 2010. Yet food-chain workers are also the country’s poorest, typically earning just $10 an hour ($16,000 annually, less than half the median annual earnings of workers in all industries). And they’re getting hungrier, according to an analysis of food-industry jobs by Food Chain Workers Alliance (FCWA), a nationwide advocacy coalition: “Food insecurity in households supported by a food chain worker rose to 4.6 million during the Great Recession.” So those in the food labor force earn starvation wages to supply food they can’t afford to eat.

Their pay scales are dictated by a race-and-gender pecking order, with white men on top. The black-white wage gap among male food-supply workers is 60 cents to the dollar. White women earn about 50 cents per dollar earned by a white man, and black, Latina, and Native women workers earn 45, 42, and 36 cents, respectively. Women in the food chain are often providers of the unwaged labor of procuring and preparing food at home; that means a mom who works for tips as a restaurant server goes home to the double indignity of going hungry so her kids can have a full dinner instead.

Job segregation enforces these trends. Most food-production and agricultural-industry CEOs are white men, while women and people of color fill the ranks of the frontline workers who cook, serve, and process food. Promotion opportunities are scarce in the lower-wage tiers, in part because of the exploitation of temporary and part-time labor (half the food-prep and -service workforce worked part-time in 2014, for instance). Low unionization rates exacerbate wage inequality and discrimination, while curtailing workers’ ability to negotiate fair pay. Structural economic shifts linked to transnational trade, labor migration, and automation have made food-chain jobs more precarious on a global level.

FCWA’s interviews with workers depict how these industry-wide trends weigh on workers’ lives as each day at work exposes them to toxic fumes, brutal treatment from bosses, and gender oppression.

A poultry-plant worker recalled being driven to a frenzied pace as she processed chicken carcasses so rapidly she couldn’t even avert her eyes from her assembly line or she’d risk getting barked at by a supervisor: “They always pressure people to work faster and faster, and they are always there with us checking to see that we’re not stopping.”

Gender-based violence and oppression, according to researchers, are rife in intensely hierarchical low-wage workplaces. In fields like food service, sexual harassment is often normalized as just a part of workplace culture—an issue that recently spurred a series of federal sexual-harassment claims against McDonald’s.

For rural migrant laborers, the structure and seasonal nature of the work sometimes feel close to bonded labor. A tomato farmworker recalled: “The way they treated you, it was as if you were an animal.… We lived in trailers, like 20 or 30 people in a trailer. They punished us if we missed any work, treated us like we were slaves.”

All workers surveyed had been injured at work or had known a fellow worker who was, but many lacked medical insurance. Immigrant poultry-plant workers reported getting chopped by machinery and attending an on-site clinic, only to be sent back to work the same day.

Chronic exhaustion also erodes workers’ health. One production worker observed, “Working in this industry…the schedules, the exhaustion, all of that, your body is weaker, and you are getting sick more frequently, so this affects you a lot because there isn’t enough money to cover the medical bills.” [MORE]


Dr. Bobby Wright - Mentacide: The Ultimate Threat to the Black Race

There is no denying that the entire world is in crisis and all cultures are being transformed, seemingly without direction. Further, it is extremely difficult to identify a stable unified belief system for any racial or ethnic group except for one overt incontrovertible exception; namely, the anti-Black racial groups. However, the anti-Black character is not the cause of world turmoil. It is simply a major factor and at this point in time, is only important to the Black race. Without any elaborate research design being necessary, the world crisis can be traced directly to the pathological needs of one group - the white race ~ regardless of their ethnicity. Never in the history of the universe has the destiny of so many been controlled by so few. The white subjugation of the Black race and the control of their land is an essential ingredient in contributing to their insatiable morbid predatory appetite for world domination:

In view of the above, the Black race is presently facing an enemy whose method of destruction is without any historical precedent; namely, "mentacide (Wright, 1976)" which is defined as the "deliberate and systematic destruction of an individual or groups' mind." Mentacide differs in theory and practice from concepts, e.g., "brain washing" in that its ultimate aim is the extirpation of an entire race; whereby, "brain washing" is primarily used to convert individuals or groups to a cause or belief. No serious scientist today who has any rudimentary understanding of human behavior questions the fact that there now exists techniques which can be utilized to control brain phenomena and in the process eliminate chance behavior or more succinctly, establish a law which can be stated very simply, "he who controls minds, controls behinds." There is one essential condition in order for the process of mentacide to be effective; namely, the control of the opposing group's institutions or the power to significantly influence them. Unfortunately, for the Black race, that condition exists through the world. In fact, some Black groups, e.g., those of the United States and Azania (South Africa) are enslaved rather than being oppressed, exploited, etc., in that all their life sustaining institutions are controlled by whites. There is no denying that there are whites who are oppressed and exploited by other whites, but they are still able to significantly influence institutional change. The technique ol mentacide deludes Blacks into believing that there is a commonality between them and oppressed whites, which leads Blacks to attempt to form alliances with them. Yet, in spite of historical failures of these alliances to benefit Blacks they continue to pursue this process. Unfortunately, Blacks will continue to utilize white directed techniques in attempting to solve their problems and will continue to be unsuccessful until they can develop a "Black Social Theory." There is an African proverb that tells the traveler of life that "if you don't know where you are going, then any road will get you there." Without a social theory, all behavior, even if it is considered revolutionary, operates by chance or by external direction and no group at this competitive time in history whose basic defense is "faith in the Lord, or white folk, or any other forms of superstition" will continue to exist. A social theory determines the destiny of a people by establishing guidelines of life, e.g., it defines their relationship with other living things; it defines values and rituals, methods of education, how enemies are to be dealt with, etc. The ultimate achievement of a Black Social Theory would be the re­creation of Black culture. The eminent Black scientist, Dr. Cheika Anta Diop succinctly placed culture in its proper perspective by staling the following;

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Vaccine Found 100 Percent Effective at Preventing Ebola Infection

Democracy Now

In medical news, a new study finds an experimental vaccine was 100 percent effective in protecting West Africans against the Ebola virus during an outbreak in 2014-15, raising the prospect that the future spread of the deadly disease could be halted. The finding was reported Thursday in the British medical journal The Lancet. An assistant director-general of the World Health Organization said the study compared about 6,000 residents of Guinea who received the vaccine with a similar-sized group who hadn’t.

Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny: "What we have shown is that in the vaccinated people, we have had zero cases of Ebola, while, at the same time, we have had 23 cases in the people who were not vaccinated with Ebola. So you compare zero to 23, and you can calculate that you have a vaccine which has shown a 100 percent efficacy."

Researchers caution that the vaccine has unpleasant side effects and that it appears to work on only one of the two most common strains of the Ebola virus. An Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014 claimed more than 11,000 lives. Critics say those lives could have been spared if researchers had poured more resources into finding a vaccine years ago.


Trump to enter the White House as the least-popular incoming president in the modern era of public-opinion polling


President-elect Donald Trump will descend on Washington next month, buoyed by his upset victory and Republican control of Congress to implement his agenda.

But he’s facing a major obstacle: Trump will enter the White House as the least-popular incoming president in the modern era of public-opinion polling.

The down-in-the-dumps figures raise hard questions about whether he’ll have the political capital needed to push through his more controversial nominees and his aggressive legislative goals of repealing Obamacare, passing a major infrastructure spending plan and reforming immigration and tax policies.

On Election Day, just 38 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Trump, compared to 60 percent who viewed him unfavorably — unheard of for a presidential-election victor. (Still, Trump won about 15 percent of the vote among those who had an unfavorable opinion of him.)

While Trump has received a boost in public opinion after his victory, he still badly lags past presidents-elect when it comes to personal favorability. Currently, his average favorable rating stands at 43 percent, according to HuffPost Pollster, while a 49-percent plurality views him unfavorably. More respondents viewed Trump unfavorably than favorably in the most recent batch of public polls from NBC News/Wall Street Journal, Suffolk University/USA Today, Fox News,CBS News and POLITICO/Morning Consult, all conducted in early- or mid-December.

Compare that with President Barack Obama, who entered 2009 with a 68-percent favorable rating – and only a 21-percent unfavorable rating.

Trump’s persistent and deep unpopularity – combined with the fact that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million ballots – means he lacks the potent argument that the will of the people are behind his agenda. [MORE]


"140 degrees in jail" - Louisiana spent 4X the cost of installing Air Conditioning in a prison to defend their right to not have to

The Intercept

IN THE SUMMER months, 84 inmates at the Price Daniel Unit, a medium-security prison four hours west of Dallas, share a 10-gallon cooler of water that’s kept locked in a common area. An inmate there can expect to receive one 8 oz. cup every four hours, according to Benny Hernandez, a man serving a 10-year sentence at the prison. The National Academy of Medicine recommends that adults drink about twice that amount under normal conditions and even more in hot climates. According to Hernandez, in the summer the temperature in his prison’s housing areas can reach an astonishing 140 degrees.

The prison provides ice for the cooler twice a day, but the ice has long melted before the hottest part of the day, he wrote in a post on Prison Writers, a website where inmates share their experiences behind bars. “Prisoners look upon the summer months in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) with dread and trepidation,” he wrote. “For one is acutely aware that one may not survive another summer. Many do not.”

The TDCJ, which runs Texas prisons and houses more than 146,000 inmates, is currently in the middle of litigation over what inmates and advocates have said is deadly heat in its facilities. But Texas is not the only state facing such lawsuits. Louisiana is defending its refusal to install air conditioning on death row, while prisons and jails across the country have been ordered by courts to address their sweltering temperatures and extend protections to inmates, particularly the ill and elderly.

A spokesperson for TDCJ wrote in a statement to The Intercept that “the well-being of staff and offenders is a top priority for the agency and we remain committed to making sure that both are safe during the extreme heat.” He said that only 30 of the state’s 109 prisons have air conditioning in all inmate housing areas, because many were built before that became a common feature and retrofitting them would be “extremely expensive.” Instead, he said, the agency has taken measures like offering water and ice, restricting inmate activities, and training staff to recognize heat-related illness. The spokesperson said that inmates have “the ability to access water throughout the day” and that ice and water coolers are refilled continuously — contradicting the accounts of inmates who said that ice rations are often reduced and sometimes outright denied, that in some facilities they are given no ice or cold water for days at a time, that ice is so scarce that inmates will buy it off each other, and that inmates residing in a given cell block are given ice water to pass down the row of cells, which often leads to violence and hoarding of the vital resource.

Hernandez, the Price Daniel Unit inmate, acknowledged that prison officials there took some “precautionary measures,” like the water cooler and placing fans in common areas of the prison, but said that was hardly enough. Inmates have fans in their cells only if they can afford to buy them from the prison commissary, and “once the temperature exceeds 95 degrees Fahrenheit, the fans simply circulate hot air,” he wrote.

“It routinely feels as if one’s sitting in a convection oven being slowly cooked alive.”

In a 2014 report documenting the “deadly heat” inside Texas prisons, researchers with the University of Texas School of Law’s Human Rights Clinic found that since 2007, at least 14 inmates had died from extreme heat exposure in prisons across the state. The report documented at length the failures of prison officials to prevent heat-related injury to inmates and concluded with a series of recommendations, including frequent monitoring of inmates at higher risk and the installation of air conditioning to ensure temperatures do not exceed 85 degrees. A year later, nothing had changed, and the same researchers issued a second report condemning the “reckless indifference” of prison authorities. [MORE]


White San Diego Deputies Who Shot Latino Marine 37 Times Are Immune From Suit


The Ninth Circuit on Wednesday found that San Diego sheriff’s officers who riddled a young Marine with bullets after a slow-speed car chase eight years ago did not violate his civil rights.

Robert Medina was shot 37 times on Nov. 16, 2006, after a slow-speed chase through Oceanside, near Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. Medina had fought with his wife and Highway Patrol officers followed him as he drove erratically on Interstate 5.

Medina refused to pull over and swerved to avoid hitting a spike strip put down by sheriff’s Officer Mark Ritchie. Other officers thought Medina was trying to hit Ritchie and radioed in an attempted assault with a deadly weapon.

The officers eventually forced Medina’s truck to the dirt side of the freeway and Ritchie ordered him to get out of his truck. Officers said he refused, and aimed the truck at Ritchie, trying to run him over, and they opened fire.

Medina’s wife, Jennifer, filed the civil rights case in 2008. U.S. District Judge Cynthia Bashant – the third judge to preside over the case – denied the county’s motion for summary judgment in November 2014. The county appealed five days later.

In the unpublished, 7-page ruling Wednesday, U.S. Circuit Judges Richard Tallman and Morgan Christen were joined by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly of Illinois in finding CHP and sheriff’s officers did not violate Medina’s Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights when they killed him with dozens of bullets.

“Taking the facts in a light most favorable to plaintiffs, the evidence shows that the officers who fired shots at Medina had probable cause to believe that, at that point, he posed a threat of serious physical harm to the officers,” the panel wrote.

Because the officers did not violate Medina’s civil rights, the county cannot be held accountable for policies that would instruct officers to shoot and kill Medina, the judges said, granting summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity.

Jennifer Medina was represented by Anton Gerschler and Dena Acosta.

Gerschler said they are considering other appellate options.

The county was represented by county counsel Ricky Sanchez, who did not return an email request for comment.


FLA Supreme Court says: Over 100 death sentences are invalid & must go back to trial courts for resentencing

NY Times

Well over 100 death sentences in Florida are invalid and must go back to trial courts for resentencing, the State Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, potentially placing a major burden on prosecutors, defense lawyers and the courts.

The court vacated most capital sentences imposed since a 2002 ruling by the United States Supreme Court, but said that its decision did not apply to older sentences. That creates an odd situation: Procedures were considered valid for some death row cases, but not for others. In cases that followed identical procedures for death row inmates, some are considered valid while some are not.

The court said its ruling did not overturn any convictions or set anyone free. In cases in which execution is ruled out, the result would be a life prison sentence.

“The difference is not guilt or innocence but, instead, life or death,” the court wrote in ruling on the case of John F. Mosley, a death row inmate.

Until this year, if a jury convicted a defendant in a Florida capital case after the sentencing phase of the trial, the panel voted on recommendations to the judge. But those recommendations were nonbinding, and it was the judge who decided whether there were aggravating factors that could justify capital punishment, whether they outweighed any mitigating factors and whether to impose the death penalty.

In January, the United States Supreme Court ruled that system unconstitutional in Hurst v. Florida. The court, relying on its 2002 decision in Ring v. Arizona, said the power must rest with the jury to find aggravating factors, and to decide on a punishment.

Two months ago, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that to impose a death sentence, those jury decisions must be unanimous, raising the bar for capital punishment still higher.

On Thursday, the state court ruled that in effect, Florida’s death penalty law was invalid from the time of Ring v. Arizona and, by a 5-to-2 tally, vacated the death penalty of Mr. Mosley, who was sentenced in 2006.

But in another case also decided on Thursday, the court said that pre-Ring death sentences remained valid, and by 5 to 2 upheld the sentence of Mark J. Asay, who was sentenced in 1988. Mr. Asay would be the first white person executed in Florida for killing a black victim since the death penalty was reinstated in the 1970s.

The state attorney general’s office said it needed time to review the rulings before commenting. The Florida Public Defender Association and the governor’s office did not return calls seeking comment on Thursday.

In cases sent back for resentencing, prosecutors must decide whether to seek the death penalty again, in a new hearing, which can require as much time and preparation as an ordinary trial.

But it is unclear exactly how many sentences were upended. Florida’s Department of Corrections lists 384 people on death row, and 159 of them were sentenced after the Ring decision.

The state’s Supreme Court said that its Mosley ruling did not apply to defendants who waived jury trials and were found guilty by judges. And it said there were a small number of other cases in which it was unclear whether the decision would apply.

Mr. Mosley, now 52, was convicted of murdering his girlfriend, Linda Wilkes, and their infant son, Jay-Quan, to avoid paying child support. The jury voted 8 to 4 to recommend execution.

Mr. Asay, also 52, was convicted of killing two men, Robert Lee Booker and Robert McDowell, in separate confrontations on the same night. The jury voted 9 to 3 in favor of a death sentence.


Black Man wrongly imprisoned for 31 years Denied Compensation & Exoneration by Tennessee Board of Parole

From [HERE] A Black man who served 31 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit is petitioning the state to compensate him $1 million for the years of his life that were taken away. All he's gotten so far is $75.

In October 1977 a Memphis woman was raped in her home by two intruders. She later identified one of them as her neighbor, Lawrence McKinney, who was 22 at the time. He was convicted on rape and burglary charges in 1978 and sentenced to 115 years in jail.

DNA evidence cleared him of the charges in 2008, and when he was released in 2009, the Tennessee Department of Corrections gave him a $75 check to restart his life.

"Because I had no ID it took me three months before I was able to cash it," McKinney told CNN.

Now the 61-year-old is asking Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam to exonerate him. The Tennessee Board of Parole, which makes recommendations to the governor, denied McKinney's request by a 7-0 vote at a hearing in September.

A formal exoneration could open a pathway to $1 million in compensation from the state Board of Claims for the decades McKinney was wrongfully imprisoned.

"The (parole) board reviewed all relevant information related to the crime, conviction and subsequent appeals, as well as all information provided by the petitioner," said Melissa McDonald, spokesperson for the Tennessee Board of Parole. "After considering all of the evidence, the board did not find clear and convincing evidence of innocence and declined to recommend clemency in this matter."

One of McKinney's attorneys, Jack Lowery, believes the decision should rest solely with Haslam.

"The parole board is not qualified to make these decisions and should not," he said. "For the parole board to step in when many (of them) are not trained in the law is ridiculous."

According to John Hunn, McKinney's pastor and most ardent supporter, the board cited a list of 97 infractions that McKinney incurred while he was in jail, including the alleged assault of a fellow inmate, who testified against McKinney at the hearing. McKinney told the board he'd been in prison for years, and that "only the strong survive," Hunn said. Hunn testified at the hearing on McKinney's behalf.

"Lawrence has told that story at our church," Hunn said. "He doesn't deny that story. He was in prison, man."

The parole board also knew that 28 years into his sentence, McKinney admitted to the burglary charge he was convicted of. McKinney said his lawyers at the time told him that if he wanted any chance of being released early, he would need to admit to something.

While he and his team are optimistic, McKinney knows this is his final opportunity for exoneration. This is his second attempt; he initially tried in 2010, but then-Gov. Phil Bredesen never acted on the board's recommendation against exoneration before leaving office. When Haslam became governor, McKinney was given the opportunity to apply again.

According to McDonald, Tennessee's governors have granted two exonerations in the past 16 years, and both were in January 2011, just over a week before Bredesen vacated the governor's mansion.

Since his release, Hunn said, McKinney has worked hard to put his life back together and salvage the time he has left. In 2010 he married a pen pal with whom he corresponded during his time in jail. The two attend Immanuel Baptist Church in Lebanon, Tennessee, where McKinney participates in a Bible study five nights a week and where he has found a supportive community that has rallied around him time and time again.

"Although I've spent more than half of my life locked up for a crime I did not do, I am not bitter or angry at anyone, because I have found the Lord and married a good wife," McKinney said. "All I ask is that I be treated right and fair for what has happened to me. I didn't do nothing, and I just want to be treated right."


Thin Skinned Cops w/ Low Tolerance for Criticism Need A Safe Space: Largest police union asks Amazon to pull 'offensive' BLM shirt


The biggest US police union is pressing Amazon to follow Walmart and remove from third-party sale a shirt that seeks profit in relation to the Black Lives Matter protest movement. 

The shirt, which carries the words “Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter”, was removed from online sale by Walmart on Thursday, after the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) said it was “offensive”.

In an open letter, FOP president Chuck Canterbury appealed to Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos to support the FOP in “increasing the bonds of trust between the men and women of law enforcement and the communities they serve”.

The shirt was still available for sale via on Friday. Amazon declined to comment.

Speaking to the Guardian, Canterbury said he was not surprised, describing Amazon “as a pretty liberal marketer”.

The issue was relevant, he said, because of the “amount of violence demonstrated at Black Lives Matter marches and the fact that eight police officers had been assassinated while protecting Black Lives Matter protests”.

Canterbury said he was referring to officers who were shot in separate incidents in Dallas and Baton Rouge last summer.

The gunmen in those shootings were not affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement. In Dallas, a gunman shot dead five officers during an anti-violence protest. In Baton Rouge, three officers were killed in an ambush. [MORE]


New Resolution Proposes to Diversify Senate Staff: 80% of Top Staffers are White [3 Blacks] 


The next Senate Minority Leader is backing a measure to establish a permanent office focused on boosting staff diversity in the next Congress.

New York Democrat Charles E. Schumer supports a resolution that the Senate Black Legislative Staff Caucus recommended to Senate offices last month. It would establish a nonpartisan office to assist in developing and implementing plans to diversify the ranks of Senate aides.

The office would also focus on collecting data on staff diversity. Currently no entity is tasked with doing so, a factor that is blocking solutions, according to some staffers.

A Dec. 2015 Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies report found racial disparities among senior Senate staff. Of 336 top Senate staffers, the report found 24 aides of color. Twelve were Asian-American, seven were Latino, three were African-American and two were Native-American. The disparities among senior staff are prevalent on both sides of the aisle.

"Having the support and leadership of Senator Schumer, the incoming Democratic leader, is an important first step toward making the Senate more representative of the diverse communities we serve," said Senate Black Legislative Staff Caucus president Don Bell. "We look forward to working with Senator Schumer and others in a bipartisan manner in the 115th Congress."

Bell said the caucus believes there is "growing bipartisan support" for the SBLSC and other staff associations' recommendations.

While Schumer’s support is noteworthy, it is not clear if the resolution will be taken up on the Senate floor. A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did not immediately respond to a request for the Kentucky Republican’s position on the resolution. [MORE]


Puerto Ricans Push Obama to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera, Independence Activist Jailed for 35 Years