'She Shall Not be Moved': Jewish School Wants to Force Elderly Black Revolutionary Out of her D.C. Home
From [HERE] and [HERE] The Jewish Primary Day School (JPDS) was constructed and began operation in 09/2010 in a black neighborhood in Washington, D.C. To expand, apparently, the school bought some of the homes of black neighbors immediately adjacent to their original lot. One neighbor, however, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, didn't budge. Dr. Welsing has lived in her NW DC home for the past 40 years. Welsing is a Black revolutionary [MORE] and her brilliant works have forever changed the discussion of race and may yet be a catalyst or vehicle for social transformation.
Working around Welsing's property, the school constructed a playground immediately adjacent to her home. Prior to the creation of the playground the JPDSD promised to not encroach or interfere with Welsing's home. In fact, hearings were held with JPDS, Dr. Welsing and the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) about the need for noise protection for Dr. Welsing’s home. The BZA mandated that a noise buffer of 15 feet from Dr. Welsing’s property line which included 40 ft. tall evergreen trees and other trees were to be added. Nevertheless, in disregard to such agreements or public promises, the JPDS instead elected to bulldoze the existing line of 40 ft. tall trees and not put up any noise buffers.
Fortress Israel. In photo Israel’s wall will effectively annex an area of the West Bank the size of Chicago.
The new playground area comes up to Dr. Welsing’s fence. Many people have personally witnessed the extreme levels of noise that enters Dr. Welsing’s property from this playground even when all of the windows and doors are closed. Now Dr. Welsing must leave her home to escape the noise.
(The next court date is 12/19/13 in the D.C. Superior Court on 500 Indiana Ave. NW. Sign peitition [HERE] and contact Councilwoman Muriel Bowser to complain [HERE] and [MORE])
There is no other residential home in the District of Columbia where a playground was constructed up to the property line of an adjacent residential home with this same level of noise disturbance. Dr. Welsing is a senior citizen and highly respected professional who deserves peace and quiet. [MORE]
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