Can Racism be Integrated? Tucson School Ignores Harassment of Non-White Students

An investigation was launched at Ironwood Ridge High School after parents complained about racially motivated harassment against their children, according to video from KVOA.
Parents say their children not only are being harassed by fellow students on campus during school hours, but also during after-school sports and on social media.
In one example, a Black family says its two children have had food thrown at them in the cafeteria, been called the 'N' word and have even had the racial slur written on their desks and on their Facebook pages, KVOA says. Other parents say their children have missed school over the harassment and note that four Black football players are among those who have transferred schools.
One father says the administration "thinks this is just not a problem" because previous complaints from parents have not resulted in any improvements.
In a statement, school officials say they are "extremely troubled" about the complaints and are interviewing students during their investigation.
Meanwhile, families of Black and Hispanic students are contemplating their future.
"This is not something that they can just brush under the rug, and all of us will just leave the school," a mom tells KVOA.
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