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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

'He Made Me Do It, I was Barely able to get out of the way, blah blah': Video Contradicts [Unconscious] Liar White Cop [Forest Acres] Trying to Kill Black Teen

Drop Your Beliefs. Killer White Cops Also Tell Lies. From [HERE]. In his police report, white police officer Robert Cooper claims he was "barely able to get out of the way" as a Black teen driver tried to run him over, forcing him to shoot into a moving vehicle. But his own dashcam footage made a liar of him. The undidentified teen was shot once and crashed the vehicle further down the road. Apparently, the teen is recovering. The initial traffic stop was for loud music. This is attempt murder - by the white cop.  

A police video released Thursday by the State Law Enforcement Division of the May 19 shooting of a motorist by a Forest Acres police officer shows the officer firing seven shots into a slow-moving car as the Black motorist began to drive away.

“Stop! Stop! Do not make me shoot you!” yells the officer, who is on foot in front of the vehicle with his weapon drawn and pointed at the car’s windshield. The driver is inside a small sedan and is the car’s only occupant.

The officer fires seven shots, rapidly and from a close distance – perhaps less than 10 feet away – as the car moves slowly, turns toward the officer and then appears to try to go around the officer. The motorist then pulls away from the scene and moves out of range of the officer’s dash-cam, which recorded the event. [MORE]

After the event the cop says over and over and over for nearly 20 minutes to other white cops '"I was barely able to get out of the way" 'he tried to run me over,' ''there was nothing I could do,' 'I can't believe he made me do that' and blah blah and all contradicted by his own video. No doubt he has probably been lying about what happened from May 19th until today. Or did he really believe this? 

Mind is a motherfucker. You can't always trust it. Know that whatever you do, whoever you are, if you do it without awareness or unconsciously it will be stupid. You must watch your own mind - see what it is thinking about and see what it is feeling. If you cannot do this you will be easily blown away by whatever comes your way. Play with the cobra [your mind] at your own risk but if you do so you may open the gates of hell, like cop Cooper did. When you are unconscious and then act out of your unconsciousness you are capable of doing anything, including lying or murdering. 

White cop above is unconscious. Why? His mind must have got carried away when he saw a Black teenager. All his thoughts are clouded with smoke and he could no longer physically see things as they are. His mind blocked it. From birth he has been programmed to believe all sorts of idiocy about non-whites [dangerous, inferior beasts doing this and that]. "A mind that is filled with belief is a mind which can project anything according to the belief. When you see things always remember this."  If he is an unaware person, in the presence of non-whites his mind is blown, full of smoke. Anything he does in this sleeping state will be stupid and dangerous b/c he has a belt full of weapons, the power of the state and he is licensed to kill. Here, this dumb mf sees only what his mind allowed him to see. Is he intentionally lying or unconscious? His racist mind has deceived him so badly that he is even out of breath as if he had been running somewhere - yet he had only been driving.  

During an interaction with a white cop this is what you may be dealing with. A psychopath where race is the variable - so you must be aware. Guides and codes will be of no help to you in the present moment of such a confrontation. In fact, blind belief in memorized formatted rules may get you killed. You must be aware of what your mind is thinking and feeling before you also act unconsciously. "Heaven and hell are not geographical. If you go in search of them you will never find them anywhere. They are within you, they are psychological. The mind is heaven, the mind is hell, and the mind has the capacity to become either." [MORE]

Dr. Blynd explains, "awareness is the fundamental force of change for the Self and the natural result of abandoning illusion." [MORE

Unfortunately, in a system of white supremacy most judges, jurors, prosecutors, other white police, elected officials and the white mainstream media will believe almost anything a white cop says. Listen to the other white cop in the video - just preaching to the choir - he witnessed nothing and has no first hand knowledge of anything - but he is a ready made and eager believer - having a strong faith in his white supremacy programming; he would be a good witness for the prosecution, believable to white jurors and 'other directed' non-whites. See white Forest Acres police chief's press conference in video below. 

Even now after the video is released some unconscious white folks will begin to rationalize what they think they see in the video [think Tamir Rice].


Osho: "Power does not corrupt: it is the corrupted people who become attracted towards power."

Sat Sangha

In spite of dreadful political catastrophes, political action seems to be the only means to fight against injustice in the world. Does the search you are inspiring exclude political action?

Jean-Francois Held, I am in love with life in its totality. My love excludes nothing; it includes all. Yes, political action too is included in it. That’s the worst thing to include, but I can’t help it! But everything that is included in my vision of life is included with a difference.

In the past, man has lived without awareness in all the aspects of life. He has loved without awareness and failed in it, and love has brought only misery and nothing else. He has done all kinds of things in the past, but everything has proved a hell. So has been the case with political action.

Each revolution turns into anti-revolution. It is time we should understand how this happens, why this happens at all — that each revolution, each struggle against injustice, finally turns into injustice itself, becomes anti-revolutionary.

In this century it has happened again and again — I am not talking about a faraway past. It happened in Russia, it happened in China. It is going to happen if we continue to function in the same old way. Unawareness cannot bring more than that.

When you are powerless, it is easy to fight against injustice; the moment you become powerful, you forget all about injustice. Then repressed desires to dominate assert themselves. Then your unconscious takes over, and you start doing the same things that were done before by the enemies against whom you had been struggling. You had staked your very life for it!

Lord Acton says that power corrupts. It is true only in a sense, and in another sense it is absolutely untrue. It is true if you look at the surface of things: power certainly corrupts, whosoever becomes powerful becomes corrupted. Factually it is true, but if you dive deep into the phenomenon then it is not true.

Power does not corrupt: it is the corrupted people who become attracted towards power. It is the people who would like to do things which they cannot do while they are not in power. The moment they are in power, their whole repressed mind asserts itself. Now there is nothing to bar them, nothing to prevent them; they have the power. Power does not corrupt them; it only brings their corruption to the surface. Corruption was there as a seed; now it has sprouted. The power has proved only the right season for it to sprout. Power is only the spring for the poisonous flowers of corruption and injustice in their being.

Power is not the cause of corruption, but only the opportunity for its expression. Hence I say: basically, fundamentally, Lord Acton is wrong.

Who becomes interested in politics? Yes, with beautiful slogans people go into it, but what happens to those people? Joseph Stalin was fighting against the injustice of the czar. What happened? He himself became the greatest czar the world has ever known, worse than Ivan the Terrible! Hitler used to talk about socialism. He had named his party the Nationalist Socialist Party. What happened to socialism when he came into power? All that disappeared.

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Bhagwan on Vipassana Meditation 

By Osho 

From "The Everyday Meditator" 

Twenty-five centuries ago Gautam Buddha gave this method of inner witnessing to his thousands of disciples, many of whom became enlightened. Vipassana is simply a way of witnessing.

It is an invitation to watch yourself- your mind, your emotions, your body, your environment -without reacting to what you observe. It is an invitation to get to know yourself honestly and sincerely, to make friends with yourself, and to realize that the witnessing self is not identified with what is being seeing. Success and failure are not part of meditation, and nothing special is supposed to happen. There is nothing to expect.

Mind is tricky, and is not used to being observed at work and play. Excuses not to meditate, not to sit, not to have time, not to be comfortable will arise at first. It helps to meditate at a regular, pre¬selected time and place. But anytime is better than no-time, and anywhere is better than nowhere.

Sitting with a friend makes things easier. Remember that silence does not mean you can't enjoy, and having a group of friends meditate together is a beautiful experience.

Vipassana is the meditation that has made more people in the world enlightened than any other, because it is the very essence. All other meditations have the same essence, but in different forms; something non-essential is also joined with them. But Vipassana is pure essence. You cannot drop anything out of it and you cannot add anything to improve it.

Vipassana is such a simple thing that even a small child can do it. In fact, the smallest child can do it better than you, because he is not yet filled with the garbage of the mind; he is still clean and innocent. Vipassana can be done in three ways - you can choose which one suits you best.

The first is: awareness of your actions, your body, your mind, your heart. Walking, you should walk with awareness. Moving your hand, you should move with awareness, know¬ing perfectly that you are moving the hand. You can move it without any consciousness, like  a  mechanical  thing...   you  are  on  a morning walk; you can go on walking without being aware of your feet.

Be alert of the movements of your body. While eating, be alert to the movements that are needed for eating. Taking a shower, be alert to the coolness that is coming to you, the water falling on you and the tremendous joy of it - just be alert. Any of these activities should not go on happening in an unconsc¬ious state.

And the same about your mind. Whatever thought passes on the screen of your mind, just be a watcher. Whatever emotion passes on the screen of your heart, just remain a witness - don't get involved, don't get identified, don't evaluate what is good, what is bad; that is not part of your meditation.

The second form is breathing, becoming aware of breathing. As the breath goes in, your belly starts rising up, and as the breath goes out, your belly starts settling down again. So the second method is to be aware of the belly: its rising and falling. Just the very aware¬ness of the belly rising and falling... and the belly is very close to the life sources because the child is joined with the mother's life through the navel. Behind the navel is his life's source. So, when the belly rises up, it is really the life energy, the spring of life that is rising up and falling down with each breath. That too is not difficult, and perhaps maybe even easier because it is a single technique.

In the first, you have to be aware of the body, you have to be aware of the mind, you have to be aware of your emotions, moods. So it has three steps. The second approach is a single step: just the belly, moving up and down. And the result is the same. As you become more aware of the belly, the mind becomes silent, the heart becomes silent, the moods disappear.

And the third is to be aware of the breath at the entrance when the breath goes in through your nostrils. Feel it at that extreme - the other polarity from the belly - feel it from the nose. The breath going in gives a certain coolness to your nostrils. Then the breath going out... breath going in, breath going out.

That too is possible. It is easier for men than for women. The woman is more aware of the belly. Most of the men don't even breathe as deep as the belly. Their chest rises up and falls down, because a wrong kind of athletics prevails over the world. Certainly it gives a more beautiful form to the body if your chest is high and your belly is almost non-existent. Man has chosen to breathe only up to the chest, so the chest becomes bigger and bigger and the belly shrinks down. That appears to him to be more athletic.

These are the three forms. Any one will do. And if you want to do two forms together, you can do two forms together; then the effort will become more intense. If you want to do all the three forms together, you can do all three forms together. Then the possibilities will be quicker. But it all depends on you, whatever feels easy. Remember: easy is right.

As meditation becomes settled and mind silent, the ego will disappear. You will be there, but there will be no feeling of "I". Then the doors are open.

Just wait with a loving longing, with . welcome in the heart for that great moment -the greatest moment in anybody's life - I enlightenment.

It comes... it certainly comes. It has neva delayed for a single moment. Once you are i the right tuning, it suddenly explodes in you transforms you. The old man is dead and i new man has arrived.

Sitting meditation

Find a place where you can sit comfortably undisturbed, without sleeping for 40-60 mint Although this is the ideal time you can also ! just 20 minutes - anywhere, anytime. Your and head should be straight. If needed it is fine use a chair. Your eyes are best closed, and your breathing should be as it usually is; easy is right. Stay as still as you can, moving only if it is really necessary. If you move, notice how and why you are moving.

While sitting the primary object of attention is the rise and fall of your belly -just above the navel - caused by breathing in and out. It is not a concentration technique, so when other things come into the field of your awareness, while watching your breath, these too are part of your meditation. Nothing is a distraction in Vipassana. When something takes your attention go with it. Place your whole attention on it, whatever it is. When your attention is free, then go back to your breathing.

It is the process of watching which is the meditation, not what you are watching. Remember not to become identified with, or lost in whatever comes up: thoughts, feelings, judgments, body sensations, impressions from outside, and the whole world which constantly snatches your attention from yourself.

If questions or problems arise which require an answer, let them remain a mystery until your meditation time is over.

Walking meditation

In this technique you bring your whole attention to your feet as they touch the ground. Walk slowly, ordinarily, with your awareness focused on your feet as they touch the earth.

Walk in a circle or a straight line, indoors or outdoors, it doesn't matter. Do whatever you enjoy most. Keep your eyes lowered so that you can only see the ground a few steps ahead. If other things take your attention, notice them, give them all your awareness. When they have lost their attraction return your attention to your feet.

As in sitting, witnessing is the process, but the primary objects are the feet as they walk, not the belly as it breathes. The period for walking should be 20-30 minutes or it can be combined with 45 minutes of sitting followed by 15 minutes of walking.

General awareness meditation

Anything can become your primary object for witnessing. Slowing down, doing one thing at a time you can become aware of what you are doing, while you are doing it. This can include not only actions but intentions too. Everything in your daily routine: eating, washing up, cleaning the house, smoking, telephoning, chatting over a cup a tea, dancing, flirting, reading, everything can become a meditation; all you need is awareness. Meditation can be fun and can enrich the quality of ordinary life.


Zazen is deep unoccupiedness, it is not even meditation, because when YOU meditate you are trying to do something: remembering being God or even remembering yourself. These efforts create ripples.

You can sit anywhere, but whatsoever you are looking at should not be too exciting. For example things should not be moving too much. They become a distraction. You can watch the trees - that is not a problem because they are not moving and the scene remains constant. You can watch the sky or just sit in the corner watching the wall.

The second thing is, don't look at anything in particular - just emptiness, because the eyes are there and one has to look at some¬thing, but you are not looking at anything in particular. Don't focus or concentrate on any¬thing -just a diffuse image. That relaxes very much. And the third thing, relax your breath¬ing. Don't do it, let it happen. Let it be natural and that will relax even more.

The fourth thing is, let your body remain as immobile as possible. First find a good pos¬ture - you can sit on a pillow or mattress or whatsoever you feel, but once you settle, re¬main immobile, because if the body does not move, the mind automatically falls silent. In a moving body,  the mind also continues to move, because body-mind are not two things. They are one... it is one energy.

In the beginning it will seem a little difficult but after a few days you will enjoy it tremen¬dously. You will see, by and by, layer upon layer of the mind starting to drop. A moment comes when you are simply there with no mind.

Bodhidharma sat for nine years just facing the wall, doing nothing -just sitting for nine years. The tradition has it that his legs withered away. To me that is symbolic. It simply means that all movements withered away be¬cause all motivation withered away. He was not going anywhere. There was no desire to move, no goal to achieve - and he achieved the greatest that is possible. He is one of the rarest souls that have ever walked on earth. And just sitting before a wall he achieved everything;  not doing anything,  no  technique, no method, nothing. This was the only technique. When there is nothing to see, by and by your interest in seeing disappears. By just facing a plain wall, inside you a parallel emptiness and plainness arises. Parallel to the wall another wall arises - of no-thought.


Dr. Blynd on the Radio on 9/3/14



Na'im Akbar: Racism... A Mental Disorder

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