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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Bhagwan on Freedom as Awareness: Each individual has to become a meditator, a silent watcher, so that he can discover himself.

Bhagwan Rajineesh aka Osho 

From [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] and [HERE]  

Freedom is a three-dimensional phenomenon. The first is the physical dimension: you can be enslaved physically. And for thousands of years man has been sold in the marketplace just like any other commodity. All the Negroes that came to America were purchased like a commodity.

Slaves have existed all over the world. They were not given human rights; they were not really accepted as human beings, they were subhuman. And they are still being treated as subhuman. In India there are sudras, the untouchables. One-fourth of India is still living in slavery: these people cannot be educated, these people cannot move into other professions than those decided by the tradition five thousand years ago, and to think of them as human is impossible... Even to touch them makes you impure: you have to take a bath immediately.

Even if you don’t touch the man, but only his shadow – then too you have to take a bath. So there is physical slavery and there is physical freedom – that your body is not enchained, that it is not categorized as lower than anybody else’s, that there is an equality as far as the body is concerned. But even today this is not true.

The woman’s body is not considered equal to the man’s body. She is not as free as man is. In China for centuries the husband had the right to kill his wife without being punished because the wife was his possession. Just like you can destroy your chair or you can burn your house because it is your chair, it is your house, it is your wife. In Chinese law there was no punishment for the husband if he killed his wife because she was thought to be soulless; she was just a reproductive mechanism, a factory to produce children. Mohammedans marry four wives, which is absolutely ugly because nature keeps a balance in the world. There are an equal number of men and women, and if one man marries four women, then what about the other three men? They are going to become perverts, homosexuals, sodomists, and they will create AIDS and all kinds of diseases. Mohammed himself married nine wives.

But this is nothing! Just forty years ago, when India became free, in one of the Mohammedan states in India, in Hyderabad, the nizam had five hundred wives! But that too is not the limit.

The Hindu incarnation of God, Krishna, had sixteen thousand wives. At least the nizam’s wives were his own – he had married them. Krishna had taken anybody’s wife whom he liked... no consideration that she has children, that she has a husband, that she has to look after them – no consideration.

He had the power. But to have sixteen thousand wives is so stupid – you cannot even remember their names! But it was thought that just because the woman in India is property, the more you have the better.

And of course an incarnation of God has to be allowed So there is a slavery of the body which still continues in different ways. It is becoming less and less but it has not disappeared completely.

Freedom of the body will mean that there is no distinction between black and white, that there is no distinction between man and woman, that there is no distinction of any kind as far as bodies are concerned. Nobody is pure, nobody is impure: all bodies are the same. This is the very basis of freedom.

Then there is the second dimension: psychological freedom. There are very few individuals in the world who are psychologically free... because if you are a Mohammedan you are not psychologically free; if you are a Hindu you are not psychologically free. Our whole way of bringing up children is to make them slaves – slaves of political ideologies, social ideologies, religious ideologies. We don’t give them a chance to think on their own, to search on their own. We force their minds... we stuff their minds with things which we are also not experienced in.

Parents teach children that there is a God – and they know nothing of God. They tell their children that there is heaven and there is hell – and they know nothing of heaven and hell. I have heard: it happened one day in New York, in New York’s biggest church, that as the cardinal came in he found a young man, and he was puzzled whether he was a hippie or Jesus Christ. He looked like Jesus Christ, but you don’t find Jesus Christ like this! He must be a hippie. The cardinal was afraid because Jesus was not his own experience – he could not recognize him.

He went close to him and asked, ”Who are you?” And the young man said, ”You can’t recognize me? And daily you pray to me, ‘My Lord, Jesus Christ,’ and now I have come and you have some nerve to ask me, ‘Who are you?’ ”

The cardinal got really afraid that perhaps he is the Lord, Jesus Christ – he looks exactly like Jesus Christ. But what to do now? He had never been taught in the theological college where he studied and became a cardinal what you are supposed to do if Jesus Christ enters your church. There is no precedent! 

He phoned the Vatican and asked the pope, ”Just give me some hints about what to do? A man is here – I thought that he looks like a hippie, but he also looks like Jesus Christ. And I asked him and he said, ‘I am your Lord, Jesus Christ.’ Now what should I do?” And the pope said, ”What? Such a case has never happened before! You do one thing: first, look busy! Second, phone the police!” You are teaching your children things that you don’t know yourself. You are just conditioning their minds, because your minds were conditioned by your parents.

This way the disease goes on from one generation to another generation.

Psychological freedom will be possible when children are allowed to grow, helped to grow to more intellect, more intelligence, more consciousness, more alertness. No belief is given to them. They are not taught any kind of faith, but they are given as much incentive as possible to search for truth. And they have to be reminded from the very beginning: your own truth, your own finding, is going to liberate you; nothing else can do that for you.

Truth cannot be borrowed. It cannot be studied in books. Nobody can inform you about it. You have to sharpen your intelligence yourself, so that you can look into existence and find it.

If a child is left open, receptive, alert, and given the incentive for search, he will have psychological freedom. And with psychological freedom comes tremendous responsibility. You don’t have to teach it to him; it comes like the shadow of psychological freedom. And he will be grateful to you. Otherwise every child is angry at his parents because they spoiled him: they destroyed his freedom, they conditioned his mind. Even before he asked any questions, they filled his mind with answers which are all bogus because they are not based on his own experience.

The world lives in a psychological slavery. And the third dimension is the ultimate of freedom – which is knowing that you are not the body, knowing that you are not the mind, knowing that you are only pure consciousness. That knowledge comes through meditation. It separates you from the body, it separates you from the mind, and ultimately only you are there as pure consciousness, as pure awareness. That is spiritual freedom. These are the three basic dimensions of freedom for the individual. You have asked about both the individual and the collective. For the collective there is no need.

Only all the individuals should be free, and the collective will be free. The collective has no soul, the collective has no mind, the collective has no body even: it is only a name. It is just a word. But we are very much impressed by words, so much so that we forget that words are not substantial. The collective, the society, the community, the religion, the church – they are all words. There is nothing real behind them.

I am reminded of a small story. In ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Alice is coming to the palace of the queen. When she arrives the queen asks her, ”Did you meet a messenger on the way coming towards me?”

And the little girl says, ”Nobody. I met nobody.” And the queen thought ”nobody” is somebody, so she asks, ”But then why has that nobody not reached yet?”

The little girl said, ”Madam, nobody is NOBODY!” And the queen said, ”Don’t be stupid! I understand: nobody must be nobody, but he must have reached before you. It seems nobody walks slower than you.”

And Alice said, ”That is absolutely wrong: nobody walks faster than me!”

And this way the dialogue continues. That ”nobody” becomes somebody in the whole dialogue, and it is impossible for Alice to convince the queen that nobody is nobody. How to convince? She tries hard, and when she hears that the queen is saying, ”Nobody walks slower than you,” then she becomes angry: that is too much! Then she shouts, ”Nobody walks faster than me!”

The queen said, ”If that is the case then he should be here!” The collective, the society – all these are just words. That which really exists is the individual; otherwise the Rotary Club, the Lions Club... then there will be a problem: what is the freedom of a Rotary Club? What is the freedom of the Lions Club? These are just names. The collective is a very dangerous word.

In the name of the collective the individual, the real, has always been sacrificed. I am absolutely against it. Nations have been sacrificing individuals in the name of the nation – and ‘nation’ is just a word. The lines that you have drawn on the map are not anywhere on the earth. They are just your game. But on those lines that you have drawn on the map millions of people have died – real people, dying for unreal lines. And you make them heroes, national heroes!

This idea of the collective has to be destroyed completely; otherwise in some way or other we will continue sacrificing the individual. In the name of religion we have sacrificed him, in religious wars. A Mohammedan dying in a religious war knows that his paradise is certain. He has been told by the priest, ”If you are dying for the religion, Mohammedanism, then your paradise is absolutely certain with all the pleasures you have ever imagined or dreamt of. And the person you have killed will also reach paradise because he has been killed by a Mohammedan. It is a privilege for him, so you need not feel guilty that you have killed a man.”

Christians have crusades – a jihad, a religious war – and kill thousands of people, burn living human beings, for what? For some collectivity... for Christianity, for Buddhism, for Hinduism, for communism, for fascism – anything will do. Any word representing some collectivity, and the individual can be sacrificed. There is no reason for the collectivity even to exist: individuals are enough. And if individuals have freedom, are psychologically free, are spiritually free, then naturally the collective will be spiritually free.

The collective consists of individuals, not vice versa. It has been said that the individual is only a part of the collective; that is not true. The individual is not just a part of the collective; the collective is only a symbolic word for individuals meeting together. They are not parts of anything; they remain independent. They remain organically independent, they don’t become parts. If we really want a world of freedom, then we have to understand that in the name of the collectivity so many massacres have happened that now it is time to stop. All collective names should lose the grandeur that they have had in the past. Individuals should be the highest value.


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Jesse Williams' BET Awards complete speech [courageous] 

html5 video converter by v3.9.1

“The Hereafter is a Hustle” [Waiting, Deferring or Hoping for “Freedom/Change” in the Future [politics] or in the Afterlife [religion] is a bullshit mindgame conducted by the vested interests.]   

There was a glitch in the matrix last Sunday. It occurred during an awards show on BET, a network controlled by elite whites that usually filters out anything real. [The White elite owned media controls what you consume in order to try to control what you think and do.]

At a high point in his career and with much to lose, Jesse Williams left the shore of safety and talked about confronting white supremacy and changing the way we think about ourselves to a national Black audience. Here, he gambled - or risked the known for the unknown. ["only the gamblers know what life is"]

For more on the "invention called whiteness" and race as organization for the purpose of white domination follow the link below:

White supremacy is racism and racism is white supremacy 


Dr. Amos Wilson: 'We empower White People by the nature of our own behavior and attitudes as a people. They cannot be what they are unless we are, what we are. To a good extent, the European is our creation'

Blue Print For Black Power! 

"So we shouldn’t look at consciousness as some abstraction. As I often tell people, the most practical thing you can have is a good theory, is a good concept to guide your behavior, to be used as an instrument, to measure reality, as an instrument, to test reality. A good theory then organizes the world, organizes one’s approach to the world. It permits one to be able to evaluate the world, in terms of where one wants to go, in terms of what one wants to do. To be without theory, is to approach the world on an “ad-hoc” basis, you know just to meet it here and there, and to not approach it in a systematic form, to live “reactionarily,” “always reacting to what other people are doing, always being overwhelmed by events, and overwhelmed by the future, instead of creating events, and creating the future, and making the future.” See when one has then a good theory, and a good concept, one is able to do that. Consciousness… without human consciousness there is no world. It is the presence of human consciousness that brings meaning into the world. Without human beings in this world, conscious human beings in this world, in effect, there would not be a world. We bring the world into being through our consciousness. And through our consciousness, we create the world we live in. Out of the totality of reality our consciousness cuts our world at the fist itself. In other words, the kind of world you exist in reflects the kind of consciousness that you have. And notice if you change your consciousness or values and orientation, you enter into a different world. You interact with different people, people often you didn’t know existed in the world, social situations that you might not have even recognized, until you entered into a new level of consciousness. You see people say for instance, who become addicted, say to crack or something, and now enter into a whole world and enter into a whole social system, that before they became addicted, they hardly noticed, they didn’t know what it was all about, and they picked up new friends, and new relations, hold new ways of acting, hold new purposes in life, they loss with old friends, broke with old families, and all kinds of things, in other words, the consciousness, that addictive consciousness, brought into the world a new foreground, and put other things into the background. 

Therefore, man’s consciousness is a creative act, and the kind of consciousness you have, will determine the kind of world you create. And consequently, when you look at the world that we live in African people, we must recognize to a great extent, it is a world of our own creation, it is a world that has been generated with a type of consciousness we’ve been permitted to be instilled in us as a people. As I told you earlier today on the radio, we talked about the white man as having power, and I want you to recognize that power ultimately has to do with a relationship between people, and that the white man’s so-called power, is to a great extent based upon the nature of the relationship he has with the Black man. We empower him by the nature of our own behavior and attitudes as a people. He can not be what he is, as I said earlier, unless we are, what we are, I’m telling you. To a good extent, the European is our creation … yes, un hunh, un hunh. If we look at our behavior, we will see that to a good extent, it is our behavior, our values, our consciousness, the kind of personalities we’ve established in ourselves, our taste, our desires and needs; that maintains the European in its position. 

We talk about the Civil Rights Movement, and the Apartheid system of the South, when Blacks decided to just get out of the buses and just walk, the system changed, yeah, when they stop sitting behind the white driver, just changing that relationship, changed the nature of power, in that system. When they decided then to walk side by side, when they decided to walk abreast and line themselves up, because they had not walked that way before … for the ends to be fought, the relationship changed. When they kept their monies in their pockets, when they set on the stools and blocked the other people from them, and change the nature of the interactions between themselves and europeans, the nature of the system changed. So therefore we have tremendous Power. It depends upon how we align ourselves as a people, and how we decide to relate to other people in the world, because they can not have what they have, unless we are who we are. And that is why we don’t have to waste a great deal of time always appealing to them, and analyzing them, because we can better appeal to our own sense of self, and our own consciousness, and we waste a lot of time trying to transform them, when through transforming ourselves, they will be transformed automatically. The Power is in our hands. We are not destined to be the servants of white folk, that is not the destiny of Black folk, no way. And we have to change this idea, because many of us are still operating on that concept, as I said earlier, many of us go to these schools to become what, qualified, to work for whom, them. Why do we assume that their going to have the jobs for us …yes, these people are having difficulty making jobs for themselves. The greatest problem that the european is facing today, and the european economies are facing today, is that they are not even generating enough jobs for their own people. And even though America is bragging about the millions of jobs it’s creating, those jobs are part-time jobs, the bulk of them are part-time jobs, low-wage jobs, and jobs that have little or no future. So when people talk about creating jobs, you have to ask, what kind of jobs are being created. That is why of course the system is not investing in Black education. It no longer needs Black people for its employment structure. You see it bringing in people from outside of the nation to be employed. You see it is even hiring in the world itself in other nations and other places. Already it has reached the point where its need for Black males, is pretty much saturated. And it is literally then warehousing us in the jails and prisons, and provoking us to kill each other and to destroy each other out here in these streets. And yet we are still organizing the education of our children, as if the white man still has jobs waiting for them, in multitudes. [MORE PDF


yep. that's what they get for not casting Kevin Hart as Cheeta [the chimpanzee]: Box Office Nightmare - Tarzan Tracking Poorly for July 4th Weekend  

Can I Coon For You Massah? All day. Coin operated Sniggers dressing like women, jumping, screaming, cooning, crying, shining teeth at us, acting vaginal, cowardly and promoting the ongoing smiling black face. Playing themselves in the white media. Fuck that. Stop supporting White Supremacy.  

Anon asks;

"Who Is Most To Blame? Black Comics Or The Black Audience? If we did not support black entertainers who degrade black people, they could not make money doing it. When our "comedy" ridicules our heroes, like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, our religion, churches, pastors, our beautiful black mommas, and our skin, noses, lips, and hair, WE make it harder for every black man, woman, and child to get respect at home, at work, on the street, in the courts, at the mortgage company, and at the hands of law enforcement.

By supporting and defending black "entertainers" who degrade black people for profit, WE are making life harder for every black male who applies for a job and is denied one because he has been stereotyped as an irresponsible fool before he opens his mouth. WE are making life harder for our black mothers, daughters, wives, and lovers to get the respect they deserve, when they are publicly referred to as "bitches" and "hos" by us. Yet we — black people -- demand respect as "black people" even when it is obvious we DO NOT RESPECT ourselves?" [MORE]

Amos Wilson states: 

"Psychic Violence — The most powerful obstacle against the liberation of Afrikan peoples from White domination and exploitation is not the ability of Whites to use superior military or police firepower or their threat to use it against Afrikan insurgency, but is their ability to engage in unrelenting psychopolitical violence against the collective Afrikan psyche. It is the White monopoly on psychic violence and their devastatingly ingenious use of it against the minds of Afrikan peoples which represent the greatest threat to Afrikan survival. Wrong insightfully points out the nature of this form of violence:

What a surprise. A shitty hollywood movie doing shitty. [T]here is a form of conduct, often described as psychic, psychological or moral force or violence, which does not fit readily under the rubrics of any of the other forms of power. If physical violence involves inflicting damages on the body of a person, how is one to classify the deliberate effort to affect adversely a person's emotions or his feelings and ideas about himself by verbally, or in other symbolic ways, insulting or degrading him? If. . . power includes the production of purely mental or emotional effects and is not confined to the eliciting of overt acts, then the psychic assault of, say, a nagging, browbeating spouse or parent, the defamation of the character of a political foe or even of an entire group, constitute exercises of power. .

Damage to the psyche is surely as real as damage to the body . . . It is plainly not true that 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me'. Psychic violence, in which the intended effect of the perpetrator is to inflict mental or emotional harm, is continuous with physical violence.

The ultimate force in the world is the force of mind. When that force is defeated all is lost.

Dominant Whites have used words and symbols to violently and unrelentingly attack oppressed Blacks in a thousand and one nefarious ways, including the projection of dehumanizing stereotypes and caricatures of them; the falsification of their history and culture; the miseducation of Blacks; and the engaging in chronic derisive media attacks on their morals, behavior, intelligence, ways of life, sexuality, physical features, motives and values.

The final end of the violent White-instigated psychic assaults against the collective psyche of Blacks is to induce in them states of false consciousness, self-alienation and self-hatred so as to irreparably impair their capacity to overthrow their White oppressors through the mobilization of their human and material resources.

False consciousness, self-alienation and self-hatred are conjoining states of mind which motivate oppressed Blacks to engage in continuing self-defeating, self-destructive assaults against their own interests and against themselves. Consequently, by these means Blacks are unwittingly manipulated into forming alliances with their oppressors and exploiters in disempowering themselves and in empowering those who dominate and exploit them all the more.

Coercion as Power

The instrumental use of force or the threatened use of force by the power holder to attain the compliance of another is often referred to as coercion. Coercion is therefore a form of power. It is of the utmost importance to note as did Wrong that "a coercer may succeed without possessing either the capability or the intention of using force, so long as the power subject believes he possesses both" [Emphasis added]. That is, the coercive power of the power holder may rest significantly less or not at all on his actual capacity to harm the subject, but may rest more or less completely on the subordinate subject's belief that the power holder can do so. This perspective, commonly referred to as "bluffing," allows us to recognize the fact that in many instances power holders exercise power over their subjects because of the subjects' misperceptions and misunderstandings, or false beliefs about the power holders' ability to restrict their options or possibilities. Wartenberg refers to this situation as the Oz Phenomenon, "for it shows that agents are able to coerce other agents by acting upon their beliefs rather than by controlling their action-environment directly." He further contends

that coercive power relations can be brought into existence by means of the subordinate agent's false understandings about the ability of the dominant agent to harm him. This is an important source of power for a dominant agent so long as her ability to realize her threat is not questioned [and challenged].1 [Emphasis added]

While the ability of the dominant agent to coerce the subordinate subject may rest heavily on the subject's exaggerated misperception of the dominant agent's actual capacity to do him harm, equally and often of greater importance, the ability of the dominant agent to coerce the subject may rest on the subject's misperception and underestimation of his own capacity to successfully thwart the coercive or punitive actions of the dominant agent. The often anemic self-concept of subordinate persons and groups, their low self-esteem, their ignorance of their actual strengths, are more the causes of their subordination than is the actual strength of their oppressors.

The long history of White American domination of Black Ameri­cans — which has been enforced and reinforced by the use of physical force and violence, psychic violence and coercive power — has in effect convinced the majority of Blacks that Whites are invincible. Moreover, this history has undermined the self-confidence of most Blacks, narrowed their vision of their possibilities and power, restricted their aspirations to the narrow confines of racial accommodation and assimilation, to being the paternalistic recipients of White sympathy rather than expanding their aspirations to include the overcoming of White power and achieving full, unfettered self-liberation. The unending maintenance of this self-defeating state of mind in Blacks is the fundamental objective of White power and the keystone upon which the infrastructural facade of White power rests.

We are not arguing here that White power is purely delusional or does not contain truly lethal actualities. However, we are arguing that if Black Americans and Afrikans the world-over do not permit themselves to be "psyched out" by White racist propaganda; if they both recognize and actualize their potential to neutralize White power in either its imagined or actual forms, they can by these means neutralize it. [MORE]


Dr Amos Wilson: The Falsification Afrikan of Consciousness


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