Precondition to Genocide? Most Whites in NYC Support Stop & Frisk of Non-whites: 4th Amendment Vanishing

Prior to the Holocaust in Nazi Germany certain pre-conditions had to be established before such mass murder could have been possible. For one thing, people had to be ready to accept the identification of other members of their society as enemies. A substantial part of the population had to be ready to consider it desirable, acceptable or unavoidable that certain other people would be isolated, persecuted and killed.
Consider the fact that prior to the Holocaust, Jews thought they were German. That is, Jews had fully assimilated & integrated into German society. Are the pre-conditions to the genocide of non-whites being laid down in U.S.? This poll shows that most whites in NYC see nothing wrong with stopping, detaining and searching random Blacks & Latinos. What's next folks? The 4th Amendement is not even an afterthought here to the poll takers & givers or white media [HERE]- bw. From [HERE] New York City voters are divided along racial lines over the New York Police Department's "stop-and-frisk" strategy, according to a poll released Thursday.
The Quinnipiac University survey found that 57 percent of white city voters approve of the Police Department's practice of detaining and sometimes searching anyone officers deem suspicious. But only 25 percent of black voters surveyed said they approve of the policy, which affects many more minorities than white residents. Of those surveyed, 53 percent of Hispanics said they approve of the practice.
The NYPD stopped close to 700,000 people on the street last year. Nearly 87 percent were black or Hispanic, and about half were frisked. About 10 percent were arrested. According to NYPD data, even though, Blacks and Latinos were far more likely to be stopped, whites were almost twice as likely to be found carrying a weapon. [MORE] and [MORE].
Mayor Michael Bloomberg argues that the program is an indispensable tool in the fight against illegal guns. But critics argue the practice unfairly targets minorities.
Overall approval for stop and frisk was at 45 percent, while disapproval was at 50 percent. Some 64 percent of voters said they approve of Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly's job performance. His approval among whites was at 77 percent, while among blacks, it was at 51 percent.
The random survey of 1,298 city voters was conducted by telephone from Aug. 8 to Aug. 12. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.
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