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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Arkansas Acquires Lethal Injection Drug From Unknown Source & is Ready to Resume Murdering Mostly Blacks on Death Row

36 on Arkansas Death Row, 20 are Black & 16 are White. Blacks make 55% of its Executions but Are Only 15% of Entire Population. [MORE]  'Although America goes on claiming to be the greatest democracy in the world, it is sheer bullshit. If killing somebody is a crime, then how can you remove crime from society by committing the same crime again? If murder is wrong, then whether it is committed by the man or by the society and its court, makes no difference. The death penalty is a crime committed by the society against a single individual, who is helpless.' [MORE]

From [HERE] Arkansas now has all the drugs it needs to carry out eight scheduled executions that will occur in pairs next month in the span of just 10 days. 

An Arkansas Department of Corrections spokesman said 100 vials of the lethal injection drug postassium chloride were delivered to the department March 8. The state’s previous batch of the drug, one of three used in the state’s lethal injection cocktail, expired in January.

The new supply clears the path for the executions of eight death row inmates scheduled between April 17 and 27. The state scheduled the executions before its supply of the sedative midazolam expires at the end of April.

In June, the Arkansas Supreme Court upheld a state law that allows for the type, manufacturers and sellers of drugs used for lethal injections to be kept confidential. The Arkansas Supreme Court [in photo] is entirely all white. [MORE

It’s been 11 years since Arkansas has executed a death-row inmate, as legal challenges and trouble acquiring the drugs halted the sentences.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson, racist suspect in top photo, set the execution dates just after the U.S. Supreme Court declined in February to review a state court ruling upholding Arkansas’ lethal injection law.

Attorneys for the inmates have argued that the state’s lethal injection law and three-drug protocol is unconstitutional. They challenged the state’s method of execution as cruel and unusual punishment.

The decision to carry out the executions within a 10-day span drew ire from groups like the Arkansas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. The organization said in a statement that it is “outraged” and called the “mass execution…grotesque and unprecedented.”

The Arkansas inmates scheduled for execution next month are Bruce Ward, Don Davis, Stacey Johnson, Ledell Lee, Jack Jones, Marcel Williams, Kenneth Williams and Jason McGehee.


Ex-felons Lawsuit says Florida Voting Restoration Laws Created to Prevent Blacks from Gaining Political Power

From [HERE] Seven former felons filed suit against Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Monday, claiming that the state’s process for restoring voting rights to ex-felons is discriminatory, arbitrary, and unlawful.

The seven citizens, who all had their right to vote permanently revoked when they were convicted of felonies, claim in a class action in federal court that the governor does not give them a fair chance to restore their rights. Florida is one of four states that permanently disenfranchise anyone with a felony conviction, unless they are able to apply for clemency.

As a result of Scott’s decision to mandate a five- to seven-year waiting period before former felons can apply for clemency, just 2,487 petitions have been approved since Scott took office in 2011. Meanwhile, more than 10,500 people are waiting for consideration, according to the lawsuit.

“It is common for an applicant to wait as many as ten years, if not more, without any update from the board before he or she is finally given a hearing date or notified the application was denied or granted without a hearing,” says the lawsuit, filed by the advocacy group Fair Elections Network.

According to the complaint, the clemency board uses “vague, shifting standards” to grant clemency to some applicants but not others, resulting in arbitrary decision-making that violates the First Amendment.

During his term, former Gov. Charlie Crist, then a Republican, made it easier for felons to regain their rights, restoring the right to vote to more than 155,000 people. But Scott reversed that change in 2011 and mandated a long waiting period before felons could even apply for clemency.

“As a result, Florida now has an estimated 1.68 million disenfranchised ex-felons or 10.4 percent of the state’s voting-age population — both the highest total and the highest rate in the nation,” the complaint notes.

The plaintiffs also point out the discriminatory history of the disenfranchisement law, which dates back to the post–Civil War era when the state specifically wanted to keep black residents from gaining political power.

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Will Trump Wiretap Snoop's Phone? New Dope Video Depicts Trump [Doggy rep.] as "a Fucking Clown" & Brutality by Public Servants [cops]  

[MORE] and [MORE] Above racist Sean Hannity and his coin operated shenanigger, Niger Ennis prefer the kind of "black culture" wherein Blacks call themselves, niggers, gangsters, thugs, bitches and hoes or where Blacks maintain an ongoing smiling face or jump up and down over & over and struggle to speak english; programming where Black people are taught to hate themselves ['White America loves to see Black people destroying themselves for white genetic survival" [MORE]. But, who gives a fuck about what they like, right? [MORE]

Snoop said, "I feel like it’s a lot of people making cool records, having fun, partying, but nobody’s dealing with the real issue with this fucking clown as president, and the shit that we dealing with out here, so I wanted to take time out to push pause on a party record and make one of these records for the time being." "The whole world is clownin’ around, and [Jesse’s] concept is so right on point with the art direction and the reality, because if you really look at some of these motherfuckers, they are clowns." [MORE] Well said. 

Undeciever Dr. Blynd in FUNKTIONARY describes this kind of media as guerrilla programming;

Guerrilla Programming - a simultaneous exposure of the oppressive system and subversion of that system to inform the oppressors (terrorcrats), or anyone who may be watching or listening of their own abject ridiculousness. The production of an action, not the consumption of a product. (See Poetic Terrorism, Graffiti & Subvertisements)

Doggy - Uncle Brother—the condition and conditioning which serves you your problem doubling as your very own ambition. 2) a situation such that the fulfillment of the conditions necessary to achieve a desired result produces its failure. 3) the entity that goes by many names, including bank-monopolized capitalism the Spectacle, the Hall of Mirrors and the Looking Glass society, the Mega-machine, Statism, Global Imperialism Scientific Socialism cooperative federalism, corporate religion, and the phallacy of "progress"—the manifestation and embodiment of the tool of the Wallflower Order. 4) any shrewd trickster. 5) Leviathan's Big Brother. 6) the creators of the source code for the global dis-information "system." 7) Dr. Sam and Mr. Brother. 8) the collective name ascribed to inert abstractions that we have given artificial life-support to and unwittingly sanctioned or accorded superiority over life. Doggy is the cultural conditioning system that maintains its hold over all things and all people, even our minds and opinions, by getting us to be informers and informants on each other, by getting us to be the trustees in and of their mind prism prison. Doggy is any and all conditioning, often self-imposed and when necessary involuntarily inflicted, that promotes your belief in illusion (both grand and petit) as a way of life. Doggy creates the conditions wherein an undetected and undeclared war is waged on us directly through us. The result of this on-going psychological war is that you, like many others, willingly destroy your freedom without the possibility of recognizing or overcoming the oppressions of control. The belief in illusion is the agreement to oppression. Doggy is the violent programming we have sustained all of our lives. Doggy wants you to just barely survive—but not to be fully alive—wants you to remain barely alive, but not to fully live. Say Uncle! Bad Doggy. (See: "THEY," Hidalgo, Vampires, Society, Thoughtforms, Crimethlnc., Beasthood, Corporate State, Governments, Uncle Sam Wallflower Order, Cell, The Collective, Fishbowlers, Big Brother & "Greater System")

The following images may refresh Sean Hannity's memory:

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Rep. Conyers Says Fired US Atty was Investigating Potential Improper Activity Involving Trump Tower & Campaign

From [HERE] and [HERE] Michigan Rep. John Conyers, the House Judiciary Committee's top Democrat, wants a summary of probes linked to President Donald Trump in light of the dismissal of dozens of federal prosecutors. Conyers says in a release that Saturday's firing of Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (buh-RAH'-ruh) is a particular problem.

He says Bharara could be reviewing a range of potential improper activity involving Trump Tower and the campaign of President Donald Trump as well as entities with financial ties to the president or the Trump organization.

Conyers notes that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who sought the resignations Friday, has been at the center of his own scandal. Sessions' confirmation hearing testimony has been criticized as inaccurate.

Conyers says he wants the Justice Department to reveal to the judiciary committee all probes touching on the Trump administration, transition, campaign and organization.

Bharara was appointed by former President Barack Obama in 2009. In frequent public appearances, Bharara has decried public corruption after successfully prosecuting over a dozen state lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans alike.


CBO Finds Trump[dont]Care could cost 24 million people their insurance - No benefit to those who earn less than $200,000 year

From [HERE] and [HERE] The Congressional Budget Office released its long awaited analysis of Trumpcare on Monday afternoon, and its findings were grim.

The CBO found that 14 million fewer Americans would be insured by 2018 under the House GOP’s health care plan. By 2026, a full 24 million people would have gone uninsured relative to the number of people expected to be insured under the Affordable Care Act. The increase stems mostly from Trumpcare’s repeal of the individual mandate and changes to Medicaid.

Meanwhile another analysis found that the proposed legislation disproportionately impacts Blacks & Latinos. The proposal offers no benefit to persons earning less than $200,000 per year. Under the plan proposed by House Republicans, each of the nation’s 400 richest families will save $7 million per year, as part of a tax giveaway. [MORE

The House GOP’s plan would get rid of the individual mandate that requires all Americans to sign up for health insurance, and would instead introduce a provision requiring continuous coverage. If anyone tries to go without insurance for two months or more, they would be required to pay 30 percent more on their premiums once they resumed coverage. Health care experts say this won’t be enough to keep healthy people in the market.

The plan would also phase out Medicaid expansion and restructure how the program is funded. Health care experts also say they are concerned that tax credits won’t benefit low-income people the way they did under the ACA, and that things like health savings accounts won’t be enough to help the Americans who need help the most. Overall, low-income people, women, people with chronic illnesses, and people with mental health issues would suffer the most under this plan.

The CBO also projected that premiums would be 15 to 20 percent higher overall in 2018 and 2019. The cost would start to decline in 2020, but older enrollees would still pay substantially higher premiums than young people, because insurers would be permitted to charge then five times as much. Under the ACA, insurers can only charge older people up to three times more than younger people.

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White Faculty at MIT form ‘White Person’s Accountability Group’ to understand their 'roles in perpetuating systemic racism & in dismantling it'

From [HERE] The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) now has a “White Person’s Accountability Group” to help white people understand their “roles both in perpetuating systemic racism and in dismantling it.”

According to a copy of the group’s mission statement, it was formed in reaction to the notorious “White Privilege Conference,” during which “a mixed-race group of MIT community members” realized “how different their experience had been in the WPC [White Privilege Conference] space and that there was a lot they could do with other white people to dismantle internal and structural racism.”

Drawing on that experience, white members of the group decided to begin holding monthly meetings to “hold one another accountable to advancing racial justice in [their] own personal, institutional, and societal spheres.”

The group has also sought to engage with the school community more broadly, recently hosting a campus-wide event called “But I’m Not Racist!” for white people to “engage with their own identities.”

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Racist Suspect Tried to Burn Down Store he Inaccurately Believed was Muslim Owned

That "belief" is a motherfucker. 

The great rebel, Buddha said: "All beliefs are dangerous. You should not believe, you should see. 

Belief is a closing of the mind -- then the aperture is closed, then you don't look." In fact, a man who believes becomes afraid to look. Maybe the truth is against his belief. Then what to do? -- he closes his eyes. It is easier to protect one's belief with closed eyes than with open eyes. Who knows? -- the truth may not coincide with your belief, the truth may shatter your belief, the truth may be against your belief. It may not be Christian, it may not be Hindu, it may not be Mohammedan. Then what will you do? So it is better to remain with closed eyes.

A man with belief becomes afraid: he does not seek and he does not enquire and he does not search. He never explores. He remains stuck with his belief. He holds his belief to his heart; this is out of fear." 

racist suspect - any white person who is capable of practicing racism against non-whites. In general, if a Caucasian is able to be a Racist (White Supremacist), he or she may be one and should be presumed to be racist. According to Neely Fuller, as long as white supremacy exists, every person classified as 'white' should be suspected of being Racist (White Supremacist). Since all whites are able to practice racism in a white supremacy system if they choose to do so, it is correct (and logical) to use the term "racist suspects" to identify whites who do not openly function as white supremacists (racists). Caucasians who do nothing to oppose white supremacy are its silent partners benefiting from this worldwide social political economic arrangement of domination. Those who do nothing about it or cooperate with it are also racist/white supremacist. Noted psychiatrist, Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, has stated, "people who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice." 


Racist Suspect Sean Spicer Tells Indian Woman @ Apple Store, “It's such a great country that allows you to be here”



Somalia famine: Cholera outbreak


Racist Rep. Steve King Expresses His Fear of a Brown Country: ‘our civilization’ can’t be restored with ‘somebody else’s babies’

If Someone Otherizes You, You Are Their Enemy. Osho Rajineesh explained, "The mind always divides: the other and I. And the moment you divide I and the other, the other becomes the enemy, the other cannot be a friend. This is one of the basic things to be deeply understood, you need a penetration into it. The other cannot be the friend, the other is the enemy. In his very being the other, he is your enemy." [MORE]

Racists are obsessed with skin color and their inability to produce color. They created the concept of race out of thin air - it is just cartoon shit. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Race is not real but racism is. [MORE] Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of this organization is to maintain white domination and world control of non-whites, who have been frictionalized into made up classifications of people by racists (they do all the naming of peoples & countries -putting lines, boundaries on their maps). Persons who classify themselves as Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population and their numbers are shrinking fast, while non-white populations are surging. That is, 90% of the world population of 7 billion people are non-white. It is scientific fact that Black is a genetically dominant trait. Whenever Black mixes with White, which is a recessive genetic trait, Black will dominate. In general, this means persons with white skin cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. So, the white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites; White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored. [MORE] Understanding the above creates deep seated fears within the  racist mind. [MORE] Racists believe the only way they can survive is by dominating non-white persons. The only way they could rule the world was by implementing a genocidal global program of deception, destruction, and domination - aka a war for genetic survival. To them, a failure to do so would lead to the disappearance of the "white race." As stated by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, "if white people had not created such a global system in which they established power over the world's non-white majority, the white collective would have been genetically extinct a long time ago." [MORE] and [MORE

From [WashPost] Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has gained notoriety for his often contentious and racist — comments about immigration and the demographics of the United States. On Sunday, in a tweet about the nationalist Dutch politician Geert Wilders, King again appears to have crossed the line.

“Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny,” King wrote. “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

The formulation of “our” civilization being at risk from “somebody else’s babies” is a deliberate suggestion that American civilization is threatened by unnamed “others” — almost certainly a reference to non-Westerners [Western means white and Others mean Non-Whites]. The idea that national identity and racial identity overlap entirely is the crux of white nationalism; King’s formulation above toes close to that line, if it doesn’t cross. American culture, of course, was formed in part over the past two centuries by the assimilation of immigrants from a broad range of nations — first mostly European but later a broader diaspora. Iowa, the state King represents, remains one of the most homogeneously white in the United States.

King’s tweet echoes comments he made during the 2016 presidential election when, as a supporter of Donald Trump, he ignorantly suggested that white people had contributed more to civilization than any other “subgroup.” This poor ignorant white man knows little about the world and basically belives in cartoons. Even Europe itself is named after an African woman. Dr. Blynd explains, 'contrary to popular belief, so-called Europe is not a continent—go look on any map. Europeans (the so-called white race) as a distinct ethnicity, have no factually certain or known historical origin so they adapted the Roman mythological story of Romulus and Remus as their biological ancestry. The more probable history is being the offspring of the Cave-Man and Homo-Sapien Sapiens. So few controlling the rest of the view—to the history, the mystery, and the vast ancient past.'] [MORE]  

Wilders is a deeply controversial politician in Europe, thanks to his views on race and culture. Last month, for example, he referred to some immigrants from Morocco as “scum,” while pledging to “make the Netherlands ours again.” His Freedom Party has made significant gains in polling in the Netherlands over the past few years. King’s tweet on Sunday was not the first time he has praised Wilders for the latter’s opposition to immigration. Shortly before the 2016 election, King tweeted, “Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end,” including Wilders’s Twitter handle.

Even before the advent of Trump, King railed against the criminal threat posed by immigrants from Mexico. He gained national notoriety in 2013 for saying that, for every immigrant in the country illegally who becomes valedictorian, there are “another 100 out there that — they weigh 130 pounds, and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

Just as Wilders was the beneficiary of praise from King, King received praise of his own for his “our civilization” tweet. Quoting King’s comment, former KKK grand wizard David Duke tweeted an enthusiastic “GOD BLESS STEVE KING!!!”

Last summer, King was criticized for having a Confederate flag on his office desk — especially odd since Iowa was a Union state in the Civil War.

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Federal judge in Wisconsin blocks application of revised Trump Muslim Ban

From [HERE] A federal judge for the US District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin [official website] granted [PDF] a temporary restraining order against President Donald Trump's revised immigration ban on Friday to a Syrian asylum seeker and his family. The order is limited to the one man and his family, and will remain in effect only until the asylum request for his wife and child can be resolved. The judge found that returning to Aleppo while waiting for the outcome of the asylum request would pose, "significant risk of irreparable harm" for the man and his family. The man has been in the US since 2014 and was granted asylum in 2016.

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US Atty Preet Bharara Was Investigating Fox News When Trump Fired Him [Owner of Fox, Rupert Murdoch has Close Ties w/Trump]

In photo, Rupert Murdoch and Ivanka Trump in 2007. She oversaw a nearly $300 million trust for two of Mr. Murdoch’s children. Murdoch is the founder of the corporate news media giants 21st Century Fox and the News Corporation. News Corp owns The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post. He unsuccessfully attempted to purchase TimeWarner, who owns CNN in 2014, who Trump claims to hate. [MORE] and [MORE]

Fox News Faced Numerous Sexual Assault And Harassment Allegations. From [MediaMatters] In early July, former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson sued the network’s CEO and Chairman Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. Carlson’s attorney told The Washington Post that 25 women had “come forward with what they describe as similar harassment claims against Ailes that stretch across five decades back to his days in the 1960s as a young television producer.” 21st Century Fox tasked a law firm with conducting a review of Ailes' conduct and “the initial findings were damaging enough that the Murdochs decided they had to escort Ailes out,” according to CNN’s Brian Stelter. New York national affairs editor Gabriel Sherman reported that sources briefed on the investigation said former Fox News host Megyn Kelly told investigators that Ailes had also sexually harassed her. [The Washington Post, 7/22/16; CNN, The Lead with Jake Tapper, 7/21/16; New York, 7/19/16]

Fox’s Culture Of Sexual Harassment Extends Beyond Ailes. The New York Times reported on July 23 that Fox News may have “a broader problem in the workplace,” that extends beyond Ailes after at least “a dozen women” told the Times that “they had experienced some form of sexual harassment or intimidation at Fox News or the Fox Business Network, and half a dozen more who said they had witnessed it. Two of them cited Mr. Ailes and the rest cited other supervisors.” [The New York Times, 7/23/16]

Fox Recently Settled With Former Contributor Over Sexual Assault Allegation That Resulted In Executive’s Firing. The New York Times recently reported that Fox settled with former network contributor Tamara Holder in February for more than $2.5 million after the said she was sexually assaulted by an executive at the company’s headquarters two years ago. The Times reported that Fox “investigated her claims, and the executive, Francisco Cortés, the vice president for Fox News Latino, was terminated, according to two people familiar with the matter.” [The New York Times, 3/8/17]

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Trump Hypnotizes Media While GOP Moves to "Terminate" Dept of Education & EPA, Destroy Unions & Punish Sanctuary Cities

GOP = The Most Dangerous Organization in Human History? Noam Chomsky explained, “on Nov. 8, the most powerful country in world history, which will set its stamp on what comes next, had an election. The outcome placed total control of the government—executive, Congress, the Supreme Court—in the hands of the Republican Party, which has become the most dangerous organization in world history.”

Chomsky admits “The last phrase may seem outlandish, even outrageous. But is it?” [MORE] and [MORE]  

H.R. 899: To terminate the Department of Education. Racist suspect Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican representing Kentucky's 4th District, introduced a bill to abolish the Department of Education.  H.R. 899 calls simply for the “termination” of the Department of Education by the end of 2018. "The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018."

[Leaving It Up to the White Jesus' Return/'We are Separate from Nature']  H.R. 861: To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency. Introduced on 3 February 2017 by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) and three racist suspect Republican cosponsors, the body of H.R. 861 is only one sentence long: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” The text of the bill does not stipulate what would become of existing EPA regulations and their enforcement, but Gaetz has indicated that he intends jurisdiction to fall to individual states.

Puppetician Paul Ryan Fundraised With Health Insurance Lobbying Firm Just Before His PowerPoint. [MORE]

Trump Don't-Care Act. Like a Porsche, You Have Freedom to Buy Health Care, If You Can Afford It. From [HERE] On Sunday, proxymoronic Trumpcare architect-in-chief Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said he didn’t know how many people would lose their insurance under his Obamacare replacement plan. In a revealing exchange with CBS News, he suggested that it was “up to people” how far the uninsured rate would climb.

“Here’s the premise of your question: Are you going to stop mandating people buy health insurance?” he said. “People are going to do what they want to do with their lives, because we believe in individual freedom in this country. So the question is, are we providing a system where people have access to health care insurance if they choose to do so?”

In a sense, Ryan is correct that it would be “up to people” how much health coverage would shrink. Trumpcare provides more “freedom” than Obamacare by scrapping the individual mandate — the provision of the Affordable Care Act which penalizes individuals who choose to go without health insurance — and replacing it with a new system that punishes anyone who tries to leave the insurance pool and then come back later on.

The individual mandate exists to prevent what health policy experts call a “death spiral,” where insurance premiums climb asymptotically as the cost of insuring people becomes more and more expensive. Here’s how it works: Without the mandate, healthier people have less incentive to buy insurance, so it’s likelier that more of them would drop out of the insurance market. But that makes the risk pool riskier, since it would now be disproportionately comprised of people who are sicker, and therefore costlier to insure. That would force insurance companies to raise their premiums, which in turn would push more individuals to drop their insurance, leaving behind an even higher-risk pool and causing premiums to shoot up even more. And so on.

In his CBS interview, Ryan suggested that the insured rate would drop because, without the mandate, people would be more free to choose life without health insurance. But those who make that choice will disproportionately be the young and healthy, and by leaving the insurance market they would end up driving premiums sky high for those who remain. It’s likely that health insurance would then become far too expensive even for many of those who do want it.

That’s a strange kind of liberty: A world where everyone has, in theory, the abstract freedom to buy health insurance, but only a select few can actually afford it. 

The Trumpcare bill also reduces subsidies for low-income people to buy insurance, so health care would start getting more expensive under the law even before the death spiral kicked in. [MORE]

Destroy Unions Law: H.R. 785: National right-to-work legislation

Many Republican states have enacted so-called right-to-work laws, which prohibit labor unions and employers from requiring workers to join unions to get or keep jobs.

There are many misconceptions about “right-to-work” laws. This sounds like it would be a plus for working people. However, this term is misleading, and a distortion of the reality underlying it. Despite its name, right-to-work laws do not guarantee anyone a job, protect against unfair firing, guarantee equitable wages, or decent working conditions. By undermining unions and the ability of labor and management to bargain freely, right-to-work laws weaken the best job security protection workers have -- the union contract.

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[Like Salmon to Bear] Elijah Cummings tells Trump 'most Blacks are doing very, very well in system of white supremacy/racism' 

Sleeping Beggar. Maybe if Congressman Elijah Cummings dreamed about falling down a flight of steps he would wake up. While he is actually starving for food he probably would dream that he is eating a delicious feast - a trick his mind plays on him to snooze a little longer. In what way is thinking while you are awake like dreaming? Our minds go on chattering, thoughting, pretending, while racism/white supremacy is in front of the nose, all around us. When reality is too harsh to tolerate we create dreams and look to be deceived - to make reality more tolerable. 

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings said he told President Donald Trump during a meeting Wednesday that his language describing African-American communities has been "hurtful" and "insulting," and suggested the administration look into allegations of voter suppression as well as election fraud.

The exchange came during what appears to have been an otherwise congenial Oval Office meeting in which Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, presented the Republican president and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price with a proposal to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

Cummings, a senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said he spoke about African Americans in response to speeches in which Trump has referred to "carnage" in the "inner cities." The president has frequently described cities, including Baltimore, in dire terms.

"I said to him, 'Mr. President, most respectfully, when you're talking about the African-American community, I want you to realize that all African-American communities are not places of depression, where people are being harmed,'" the Baltimore lawmaker said. "I think it would be good for him to acknowledge that most African-American people are doing very, very well." [MORE]

The high price of prescription drugs is not the number one health issue facing African Americans. Rather, it is the false afrikan consciousness that African Americans, such as Cummings, possess. This false consciousness or mental programming by racists has rendered Black people useless to themselves, believers in white supremacy or mentacidal enemies against themselves. Cummings does not want to acknowledge the half truth of Trump's crituque of Black communities b/c he beleives that somehow it implicates Black people as the cause of its problems. Conversely, he also fears acknowledging such a reality because to do so might indict this system as system of racism/white supremacy - something he desperately does not want to believe exists [Jews during Nazi Germany considered themselves to be fully integrated Germans - they were deceived].  So instead he pretends that things are "very, very well." Racism/white supremacy has made Black people like him crazy. 

White Supremacy/Racism causes many of Black people's symptomatic problems; poverty, economic inequality, unemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, chronic welfare dependency, lack of affordable housing, homelessness, servant education, the unequal administration of justice, police brutality, jim crow incarceration and much more. 

The Packard Motors plant in black Detroit looks as if a wrecking ball has swung through the top floors, but the building has just been left to collapse.[MORE]  

The condition of Black communities has everything to do with the actions & inactions of racists like Trump. Whatever happened or did not happened to Black communities is the result of white supremacists/racists as they control everything in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) - 24/7 worldwide.

Neely Fuller explains 'Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by White Supremacists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many non-white people — particularly Black people — prefer not to acknowledge.  Non-white persons should stop pretending that this is not true. Non-white people should stop pretending that they have power that they do not have.' [MORE]

It is difficult to "stop pretending" when you have been relentlessly programmed to believe otherwise.

Cummings should ask racist Trump 'when are you going to turn your self in to the police?' Voter fraud does indeed exist and mounting empirical evidence shows that it got Trump elected through the systematic disenfranchisement of Black, Latino & Asian voters. [MORE] Like a salmon asking a bear 'what's for dinner?', Cummings has asked a rep from CrimethInc. to investigate itself. He should wear a clown suit. With so many stories in his head, put there by racists and with beliefs in so many lies told by racists, Cummings has lost touch with reality - like so many of us. Our beliefs in nonsense hold the system together and make white people who they are [masters] and make us what we are [servants]. 

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Doing Little to Fight the Power of White Supremacy, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC Spends Big on Luxury Resorts, Restaurants

"Unbelievable." Perhaps in his next rap the Honorable Rep. Hakeem Jeffries could freestyle about the GOP vote erasing program called "Interstate Crosscheck." Crosscheck purged approximately 1.1 million Black, Latino & Asian voters from voter rolls in swing states prior to election day to steal a victory for Trump & other racist puppeticians. [MORE] So far Black Dems have done nothing about non-white voter disenfranchisement. [MORE] 

From [FreeBeacon]The Congressional Black Caucus PAC (CBC PAC) spends lavishly on upscale resorts and hotels, catering at exclusive restaurants, and on fundraising and Broadway tickets, according to a review of campaign finance records.

The CBC PAC, which is the fundraising arm of the Congressional Black Caucus, puts far more money towards administrative and fundraising purposes than it donates to candidates, the intended purpose of the political action committee.

The CBC PAC claims its mission is to increase "the number of African Americans in the U.S. Congress" and to "support non-Black candidates that champion our interests, and promote African American participation in the political process-with an emphasis on young voters," according to its website.

The PAC spent hundreds of thousands throughout the 2016 election cycle on administrative expenses that included bills for lavish trips that were paid by the committee.

A $5,000 payment was made in January 2016 from the PAC to the Buccaneer Hotel located in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, one of the "world's top 50 tropical resorts."

Later, on March 21, 2016, the PAC made another payment to a resort in the Virgin Islands. This time, the money went towards a stay at the "one-of-a-kind" Renaissance St. Croix Carambola Beach Resort and Spa also located in St. Croix. The Renaissance is situated "among the foothills of a lush tropical rainforest and only steps away from the pristine sands of Estate Davis Bay."

The PAC spent $820 on taxicabs while in the Virgin Islands. More than $2,000 was spent at Sweeny's St. Croix Tours in the town of Christiansted, considered "the most beautiful town in the West Indies." Sweeny's provides an open-air bus for its guests as they embark on safari tours of the island. More than $4,500 was also spent by the PAC on catering at Un Amore, an Italian restaurant.

The group's largest expenses were made in New York and Washington, D.C.

The Conrad Hotel, a luxury all-suite hotel located in New York City, is a favorite of the PAC, which spent in excess of $40,000 at the venue throughout the last election cycle. Another favorite of the PAC, the St. Regis Hotel in Washington, D.C., that "plays home to dignitaries, royalties, and refined travelers alike," received more than $18,000 in payments from the committee.

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