From [HERE] Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president. Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points. On 3/20/17 Trump hit a new high of nearly 60% of Americans disapproving of his job as president and a new low of Americans approving of him.
But he has no problem wasting more than $3 million a pop to spend weekends at his private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida. Trump has already made four trips there since becoming president on January 20, and on Friday he confirmed he’s headed there this weekend for the fifth time. In photo, Trump and first lady Melania Trump stop to pose for a photo with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie Abe before they have dinner at Mar-a-Lago, Castle Greyskull on February 11.
Despite vowing during his campaign that he “would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done” and “would not be a president who took vacations” because “you don’t have time to take time off,” Trump has visited Trump-branded properties each of the past six weekends. That streak will hit seven when Trump lands at Mar-a-Lago later Friday.
In fact, Trump has spent time at Trump-branded property every weekend of his presidency other than the very first, when he created chaos throughout the country by signing a Muslim ban executive order that was later stayed by a federal court. [MORE]
The following article is about the recent election. It should be considered through the lens of the racism/white supremacy dynamic. It should also be considered in the context in which the election occurred; the context of white supremacy/racism. As stated by Mao Tse-Tung, "It is well known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual circumstances, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know the laws governing it, or know how to do it, or be able to do it well." And as explained by Neely Fuller, "If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism) - what it is, and how it works - everything else that you think you understand, will only confuse you." He also offered the following deprogramming code, "most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." [MORE] As defined by Dr. Blynd.
Racism White Supremacy- psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth – a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people.” Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD. [MORE]
According to Cress Welsing White supremacy domination and oppression of all non-white people is essential for global white genetic survival. That is, racists believe the only way they can survive is by genocidally oppressing non-whites. For instance, this is the logic behind systems of apartheid or segregation; if non-white & white children live together, they may play together, go to school together, work together, etc. and eventually have children together. And their offspring would be non-white, b/c mother nature said so: White plus Black equals Colored, White plus Brown equals Colored, White plus Yellow equals Colored. Black is a genetically dominant trait. Whenever Black mixes with White, which is a recessive genetic trait, Black will dominate. So, the so-called white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites.In fact, the world is 90% non-white and the white "race" is shrinking fast. [MORE] Numerical inadequacy of the fear of being replaced fuels racism. Racists are playing a survival game with non-whites in all areas of people activity. In the realm of politics, racists must rig elections to survive because the white votary is dying, vanishing literally. [MORE]
From [TheNation] The 2016 presidential election will go down as the election that spawned a million takes. Much of this debate centered around whether the rise of Donald Trump was primarily due to economic anxiety or whether his support was an expression of resentment of racial minority groups and immigrants.
In previous analyses of Trump’s support during the primaries, we showed that racial resentment played a larger role in the 2016 election than economic concerns. Recently released survey data allows us to ascertain in what ways Trump’s general election support compares to previous elections. The data also give us the opportunity to focus in on those voters who switched from Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016, and compare them to those voters who did not support Trump in 2016 but voted for Romney in 2012.
We find that opinions about how increasing racial diversity will affect American society had much more impact on support for Trump during the 2016 election compared to support for the Republican candidates in the two previous presidential elections. We also find that individuals with high levels of racial resentment were more likely to switch from Obama to Trump, but those with low racial resentment and more positive views about rising diversity voted for Romney but not Trump.
In short, our analysis indicates that Donald Trump successfully leveraged existing resentment towards African Americans in combination with emerging fears of increased racial diversity in America to reshape the presidential electorate, strongly attracting nativists towards Trump and pushing some more affluent and highly educated people with more cosmopolitan views to support Hillary Clinton. Racial identity and attitudes have further displaced class as the central battleground of American politics.
Research suggests, for instance, that reminding whites who have high levels of ethnic identification about rising diversity leads them to view Trump more favorably. (This finding is supported by other similarresearch.) We find evidence for the idea that rising diversity helped fuel Trump’s rise in the Cooperative Congressional Analysis Project data set, a survey that interviewed respondents during both the 2012 and 2016 elections (a panel survey). Because the survey includes data on multiple elections, we can compare how views have shifted support for political candidates.
For our analysis, we explored four questions about how rising diversity would impact the nation:
Now, as you may know, census projections show that by 2043, African Americans, Latinos, Asians, and other mixed racial and ethnic groups will together be a majority of the population. Thinking about the likely impact of this coming demographic change, how much you agree or disagree with each of these statements?
Americans will learn more from one another and be enriched by exposure to many different cultures.
A bigger, more diverse workforce will lead to more economic growth.
There will be too many demands on government services.
From [HERE] A study reported in The Washington Post found that voter ID laws disenfranchise minority voters disproportionately, an allegation right-wing media have dismissed while advocating for those types of laws in several states. Courts and other studies have come to the same conclusion.
Wash. Post: Voter ID Laws “Have A Disproportionate Effect On Minorities” And “Shift Outcomes Toward ... The Right.” Three professors wrote in The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog about their study, which found that voter ID laws are correlated with “a significant drop in minority participation” in elections and that the laws “have a disproportionate effect on minorities.” In addition, the study noted that in states with strict voter ID laws, “the turnout gap between Republicans and Democrats in primary contests more than doubles from 4.3 points to 9.8 points,” meaning that “when a state has strict voter ID laws, those who do vote are more conservative.” From the February 15 article (emphasis original):
When we compare overall turnout in states with strict ID laws to turnout in states without these laws, we find no significant difference. That pattern matches with most existing studies. But when we dig deeper and look specifically at racial and ethnic minority turnout, we see a significant drop in minority participation when and where these laws are implemented.
Hispanics are affected the most: Turnout is 7.1 percentage points lower in general elections and 5.3 points lower in primaries in strict ID states than it is in other states. Strict ID laws mean lower African American, Asian American and multiracial American turnout as well. White turnout is largely unaffected.
These laws have a disproportionate effect on minorities, which is exactly what you would expect given that members of racial and ethnic minorities are less apt to have valid photo ID.
In the graph above, we display the turnout gap between whites and Latinos, Asian Americans and African Americans in states with and without strict voter ID laws. In general elections in non-strict states, for instance, the gap between white and Latino turnout is on average 4.9 points.
But in states with strict ID laws, that gap grows to a substantial 13.2 points. The gap between white turnout and Asian American and African American turnout also increases.
The right side of the figure shows that the same thing happens in primary elections — and more dramatically. For example, the white-black turnout gap grows from 2.5 to 11.6 when a state adds strict ID laws. The racial imbalance in U.S. voting expands.
These findings persist even when we take many other factors into account — including partisanship, demographic characteristics, election contexts and other state laws that encourage or discourage participation. Racial gaps persist even when we limit our analysis to Democrats or track shifts in turnout in the first election after strict rules are implemented. Definitively determining that the laws themselves are what lowers turnout is always difficult without an experiment, but however we look at it, strict voter ID laws suppress minority votes.
When a state has strict voter ID laws, those who do vote are more conservative
All of this, of course, has real political consequences. Because minority voters tend to be Democrats, strict voter ID laws tilt the primary electorate dramatically. [Many white people vote Democratic, but the Republican party is pretty close to all white. (A fact that is soft-pedaled in out national dialog because it makes the modern Republican party sound like a racist institution, which it is.) [MORE] In fact, the White Party (GOP) now depends on white voters for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections. [MORE].
All else equal, when strict ID laws are instituted, the turnout gap between Republicans and Democrats in primary contests more than doubles from 4.3 points to 9.8 points. Likewise, the turnout gap between conservative and liberal voters more than doubles from 7.7 to 20.4 points.
By instituting strict voter ID laws, states can alter the electorate and shift outcomes toward those on the right. Where these laws are enacted, the influence of Democrats and liberals wanes and the power of Republicans grows. Unsurprisingly, these strict ID laws are passed almost exclusively by Republican legislatures.
From [HERE] The New Zealand Parliament [government website] voted Wednesday to approve a law [materials] that grants the Whanganui River the legal rights of a person. According to the new law [text; PDF, in Maori], the river, or Te Awa Tupua as it is known to the local Maori people, is now recognized as "an indivisible and living whole, comprising the Whanganui River from the mountains to the sea, incorporating all its physical and metaphysical elements," and "is a legal person and has all the rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of a legal person." In addition, the law mandates that two guardians be assigned to "act and speak for and on behalf of" the river. One guardian will be appointed by Parliament, and the other by the local Maori tribe. Albert Gerrard, a lead negotiator for the Whanganui tribe [official website], called the 170-year legal fight for recognition a "long, hard battle." New Zealand Attorney General Chris Finlayson said [press release] the legal recognition is important to the local Maori people.
I know some people will say it's pretty strange to give a natural resource a legal personality, but it's no stranger than family trusts, or companies, or incorporated societies. The approach of granting legal personality to a river is unique. Te Awa Tupua will have its own legal identity with all the corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a legal person.
According to Anon: "the term "Showcase Blacks," coined by Neely Fuller, refers to the high-profile blacks that are constantly paraded before the public. They may be political dignitaries, pro athletes, entertainers, educators, business people, elected officials, etc. Their real purpose is to mask the REALITY of being black in America. Showcase Blacks are not showcasing themselves, they are being showcased by white supremacists. [MORE]
Showcase Blacks are part and parcel to the necessary illusion of the media, which is a "mind shampoo"- shaping the thoughts and understandings of non-white people with psy-ops to create a false consciousness about themselves and their environment. Such conditioning can make you crazy and full of self-hate, like Steve Harvey. The money and rewards are good for these tricks.
Racial Shadow Boxingoccurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists (white Supremacist), to speak or act to do harm to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE]
As defined by Dr. Blynd in FUNKTIONARY, SNigger ---a sold-out snitching-smiling Sambo-Negro. 2) a South-Bender offender. SNiggers smile for nothing except an empty mind while selling-out their own kind. They typically have an intellectual base yet are devoid of intelligence, thus promoting the on-going smiling face. They also often giggle and have a frivolous conception of society and scant knowledge of the vestiges of the trans-Atlantic slave trade that even brought their sorry-ass selves to shore. SNiggers are traitors and pawns of the downpressors. [MORE]
From [HERE] and [HERE] Iowa Republican U.S. House Rep. Steve King isn’t a newcomer to racist and bigoted comments. Yet he won his last election with 61 percent of the vote. Since he was first elected to Congress back in 2002, King has racked up victory after victory — often by huge margins. King's sprawling district covers 49 counties and is 93 percent white. [MORE] Iowa is 91% white, which is a fitting environment for this upside down clown because the world is 90% non-white. Yes, out of 7 billion people, less than 10% are classified as white. A drop of water fighting against the ocean - who else supports this unconscious motherfucker??
"King could use N-word daily, still get reelected here" was the headline gracing a column written last July by Douglas Burns of the Daily Times Herald newspaper in Carroll County.
"I stand by that," Burns told NBC News on Wednesday. "I think that says as much and more about us as it says about him." [MORE]
King claimed in an interview in the Hill just off the House floor on Thursday afternoon that he hasn’t been getting much pushback from fellow House Republicans, if anything, colleagues have given him words of encouragement since lawmakers returned to the Capitol the previous day.
“My colleagues have generally been coming by and patting me on the back. And a surprising number have said that they pray for me. And, meaning they support me and they agree with me, a surprising number,” King said. [MORE]
The following from OpenSecrets is a list of his top twenty donors to his 2015 - 16 Campaign Committee
From [HERE] President Trump has invited all 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus for a meeting at the White House next Wednesday, according to White House press secretary Sean Spicer.
Members of the group later accepted the invitation for the meeting set for March 22 at 3pm.
From [HERE] Racist suspect Gov. Rick Scott removed Orange-Osceola State Attorney Aramis Ayala from the case against murder suspect Markeith Loyd after she publicly announced Thursday that she would not pursue the death penalty against Loyd.
Scott says Ayala refused to recuse herself from the case after he asked her to, so he reassigned it to Fifth Judicial Circuit State Attorney Brad King.
"[Ayala] has made it clear that she will not fight for justice," Scott says in a statement. "Let’s remember, Markeith Loyd is accused of executing a brave law enforcement hero and murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend, Sade Dixon. Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Norman Lewis was also killed while actively searching for Markeith Loyd following these heinous murders. I am outraged and sickened by this loss of life and many families’ lives have been forever changed because of these senseless murders. These families deserve a state attorney who will aggressively prosecute Markeith Loyd to the fullest extent of the law and justice must be served."
Loyd is accused of killing his pregnant ex-girlfriend Sade Dixon in December and later fatally shooting Orlando Police Lt. Debra Clayton at a Walmart a month later in an "execution-style" manner. Ayala, who is the first African-American state attorney ever elected in Florida, also announced she won't be seeking the death penalty for any case during her administration.
"While I currently do have discretion to pursue death sentences, I have determined that doing so is not in the best interests of this community or in the best interests of justice," Ayala said on Thursday. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund praised this decision in a statement earlier today.
From [HERE] Republicans in Kentucky have been accused of trying to bring back racial segregation to schools, after a controversial bill on the regulation of education places passed in the state’s House of Representatives.
House Bill 151 would require school boards to give priority to give priority to students who live closest to schools. Parents still could list any school they wanted as their top choice, but students who live nearby would have an advantage.
The bill was approved by a 59 to 37 House vote, but still needs the Kentucky Senate's approval before becoming law.
It is the latest legal challenge to desegregation bussing — the practice of transporting students to certain schools to redress previous racial segregation and to tackle the effects of residential demographics on educational performance.
Bussing started in 1954 after a court ruling declared racial segregation in public educational facilities was unconstitutional.
“This bill would have very unfortunate consequences for low-income and minority children,” said Danyelle Solomon, the director of Progress 2050 – a project of the Centre for American Progress that specialises in racial equity.
From [HERE] It was a conversation between two judges about a Black defendant in the courtroom just a short time earlier.
"I'll tell you, he's some field (n-word)," District Court Judge Michael Creedon said, according to an internal court report obtained by 5 Investigates.
The other judge responded, "What?"
Creedon then allegedly repeated, "You know, a field nigger)."
The conversation from June was recalled by a probation officer who overheard it while heading to the judge's chambers to look for a signature on some paperwork. But it upset the probation officer so much he reported it, and the investigation that followed ultimately led to Creedon's agreeing in September to quietly retire with a six-figure pension.
The state Judicial Conduct Commission released no details of the complaint or the investigation except to say it involved a racially insensitive remark, but the report obtained by 5 Investigates reveals the complaint that started the investigation.
A month after Creedon's agreement, the state Commission on Judicial Conduct issued a three-sentence news release saying Creedon retired because of the complaint and for family health reasons. Creedon has not returned 5 Investigates' phone calls seeking comment.
Racism is the opposite of justice, reality. "Racists are masters of deceit" - Neely Fuller. From [HERE] and [HERE] On Sunday, Congressman Steve King (R-IA) fired off a tweet in support of Dutch Presidential candidate Geert Wilders, whose populist, far-right and anti-immigrant platform has led some to dub him the Dutch Donald Trump.
King’s original tweet closely dovetails language used by white nationalists to suggest that America needs more white people of European descent, and fewer Muslim and Latino immigrants. It has been roundly lambasted as racist.
Despite the criticism over his barely-veiled ethno-nationalism, King hasn’t backed down. In a Tuesday interview, Breitbart host Alex Marlow paused a discussion on the Obamacare replacement bill’s dismal CBO numbers to give King “a chance to explain to the Breitbart audience.”
King replied that the tweet reflected his view that Western civilization is at risk of extinction due to low birth rates and immigration from inferior non-Western [non-white] cultures.
According to King, the tweet was the same language he used 10 years ago, when he was asked before the EU parliament to address how they could deal with a “diminishing size of the pie” as their population aged.
“I said to them in that speech, ‘You cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody else’s babies. If you don’t care enough about your society, your civilization, to have enough babies to sustain your population — and hopefully increase, and not decrease — then you shall shortly become extinct,” King reiterated to Breitbart.
“The answer back was, ‘Well, we’re importing labor to take care of that.’ And I could see then in Europe the things that now are burning in the streets of Germany, and Sweden, and France, and multiple other countries in Western Europe,” he continued. He later referred specifically to Muslim immigration, and claimed that immigrants were “building enclaves within cities” and “demonstrating against the host country and the host culture while they’re soaking up the welfare.”
“So that’s what that is about, we’re watching as Western civilization is shrinking in the face of the massive, epic migration that is pouring into Europe,” he said. “That’s the core of that tweet. They’re importing a different culture, a different civilization — and that culture and civilization, the imported one, rejects the host culture. And so they are supplanting Western civilization with Middle Eastern civilization and I say, and Geert Wilders says, Western civilization is a superior civilization, it is the first world.”
King, in his defense of the tweet, denied that the statement was about race and said if he had more than 140 characters he would have added: “you can’t rebuild your civilization with somebody else’s babies unless you adopt them and bring them into your homes and raise them as your own.” [Here, racist King is speaking of the false consciousness programmed into non-white people, especially African Americans. Black history fact: many plantations were actually run by all Black folks - folks employed & programmed in service of white domination by their white masters. A racist system can be operated by non-whites on behalf of racists; control may even be more effective that way. For instance, go check out a criminal courtroom in an urban environment - filled with many black actors [judges, probation officers, court staff, lawyers & social workers] executing a racist justice system more efficiently than an all white courtroom [looking circa 1950]. Why? an all white courtroom with all Black/Latino defendants would look racist. The black actors are present to present the appearance of justice; the only product produced by criminal courts with regard to non-whites.]
His overall statement, however, is a slightly more genteel phrasing of the rallying cry of open white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists, who believe that both white people as a race and as a Euro-centric society are critically endangered. It’s a conspiracy theory popularly known as “white genocide” — the belief that mass immigration, integration, low fertility rates, and abortion are being used in predominantly white countries to erase white populations through assimilation.
[lol. For real the the white population is vanishing but no one is making it vanish. It's a natural occurrence, blame mother nature or the tao;
White plus Black equals Colored.
White plus Brown equals Colored.
White plus Yellow equals Colored.
It is scientific fact that Black is a genetically dominant trait. Whenever Black mixes with White, which is a recessive genetic trait, Black will dominate. In general, this means persons with white skin cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. So, the white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites. The world is 90% non-white and the white "race" is shrinking fast. In the realm of genetics, white skin is described as a genetic deficiency b/c it is an abnormal condition affecting less than 10% of the world's 7 billion people. [MORE]
Understanding the above creates deep seated fears within the racist mind. It is racist man's greatest fear and it fuels the system of white supremacy/racism causing racists to act genocidally towards non-whites in all areas of people activity. [MORE]
In the interview, King went on to support his view with CIA data of the world birth rates, saying that of 24 first-world countries — “western civilizations almost by definition” — only Israel had a high enough birth rate to sustain its population. [lol. Israeli's are "honorary whites." Go to Israel see for yourself. Palestinians & Israeli's look the same or have the same skin color! Why wouldn't they? They are in the same region. Yet Palestinians are niggerized non-whites. This man is a liar who promotes nonsense, cartoon beliefs from his imagination. Only unconscious idiots who want to be deceived would bother with him. He is like a salesman selling invisible combs. As Nelly Fuller explained, "White supremacy is the promotion of falsehood, non-justice, and/or incorrectness based on factors associated with the color and/or non-color of people."]
“And they rank 73rd out of 224. The other 23 countries are all below replacement rate,” he said.
Racists love words - so they can create confusion and deceive. What exactly is "nationalism?" Always endeavoring to undeceive, Dr. Blynd offers the following in Funktionary.
Nationalism- the natural collective commitment on the part of the members of a society and/or culture to its economic and political defense, its survival and its perpetuation, not limited by the concept of non-geographical or non-territorial "nation-state" (commercial religious monopolies erroneously known as "governments.") Michael Bakunin aptly and rightly claimed that "the "negative component' of nationalism is just as essential as the 'positive component' and inseparable from it." Class collaboration and cultural identity cannot be readily decoupled in reality—maybe as a goal—but not in reality. Racism/white supremacy must be addressed and dismantled before any class-unification or cross-collaboration can be successful in bringing about more economic equality or even liberation for the people (dwellers upon the land) in the absence of any politically institutionalized hierarchy of imperialist white male domination and dehumanizing subjugation of humans through the trickery of statutes and by-laws that enforce compelled performance to same. [MORE]
From [US News] Days after President Donald Trump took the oath of office, news emerged that his campaign director, Steve Bannon, would have a permanent seat on the National Security Council. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of National Intelligence, however, would not. Among a fantasia of reactions, most of them negative, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Bannon's "stunning" appointment would serve to make "America less safe."
In normal times, Pelosi's remarks would not be seen as partisan. Trump is everyone's president when it comes to life-and-death matters of national security. That's what it means "to faithfully execute the office of the president of the United States." That's why national security is for people of integrity and wisdom who advise the president in times of crisis. It isn't for speechwriters and hacks.
We do not live in normal times, however. Pelosi's comments were immediately seen as partisan, because she twice referred to Bannon as a white supremacist. That remark was indeed jarring, but not inaccurate. Bannon has been explicit about his promotion of the so-called "alt-right" as the head of Breitbart News. The "alt-right," as every honest person knows, is a rebranding of white supremacy.
News reports focused naturally on Pelosi's use of "white supremacist." Mostly missing were the dots she and other leading Democrats are connecting between white supremacy – often called white nationalism – and U.S. national security. The Trump administration is young. It has time to take unexpected twists and turns. But given what we know, it would not be surprising if the Democrats begin mounting a more strident case to the electorate that white nationalism is a direct threat to everyone's security.
This, of course, is not news to those threatened already by white nationalism. Since Trump's inauguration, we have seen bomb threats called into hundreds of synagogues and mosques, and we have seen a white man demanding his victims "get out of my country" before shooting them. All of this has occurred with almost no reaction from a demagogue who solidified his base of power by questioning for years the legitimacy of America's first black president.
But some people isn't most people, and the fact remains that most Americans are immune to the dangers, or blind to the existence, of white nationalism. They are white. Because it takes majorities to win in politics, the Democrats will need to convince a majority that white nationalism poses a clear and present danger to all. Thanks to Trump's incompetence, the task is made less challenging.
A border wall is white nationalism in concrete form, but Trump never thought through how to pay for it. Because Mexico can't be forced to pay, he is left with two options: One, levy a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports. Two, slash the budgets of the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Department of State and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. While the former option threatens every consumer's wallet, the latter threatens everyone's security.
But Russia is the most biggest link in the chain connecting white nationalism to threats to national security. After the global recession, and after decades of feeling the shame of a fallen superpower, Russia began poking the West's socioeconomic soft spots.
There are 7 billion people in the world, 90% of them are non-white. From [HERE] Iowa Rep. Steve King said Monday that blacks and Hispanics "will be fighting each other" before overtaking whites in the US population.
King, a racist Republican, was on the radio responding to a question about Univision anchor Jorge Ramos' comment to Tucker Carlson on Fox News that whites would become a majority-minority demographic in America by 2044, a point Ramos used to make the argument that it is a multiracial country.
"Jorge Ramos' stock in trade is identifying and trying to drive wedges between race," King told Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson on 1040 WHO. "Race and ethnicity, I should say to be more correct. When you start accentuating the differences, then you start ending up with people that are at each other's throats. And he's adding up Hispanics and blacks into what he predicts will be in greater number than whites in America. I will predict that Hispanics and the blacks will be fighting each other before that happens."
On Sunday he tweeted, "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."
In the interview on Iowa radio, King reiterated comments he made Monday to Chris Cuomo on CNN's "New Day," saying, "This isn't about race." He said his comments were instead about "our stock, our country, our culture, our civilization," and that "we need to have enough babies to replace ourselves."
But King argued that others, such as Ramos, were "celebrating" the success of a plan to make whites a majority-minority.
"Their effort here is to be celebrating because the United States is moving towards becoming, the whites becoming a minority, a majority-minority within the country according to what their plan is," he said.
King concluded the interview by recommending that listeners read the novel, "The Camp of the Saints," by French author Jean Raspail, a book about Europe being overcome by immigrants which has also frequently been referenced by top Trump adviser Steve Bannon. The book has been criticized as presenting a racist view of immigration.
lol. A "plan to make whites a majority." This racist is playing dumb here. It is scientific fact that Black is a genetically dominant trait. Whenever Black mixes with White, which is a recessive genetic trait, Black will dominate. In general, this means persons with white skin cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. So, the white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites;
Understanding the above creates deep seated fears within the racist mind. [MORE]
There are 7 billion people in the world, 90% of them are non-white. Persons who classify themselves as Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population and their numbers are shrinking fast, while non-white populations are surging. Demographic changes are not a "US thing" - it is just everyone's reality. Racists are vulerable to their sense of numerical inadequacy.
Having little biological validity, race is an artificial "European" invention with real consequences. Race is not real but racism is. [MORE] Race is translated more correctly as "organization," the sole purpose of which is to maintain white domination and world control of non-whites'. [MORE] The only purpose of race is to practice racism. The same people who created these names/classifications also drew lines all over the globe, created boundaries, passports and named the "nations."
Non-white people do not do any of the classifying without the approval of racists. Non-white people have been defined or determined to be whatever the "vested interests" say they are.
According to Dr. Frances Cress Welsing white people's need to divide and conquer non-whites is "a fundamental behavioral response of whites to their own minority status. The white "race" has structured and manipulated their own thought processes and conceptual patterns, as well as those of the entire non-white world majority, so that the real numerical minority (whites) illusionally feels and represents itself as the world's majority, while the true numerical majority (non-whites) illusionally feels and views itself as the minority. Interestingly, the white collective, whenever discussing the question of color, never discusses any of its own particular ethnic groups as minorities, but constantly focuses on the various ethnic, language and religious groups of non-white peoples as minorities. Then great efforts are made to initiate conflict between these arbitrary groups. This is one of the key methods by which a minority can remain in power. The "divide, frictionalize and conquer" pattern, observable throughout history wherever non-whites are confronted by whites, results primarily from whites' sense of color deficiency and secondarily from their sense of numerical inadequacy. [MORE]
All racists are liars b/c racism is carried out by deception. Facts reveal that no one misspoke. From [HERE] House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday called on GOP leaders to remove Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as chairman of a subpanel within the House Judiciary Committee as punishment for his controversial comments in support of a nationalist Dutch politician.
King has doubled down on his original Sunday tweet praising Dutch politician Geert Wilders, saying, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) office said Monday that he “clearly disagrees and believes America’s long history of inclusiveness is one of its great strengths.”
Pelosi said Ryan’s response didn’t go far enough to condemn King’s views, which she described as “racist.” She argued that King, who’s served in the House since 2003, should lose his position as chairman of a House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice.
“Steve King’s racist statements must be called out as unacceptable, and the tepid, brush-off response from the Speaker and the GOP leadership is disgraceful,” Pelosi said in a statement.
“Where are Speaker Ryan and the GOP leadership? Does their silence mean Congressman Steve King’s vile racism is acceptable? House Republicans think they can keep quiet, but their contempt for the great diversity of our nation is being heard loud and clear.”
Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong dismissed Pelosi's suggestion. She pointed to Pelosi ducking questions earlier this month about Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond's (D-La.) joke about White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, which many on the right found crude and in poor taste.