Unaccountable LAPD Insist New Drone Program Will Not be Used for General Surveillance of Blacks & Latinos

From [HERE] Three years after acquiring a pair of drones that it chose not to deploy in response to protests about potential surveillance uses, the Los Angeles Police Department took its first step Tuesday toward starting a drone pilot program.
LAPD Assistant Chief Beatrice Girmala presented the department’s plan for a pilot program for limited use of drones to the Board of Police Commissioners, which was not required to vote on the pilot program Tuesday and took no action.
Girmala said the department plans to hold a series of public meetings to get feedback on the program, then draft official guidelines before bringing the pilot program back to the commissioners for approval.
The LAPD’s move comes weeks after a majority of Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight commissioners signaled they wanted Sheriff Jim McDonnell to stop flying a drone used in law enforcement operations, and as local organizations continue to express concerns about law enforcement drones.
Girmala said the guidelines the LAPD is considering would create limited uses for drones that would respect 1st and 4th Amendment rights and that the devices would not be used for general surveillance. Criteria for their use would include high-risk tactical operations, risk of exposure to hazardous materials, detection of explosive devices, barricaded armed suspect responses and hostage rescues, Girmala said.
The use of drones would also have be approved on a case-by-case basis and they would not be weaponized, Girmala said.
The LAPD’s possible use of drones is opposed by some civil rights organizations, and the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition and the Drone-Free LAPD/No Drones, LA! Campaign held a protest and news conference before the Police Commission meeting. Protesters also shut down the meeting twice by chanting and yelling, and the room had to be cleared of spectators both times by officers.
“How can we trust drones in the hands of a police department whose police chief last week said they did not even have a management system for cadets? Think about that,” said Pete White of the Los Angeles Community Action Network. “They want to fly drones, but they did not have a management system for our children in their so-called leadership development program.”