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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

McNegros Kicked to the Curb by Master, David Clarke & Donna Brazile Meet to Unite the MoTeaSuh Tribe

Self Hate & Pity Party. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff SNigger David Clarke ran into DNC Straw boss Donna Brazile in New York City on Wednesday, where they discovered the two have at least something in common: 

both are delusional McNegros who belong to the Moteasuh Tribe and their respective roles in the system of racism/white supremacy have expired - at least for the time being. Like old soldiers looking for a new war or characters on a cancelled sitcom, what is an all-served out McNegro to do when master no longer has use for you? Anyway, at least they are trying to bring the Tribe together now. Not programmed how to serve themselves or how to solve their own problems, what will they do next? Although they are both out of service, they are still on call waiting to once again serve Doggy and be apart of its illusions. 

Anyway, what does 'more Dems needing to tell the truth blah blah' have to do with either one of these fools and how would it benefit Black people or the problems they face in this system of racism/white supremacy, a system run by their masters to dominate them.  

According to FUNKTIONARY Dr. Blynd explains:

The Moteasuh Tribe - the miseducated coin-operated buck dancing, sole-shuffling, politically dis-appointed kneegrows who pander to Massah's agenda - Mo' Tea Sir? This tribe of sorry ass kneegrows follow the dictates and even orchestrates the marching bandits of racism white supremacy as spewed forth from the mouthpieces of political power within the borders of the Witches Castle. It's the Condi-Clarence-Powell complex - that is, those who do Massah's bidding as if you weren't kidding yourself that you were doing otherwise. Keep your eyes on the lies, the liars, and the disguise. (see McNegro). 


The Best DeMockery Money Can Buy: The Case Of The Stolen 2016 Election — Trailer


Dems Erect ‘big blue wall’, Controlling State Legislatures & Governorships on the West Coast, Will It Benefit Blacks & Latinos? 

From [MercuryNews]


Baltimore Offers $135,000 Settlement to Black Man Assaulted by 5 Cops with Metal Batons & Taser

From [BaltimoreBrew] Mayor Catherine Pugh and the Board of Estimates will pay $135,000 tomorrow to settle a lawsuit by a Black man whose beating by five Baltimore police officers was filmed by a bystander and released to the media.

Cellphone video recorded the violent arrest of Jamar Kennedy, then 29, in the early morning hours of September 23, 2014, outside of Melba’s Place, a nightclub on Greenmount Avenue in Waverly.

Kennedy had been removed from the club in a chokehold by “an aggressive bouncer,” according to the settlement summary. Observing the two men’s struggle outside the club, Officer Scott A. Armstrong tasered Kennedy. Apparently, the bouncer was not arrested for the chokehold  - which is an assault. 

The video shows four officers swinging their metal batons at Kennedy and striking him, who at one point tries to shield himself from the blows with an upraised hand. Police tackle him, force him to the ground and stun him for a second time with a Taser.

Arrested on charges of second-degree assault and resisting arrest, Kennedy was still in jail without bail held pre-trial when the video surfaced.

Then-Police Commissioner Anthony Batts held a news conference to say that he believed the use of force was justified, but the department would conduct an internal investigation. The department cleared its officers. 

The investigation cleared the five officers involved in the arrest – Armstrong, Greg M. Edleman, Nicholas G. Lancetta, Sheena I. Newman and Maria Perez. All five officers remain on the force.

Kennedy, meanwhile, filed a $5 million lawsuit in Baltimore Circuit Court claiming assault, battery, false arrest and imprisonment.

At the time of the 2014 incident, police said that Kennedy had punched officers before the video had started and that three of the officers had suffered minor injuries.

They also said that, as Kennedy was being arrested, a female officer retrieved his inhaler and gave it to him. They said this showed that police had “rendered aid” once they had gotten control of the situation.

The settlement summary released yesterday by the Board of Estimates does not allege any punches thrown by the plaintiff. Apparently the Board did not find the officer's statements to be credible or accurate.

Regarding the inhaler, the summary sheet said that Kennedy “claims that he suffered an asthma attack as a result of the encounter, together with multiple physical injuries and the expenses of defending subsequent legal proceedings. He attributes his injuries to the unnecessary and excessive force employed by the officers.”


White Supremacy Mystery Rolls On, How Did Freddie Gray Get Folded Like a Crab? Baltimore Cops Find Themselves Not Guilty after Investigation

Cops Watch Video with Audio Off [Your mind can manipulate your eyes, but your ears you cannot close. They are always open] From [Oxygen] Baltimore Police officer Caesar Goodson has been found not guilty of all 21 administrative charges against him in the death of Freddie Gray. According to the Baltimore Sun, 48-year-old Goodson was the driver of the police van in which 25-year-old Gray was found. He later died of severe and fatal spinal cord injuries in April 2015.

The decision was unanimous among three law enforcement officials who presided. The charges revolved around whether Goodson was negligent in failing to ensure Gray’s safety following his arrest. This includes not securing a handcuffed and shackled suspect in a seat belt and not calling a medic after Gray requested one. He was also charged with making false statements to authorities.

“This is a vindication of this officer,” said Sean Malone, one of Goodson’s attorneys. “This is a tragic accident that happened, and we’re sorry for the loss of Mr. Gray, but we’re glad that our client is not going to be the face of this incident.”

The administrative trial follows the fact that Goodson was acquitted on all charges, including second-degree depraved-heart murder, at a criminal trial last year.

On April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray was arrested for possessing what the police alleged was an illegal switchblade in Baltimore. He died a week later after being in police custody. Deputy Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez said at the time that Gray "did suffer a very tragic injury to his spinal cord which resulted in his death." The case made headlines as critics pointed to police brutality and racism within policing. Demonstrators took to the streets to protest on behalf of Gray as part of the larger Black Lives Matter movement.

As the Sun shares, six officers were charged criminally in the Gray case; none have been convicted. Five of those were also charged administratively in the case. Two accepted “minor” discipline in the case and are back at work. Two others have administrative trials coming up.


Black Mayor in Flint wins Recall Election

From [DetroitNews] and [MORE] Flint Mayor Karen Weaver won over white City Council member Scott Kincaid in a recall election involving 18 candidates, keeping alive the city's proposed 30-year agreement with the Detroit water system.

Weaver won with 53 percent of the vote to 32 percent for Kincaid, according to the unofficial results. Donald Pfeiffer was third with 6 percent, while recall organizer Arthur Woodson had 2.4 percent.

None of the remaining candidates had more than 1 percent.

The recall stemmed from a controversy related to the Genesee County’s garbage contract. Weaver pushed for an emergency trash collection contract with the former Rizzo Environmental Services in Macomb County over City Council opposition.

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TX House Dems ask ICE why pregnant women are being detained before immigration hearings [b/c they are non-white]

From [DallasNews] Five Texas Democratic members of Congress signed a letter demanding that the Department of Homeland Security explain why it has detained 525 pregnant women this year for immigration proceedings.

A 2016 policy states that Immigration and Customs Enforcement should only detain pregnant women in "extraordinary circumstances." But several women, including seven in Texas, describe receiving inadequate care — being denied extra blankets, food and prenatal resources — and three suffered miscarriages, according to an American Civil Liberties Union memo referenced in the letter.

"Attorneys and advocates are reporting a marked increase in the number of pregnant women with serious medical concerns coming to their attention in recent months, and a seeming shift in the agency's willingness to release pregnant women once the pregnancy is identified," according to the letter.

Democratic Reps. Beto O'Rourke of El Paso, Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston, Lloyd Doggett of San Antonio, Filemon Vela of Brownsville and Vicente Gonzalez of McAllen were among 70 members of Congress who signed it. The letter demands numbers in the next 30 days on how many women are in detention and for how long they have been there as well as details on how the "extraordinary circumstances" rule is applied.

"Texas leads the country in the rate of maternal mortality right now, so we should be acutely sensitive," O'Rourke told The Dallas Morning News. In addition to improving health outcomes, ensuring pregnant detainees are able to stay with family members or community volunteers would save taxpayer dollars, he added.

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Cities with the Worst Racial Inequalities are in the Midwest and Northeast

From [USA Today] Nationwide, the typical black household earns just 61 cents for every dollar the typical white household earns. Despite the achievements of the Civil Rights Movement more than five decades ago, there exist substantial inequalities along racial lines in America.

Lower incomes, educational attainment, and homeownership among black Americans, as well as higher poverty, unemployment, incarceration, and mortality all contribute to racial inequality in the United States. In some of America’s largest metro areas, discriminatory policy, racial bias, and a history of oppression have deepened such inequalities and widened the gap between black and white residents in a variety of socioeconomic measures.

To determine the worst cities for black Americans, 24/7 Wall St. created an index based on disparities in each city between black and white residents in various socioeconomic measures. Many of the cities with the worst racial inequalities are in the Midwest and Northeast.

Here are the worst 5 cities on the list:

5. Niles-Benton Harbor, Mich.

> Black population: 15.2%

> Black median income: 46.1% of white income

> White unemployment: 3.6%

> Black unemployment: 17.3%

4. Racine, Wisc.

> Black population: 11.1%

> Black median income: 34.6% of white income

> White unemployment: 4.8%

> Black unemployment: 10.7%

3. Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, Wisc.

> Black population: 16.6%

> Black median income: 42.2% of white income

> White unemployment: 3.3%

> Black unemployment: 12.4%

2. Peoria, Ill.

> Black population: 9.3%

> Black median income: 42.7% of white income

> White unemployment: 5.4%

> Black unemployment: 19.3%

1. Erie, Penn.

> Black population: 7.2%

> Black median income: 43.2% of white income

> White unemployment: 4.0%

> Black unemployment: 24.6%

For the full list of cities and more details, click here. For more on how 24/7 Wall Street compiled its list of worst cities for Black Americans, click here.


Gun Ban pushers push mind control: Gun laws only stop non-terrorists & un-lawless people from defending themselves

FuksWrongWithYall? Guns are basically made of metal. Physicists and chemists know that the only difference between one metal and another is the number and rate of motion of electrons revolving around a central nucleus. Why would any intelligent person see anything evil in electrons, neutrons, protons and isotopes?  Never mind the psychopathic terrorists and maniac cops - pay attention to the metal object. 

Laws are words written on paper, they protect no one. 

Does making selling drugs illegal stop a coke dealer from selling coke? If someone is shooting at you, don't you want to be able to shoot back? 

911's a Joke. Dr. Blynd explains in FUNKTIONARY, "those who use guns "to break" (violate) the law will have no problem breaking the law to get guns. The issue is not the laws, it's the lawlessness." 

Gun Ban  - the precurser to servitude. Enslavement is like old age; it creeps upon you. Banning guns to reduce crime is like banning sex to reduce rape. If guns supposedly cause (or encourage) crime, why are we arming police officers? [MORE]

 Since 2016 Cops have Killed 3x More People than 4 Decades of Mass Shootings COMBINED [MORE]

Why did media ignore the above episode and seek its emotional appeals for gun safety in the context of a terror attack by a madman hellbent on terror? 


George Younge Tries to Give Neuropean Corpse Richard Spencer Some Oxygen [Debate is Never Communication]

On video George Younge and Richard Spencer. [MORE] Why try to convince? "Debate is violence." [MORE]

As you can see the unconscious white man Richard Spencer is a walking corpse, his beliefs have made his mind a prison. Maybe if he was struck by lightning he would be alive.

The system of white supremacy depends upon your unconscious consent, your buy in and participation in it. In this play world of theirs [like Westword] you are here to fulfill a servant role in your relations with Neuropeans.  As defined by Dr. Blynd in FUNKTIONARY

Neuropeans - (Neurotic Europeans) - neurotic, ignorant, narcissistic and self-deluded white supremacist Caucasians operating at the mythic and rational levels of consciousness only. 2) Fascists.  

Race is not real but racism is. 

Race - a totally artificial theologically-driven, biologically-based, and scientifically-invalid "European" ideology of human genetic evolution and classification coiniciding with the emergence of colonialism and the rise of the transatlantic slave trade. 2) hue-man's greatest and most manipulated myth—just a pigment of your imagination. Race is not real but the psycho-socio-economic effects of racism surely is. Race as a biological construct has been created to be wrongly confused with ethnic identity in order to establish the sense of "otherness" and de-humanization of melanated peoples around the globe. Europeans are racing to thwart genetic annihilation and genetic diversification (human biological variation) in the form of "government" created and sponsored microbiological genocide and cloning. [MORE] Trump is part of the rat race.

Racists are obsessed with skin color and their inability to produce color. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of such organization is to maintain white domination and control of non-whites. Racism cannot be integrated. It can only be practiced or not practiced. [MORE

Getting caught up in unreality is a trick bag or form of mental bondage, a trap intentionally set that you have been conditioned to fall into. "Dr. Blynd states, "never fight (oppose) things that are not or 'what is not' - as you will stratify your energy and disparate your life force while paradoxically strengthening what is not. If it is an absence - a granfalloon - then don't fight with it, seek the the thing of which it is the absence (for), find it and handle your business accordingly.[MORE]

Undeceiver Osho explains, "fighting with anything non-existent is the most dangerous thing in the world. It is like fighting with darkness; if you start fighting with darkness, wrestling, even if you are a Mohammed Ali you are not going to win. Soon you will be tired, exhausted, and you will fall flat on the ground, thinking that darkness seems to be very powerful. Darkness is not powerful, darkness is not weak, because darkness does not exist at all. All that you need is just a small candle and the darkness will be gone. I call that small candle meditation. [MORE]  


Black Man Calls 911 on Professor’s Unpatriotic Artwork that turns U.S. flags into KKK Hoods

From [Fox43] Will the alleged brother in the video be rewarded for his patriotism? If racists feel good about practicing racism what do Blacks programmed with a false consciousness get out of their conduct? 

According to FUNKTIONARY

Ku Klux Klan - the second most overwhelming and convincing argument against the theory of "white" racial superiority and albino domination, the first being melanin deficiency/recessive genes. The KKK comprise mostly low-IQ, low-life, semi-illiterate, irate unpaid voluntary mercenaries of the Xian God-All-Whitey within the ignorant sections of the in-bred lunchin' pale white trailer-trash white working class, who feel that its current version of the overruling elitist white supremacy racist power dynamic is too rigid, monolithic, inefficient and slow. (See: Weiteko Disease, Overruling Class & Yurugu)


Supreme Ct Allows Alabama to Murder Low IQ, Incompetent Black Man who also Has Dementia [murdered white cop]

Murder for Murder in Uncivilized System of Injustice. From [DPIC] and [Jurist] The US Supreme Court unanimously concluded [decision, PDF] on Monday that Alabama may execute a death row inmate, Vernon Madison, who claims to be mentally incompetent and unfit to be executed under the Eighth Amendment [text] due to several strokes and vascular dementia. 

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit granted Madison a stay in 2016, and the Supreme Court upheld [text, PDF] the stay just hours before his scheduled execution.

In April 1985 in Mobile, Alabama, Madison shot [Reuters report] Julius Schulte, a police officer, twice in the back of the head at close range. Madison's attorneys claim that several recent strokes have impaired his memory and that he no longer remembers his 32-year-old crime.

Defense lawyers say Madison, whom a trial judge sentenced to death despite the jury's recommendation of a life sentence, suffers from mental illness and has additional cognitive impairments, retrograde amnesia, and dementia as a result of strokes in May 2015 and January 2016. The strokes also have caused a significant drop in Madison's IQ, which now tests at 72, within the range the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized as supporting a diagnosis of intellectual disability. In addition, the strokes have left Madison legally blind, he cannot walk on his own and speaks with a slur.

In its 1986 decision in Ford v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for states to execute mentally incompetent prisoners, whom it defined as people who do not understand their punishment or why they are to be executed. [MORE] [whitenology rule applied; if you're Black and you murder a white cop then your chances to be murdered by the state go up 100% -blue lives matter more]

In concluding that Alabama may move forward with the execution, the majority explained that the court's precedent has not

"'clearly established' that a prisoner is incompetent to be executed because of a failure to remember his commission of the crime, as distinct from a failure to rationally comprehend the concepts of crime and punishment as applied in his case. The state court did not unreasonably apply [Supreme Court precedents] when it determined that Madison is competent to be executed because—notwithstanding his memory loss—he recognizes that he will be put to death as punishment for the murder he was found to have committed."

The justices added that they "express no view on the merits of the underlying question."

In his separate concurring opinion, Justice Stephen Breyer highlighted the issue of the "unconscionably long periods of time that prisoners often spend on death row awaiting execution." Breyer argued the average time spent on death row is continually increasing, and he urged the court to "consider the ways in which lengthy periods of imprisonment between death sentence and execution can deepen the cruelty of the death penalty while at the same time undermining its penological rationale."

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After TX Massacre White Drexel Prof [now banned] Asks: “What Makes White Men So Prone to This Kind of Behavior?”

[MORE] and [MORE] or another False Flag


DA says Black Man was Disfigured & Hung by 5 Racist Suspects [2 Cops] for 'socializing' w/a white woman in 1983 GA Murder

From [Wabe] When 23-year-old Timothy Coggins was found dead and disfigured beside a Georgia highway in 1983, the young black man’s family and neighbors whispered that his killing may be linked to racism. Coggins' body was found on a power line in Sunnyside Georgia after he was "brutally murdered" and abandoned, officials said.

“It was always mentioned, and it was always suspected,” said his niece, Heather Coggins, who still lives not far from where he was killed.

Now, more than three decades later, authorities say, it’s been confirmed [for white folks]. 

A Georgia district attorney says Timothy Coggins was killed for “socializing with a white female.” 

Prosecutor Ben Coker told a judge Wednesday that Coggins was dragged behind a truck through the woods, news outlets reported. Arrest warrants say he was stabbed and sliced to death and suffered “severely disfiguring” wounds.

Break In Cold Case

A break in the cold case came in mid-October, when local and state law enforcement officials announced the arrests of five longtime local residents on charges stemming from the slaying. All five are white; two worked in law enforcement.

Spalding County Sheriff Darrell Dix was emphatic about the motive during an Oct. 13 news conference in Griffin, about 40 miles south of Atlanta.

“Based on the original evidence recovered in 1983 and new evidence and interviews, there is no doubt in the minds of all investigators involved that the crime was racially motivated, and that if the crime happened today it would be prosecuted as a hate crime,” he said.

This combination of undated booking photos released by the Spalding County Sheriff’s Department shows, from left, Frankie Gebhardt, Bill Moore Sr., Sandra Bunn, Lamar Bunn and Gregory Huffman, all charged in connection with the death of Timothy Coggins, a black man killed in Georgia in 1983.

Racist Suspects Arrested

Two men are charged with murder: Frankie Gebhardt, 59, and Bill Moore Sr., 58. Arrest warrants accuse them of stabbing and slicing Coggins to death and giving him “seriously disfiguring” wounds.

Moore and Gebhardt were just a year or two older than the victim, and Heather Coggins says she believes her uncle was acquainted with them. But she said the rest of the family didn’t know them.

“This is the first time we’ve heard their names and seen their faces,” she said in a recent interview.

Three other suspects — Sandra Bunn, 58; her son Lamar Bunn; and 47-year-old Gregory Huffman — are charged with obstructing the investigation. Sandra Bunn worked as a Spalding County detention officer until her arrest, when the sheriff fired her. Huffman was also a detention officer and later a police officer in nearby Milner. He’s charged with revealing the identity of a confidential informant who was being used against Gebhardt.

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Contractors Association Asks Feds to Protect Companies Bidding to Build Trump's Wall From Reprisals & Protesters

From [GCA] The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) has asked the federal government to protect companies bidding to build President Donald Trump’s border wall from reprisals by states and cities who oppose the policy.

The move came after some city and state governments began planning sanctions against firms that get involved in building the wall, which one of its opponents called “a monument to racism and bigotry”.

The AGC, which represents more than 26,000 firms, has asked federal attorney Jeff Sessions to sue any public sector authority that penalises a company that has participated in wall construction, and also to make additional security provisions against protesters who try to halt work or damage construction equipment. 

The association sent a letter to Sessions in August arguing that “failure by the government to take action against such measures will embolden states and municipalities to discriminate against private companies that perform all sorts of controversial work for government, not just border-wall work”.

Some states have already debated adopting measures against companies that bid for the wall. The California legislature this year introduced two bills in response to the wall, part of which would be build in the state. One, Senate Bill 30, would disallow contractors involved in building the wall from state tenders, the other, Assembly Bill 946, would have required the state government to divest from companies’ pension schemes. Both bills later stalled. 

Meanwhile, individual cities have also considered action. Berkeley, Oakland and Richmond in California and Tucson, Arizona, have passed resolutions to stop doing business or divesting from firms involved in the wall. 

Bloomberg reports that similar measures also have been proposed in eight states and 10 other municipalities including New York City. Letitia James, a public advocate in the city, has announced plans to have the city’s Employee Retirement System sell shares in wall contractors and introduce legislation preventing them from obtaining city contracts.

She said: “Companies have a choice: help build the wall, a monument to racism and bigotry, or do business in New York City. We won’t allow you to do both.”

As well as formal legal measures, many contractors have been dissuaded from bidding by fears of reputational damage and a difficulty in putting together a supply chain, given the reluctance to work on the scheme on the part of many preferred subcontractors. 

Jordan Howard, a director of AGC, told the Reuters news agency: “This is not an attractive business decision, considering a lot of the opposition and the little support you’re getting from the federal government.”