Instead of Yelling "Nigger" Whites Yelled "Trump" at Black & Latino Teens During High School Basketball Game in Conn

From [HERE] The principal of a Connecticut high school issued an apology Thursday after students made “Trump” chants during a basketball game at black and Latino players on the opposing team.
Officials said about seven or eight students from Canton High School chanted “Trump, Trump, Trump!” as players from the Classical Magnet School were attempting foul shots during a playoff game Tuesday night.
Spectators at the game who were there to support the magnet school told the Hartford Courant that the chants were happening throughout the game and not just at the free throw line. They also said students were holding Trump signs and one Classical student said the chants included “He’s our president!”
Canton High School, located in the affluent suburb of Canton, is about 84 percent white. More than 69 percent of students at the magnet school are either African American or Latino, according to state statistics.
Racist suspect Canton High School Principal Andrew DiPippo expressed his regret in a letter to parents, saying the chants went beyond free speech or political speech. That bullshit is [HERE]. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, Hartford's acting superintendent, called the chants "unacceptable conduct" and expressed disappointment that it would occur in an athletic setting.
Words can have any meaning people saying them want them to have. Apparently, racists have discovered that the word "Trump" is distracting external phenemonen to non-whites and found a new way to provoke non-meditative Black people. To racists, "Trump" must mean something like "fuck you nigger." Nigger means victim of the system of white supremacy. More on nigger [HERE] and [HERE] Maybe next time the Black & Latino kids could shout back counter-racist slogans at the whites, like, "Obama!" or "90% of the World is Non-White" or "Shrinking White Population" or "Albanism!" or "Trump Can't Read!"
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