To Demean Black Women Racist Bill O’Reilly Ridicules Congresswoman Maxine Waters' Wig

Racist Even With the Lights Off. “Mr. Speaker, my position against this president and his administration is clear,” she said. “I oppose this president. I do not honor this president. I do not respect this president.” [MORE] Then she goes on to say she is 'more patriotic' than Trump and other silly nonsense. [MORE] Although her statements were complimentary to the system, this was still too much for O'Reilly to take - this funny looking mf.
Undeceiver Dr. Blynd defines patriotism - the degree of voluntary servitude evinced. 2) the result of one successful treason- until the next one is necessary. 3) re-inforced mindless symbolic conformism. (see U.S. citizen, Treason, USA, Corporate State, nation, U.S. Senate, Country, Congress, Constitution & Human Resources).
Racists live in a state of comparison, which Dr. Blynd defines as follows:
comparison - a disease of the mind due to the ignorance of uniqueness. Each individual is unique and beyond the scope of comparison. Those who fall victim to comparison will either become egoistic or bitter. You don't belong to any hierarchy - nobody is lower or higher than what "you" imagine yourself and "others" to be. Comparison creates differences or distinctions only when there is not uniformity. Comparison limits the possibility of living in the moment. (See: Judgment, Problems, Moment, Running Man, Surrender, Value, Exchange Value, Uniqueness, Awareness & Compassion). [MORE]
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