Mistaken Identity or just White People Practicing Racism? During Search for 40 yr Old White Woman, White Cop Unlawfully Handcuffed & Detained 11yr Old Black Girl @ Gun Point

When white journalists are bothered by police brutality they generally are concerned with the morality of the incident - as they should be. But whether authorized "law enforcers" are engaged in unlawful conduct, such as using too much force or unconstitutional violations of Black or Latino's people's rights, such as stopping, searching, seizing, detaining or murdering them or destroying their property on behalf of the Government is an after thought to the white media in the racist system they also serve.
The Supreme Court has ruled that In order for the police to stop you the 4th Amendment requires police to have a reasonable articulable suspicion that there is criminal activity afoot and the person detained is involved in that activity. The Supreme Court has ruled that in order for cops to frisk you or touch you they must have independent, reasonable articulable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous before they may touch you (a cursory patdown of outer clothing for weapons). Police may not act on on the basis of an inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or a hunch - there must be some specific articulable facts along with reasonable inferences from those facts to justify the intrusion.[MORE] This is obviously meaningless hypocrisy on paper to non-whites in a system of racism/white supremacy.
From [HERE] Police were scouring a neighborhood in Grand Rapids, Mich., for a 40-year-old attempted murder suspect. Instead, in a moment that has cast a harsh spotlight on the western Michigan city, a white officer ended up pointing his gun at — then handcuffing — a screeching 11-year-old Black girl.
The 45-second video clip from an officer’s body camera, made public by the city’s police department this week, was full of outrage-inducing elements: a petrified preteen who started shrieking when she heard the click of handcuffs; a police use of force with racial overtones; a law enforcement agency already criticized in March after an officer pointed a gun at black youth who had done nothing wrong.
The most recent incident happened Dec. 6 on the northwest side of Grand Rapids, according to Grand Rapids NBC affiliate WOOD.
Officers were searching for a woman named Carrie Manning, who was suspected of stabbing her younger sister. Instead, at a nearby home, they encountered Honestie Hodges — the suspect’s niece — who was walking out the door on the way to the store with her mom and another aunt. Manning is a 40-year-old white woman, according to the news station. Honestie is an 11-year-old black girl.
The officers asked the two women and Honestie to approach separately, then handcuffed and questioned them all. But the most controversial clip involves officers’ treatment of the girl.
The video released by police picked up as Honestie approached a pair of officers with her arms raised. One pointed a gun at her.
She appeared to be coming too fast for the officer’s liking: He began to tell her to put her hands on her head, then instructed her to turn around and walk backward toward him.
Her mother, in the background, yelled for the officers to stop: “That is my child!” she screamed. “She’s 11 years old.”
The moment intensified when Honestie reached the officers. One told her to “put your right hand behind your back” and ratcheted open a pair of handcuffs.
Honestie began whining, then screaming in terror: “No. No. No! No!”
One of the officers handcuffing her said: “You’re not going to jail or anything,” but the screams continued as the video clip ended.
“I didn’t know what was going on,” Honestie told Grand Rapids Fox affiliate WXMI after the incident. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve never got in trouble by the Grand Rapids Police. I used to want to be a Grand Rapids police officer, but ever since that happened, I want nothing to do with them.”
The police chief, who is white, defended his officers’ actions to an extent, saying they were searching for a person they believe tried to kill someone and were approaching with extreme caution. It’s not unusual, the chief said, for a crime suspect to ask an innocent party — even a child — to hold a weapon, hoping that person won’t be searched. Yet there were no facts to indicate that someone asked the child to hold a gun - "something" [reasonable articulable suspicion or probable cause] the 4th Amendment requires before cops can put their hands on you, detain you or order you to do something - as least in regard to white citizens.
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