Apple Leadership is 82% White. Out of 123,000 Employees Few are Black or Latino

We just use Blacks to Sing & Dance in our Commercials. From [UsaToday] and [MORE] Apple's leadership remains mostly white and male despite growing pressure on technology companies to diversify their workforces from the board room to the rank-and-file.
Some 81% of the company's senior officials are men and 82% of them are white, according to a 2016 government filing Apple released Thursday.
Of 107 leaders in the Silicon Valley company, 10 are Asian men, four are Asian women, two are black men, one is a black woman and two are Hispanic men. There are no Hispanic women in the Apple leadership, according to the EEO-1, an annual report that Apple makes to the federal government.
Apple is the world's largest information technology company by revenue and the world's second-largest mobile phone manufacturer after Samsung. In February 2015, Apple became the first U.S. company to be valued at over US$700 billion. The company employs 123,000 full-time employees as of September 2017 and maintains 498 retail stores in 22 countries as of July 2017. It operates the iTunes Store, which is the world's largest music retailer. As of January 2016, more than one billion Apple products are actively in use worldwide.
Apple has faced and rejected shareholder proposals to increase the diversity of its executives and board.
Less than a third — 33% — of its global workforce and 23% of its technical staffers are women, according to Apple's estimates. It says 9% of its technical staffers are African American and 13% of them are Hispanic. [MORE]
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