From [HERE] Police and protesters clashed briefly Thursday night in Ferguson just hours after the St. Louis suburb's police chief issued an apology to the family of Michael Brown. The black 18-year-old Brown was shot dead by a white police officer Aug. 9.
What is White Collective Power? White Judge Carolyn Whittington granted white prosecutor Robert McCulloch's, request to give the mostly white grand jury (9 of 12) until January 2015 to figure whether there is probable cause to charge the white cop, Darren Wilson who killed Brown and is still at large. Yesterday on CNN white police Chief Jackson also said he will not step down as the chief of police. That is, nobody white will make him do so and the thousands of Black people who want him gone are powerless to make it happen. [MORE]
If you want some respect look in the mirror and give yourself some. Self respect means being honest with yourself about reality or refusing to lie oneself. It is deception for police, such as Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson to offer you some respect, something you can get yourself. Like Steve Cokely explained, "never play for your own sandwich" - when you do so you only play yourself or fall victim to what he called "Whitenology." [MORE].
Racism is about vast unequal power not simply disrespect & bigotry. What does racist/white supremacist society mean? Amos Wilson explains that, "it is about structuring social and political, economic circumstances, psychological and cultural circumstances such that one race can take advantage of another and one race can enhance itself at the expense of another. It has little to do with overt race hatred, or with negative racial attitudes or with the projection of racial stereotypes or with whites not understanding the nature of their racism. That's not it.
And when we define racism in terms of attitude you'll find yourself then solving the wrong problems. White people will stop expressing those negative attitudes, they will smile more readily at you, they will even marry you and go to bed with you but you will notice that the effects of racism, like poverty and all these other things caused by racism will continue. In fact the problems will increase.
Ultimately you must recognize that racism involves the power of one race to impose its will upon another. That ultimately then it is about power and we have to face that fact. Whites engage in racism because they have the power to do so. And if we are to end white racism then we must end white power."
What Does Michael Jordan Win if he Succeeds in Accepting Larry Bird's Challenge? Nothing. That's Whitenology. Making you play for your own sandwich. It is submission to and/or cooperation with white control and domination.