[rich, powerful racists love that freedom of speech against you] White Texas Teens Say 'Sorry if You were offended by Our Old Raps about Lynching Niggers & Killing Spics & Chinks

iLLmatic Hate Speech by Mistake again: Rapping "Darker than Bark" & 'butthole and Nose' From [HERE] Over at Daily Kos, Shaun King writes that two white girls from Texas' Grapevine High School have apologized for an incendiary, epithet-filled freestyle they put on Soundcloud. In the clip the Grapevine, Tex., students rap about lynching black men. They also rhyme about killing Mexicans and Asians:
In a statement issued to parents via e-mail, Grapevine High School Principal Shannon Tovar [who is white or a racist suspect] explains that the institution has no legal sway over the recording because it wasn't created during school hours. However, the school is providing counselors to help deal with the repercussions of the racist recording, and it may conduct diversity trainings and bring in guest speakers in the future.
The two unnamed* students who are heard freestyling about racist killing have also issued written letters of apology. Both point out that the recording, which was produced two years ago, was done at a time when they believe social media was nascent. Both also point out that their words do not reflect who they are [you can please read that bullshit somewhere else folks] Nigger means non-white person who is subject to white supremacy. [MORE] Most white people hate Black people because they are not white. So when white people say the word nigger you should absolutely assume that it is being used as a derogatory term and that you are listening to a racist. The First Amendment refers to the ability of powerful white folks to say whatever they want to about any niggers any fucking time they please dood.
Specifically, the 1st Amendment is a a limited guarantee of "free speech." 'Defamation, obscenity, and speech which threaten the social order, bomb threats, incitements to riot, and "fighting words" - are all limited by law. In the world of business, false advertisements, insider information, and suggestions that prices be fixed, are also off-limits. Yet hate speech-expressions which abuse, insult, or belittle a person because of his or her race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or physical abilities-is still tolerated, protected and cherished by white folks.' [MORE]