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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Entries from January 19, 2014 - January 25, 2014


Texas Invokes Rules of White Supremacy to Ignore World Court: Mexican [non-white] Man Executed for Murdering [White] Police Officer [victim]

Since 1977, the overwhelming majority of death row defendants (81%) have been executed for killing white victims, although whites make up only 50% percent of all homicide victims. [MORE] and [MORE]. Texas is one of the states in the "Death Belt" - the southern states that together account for over 90% of all executions carried out since 1976. These states overlap considerably with the southern states that had the highest incidence of extra-legal violence and killings during the Jim Crow era. [MORE

From [HERE] Despite opposition from the State Department, Mexican officials and Latino advocates, Texas executed Edgar Arias Tamayo on Wednesday night, putting to death a Mexican citizen whose case raised questions about the state’s duty to abide by international law.

Mr. Tamayo, 46, was strapped to a T-shaped gurney in the state’s death chamber at a prison in Huntsville, injected with a lethal dose of the sedative known as pentobarbital and pronounced dead at 9:32 p.m. Mr. Tamayo was the 509th inmate executed by Texas in the past three decades and had been one of 21 foreign citizens on its death row.

The case became an international issue that Mexican officials and Secretary of State John Kerry said threatened to strain relations between the two countries. Mr. Tamayo’s arrest in Houston in 1994 on charges of murdering a police officer violated the international treaty known as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The authorities neglected to tell him of his right under the Vienna Convention to notify Mexican diplomats.

In executing Mr. Tamayo, Texas officials disregarded an international court’s order that his case be reviewed to determine what impact the violation of his consular rights had on his conviction. That decision, made in 2004 by the World Court, the top judicial body of the United Nations, was binding on the United States under international law, Mr. Kerry had told Texas officials. No United States court had given Mr. Tamayo such a review.

Gov. Rick Perry and the Texas attorney general, Greg Abbott, had argued that the state was not directly bound by the World Court’s decision, a position backed up by rulings by the United States Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Mr. Tamayo was the third Mexican citizen that Texas had executed whose case was part of the World Court’s order.

“The international outcry about this, Texas’ third illegal execution of a Mexican national and the first without any review whatsoever of the consular assistance claim, is unprecedented,” Mr. Tamayo’s lawyers, Sandra L. Babcock and Maurie Levin, said in a statement.

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'So small the guards had trouble strapping him into the chair': Black Prosecutor Recruited to Defend Legal Lynching of 14 Yr. Old Black Boy  

The Refinement of White Supremacy requires the use of racial shadowboxing. Like black on black crime in service of white domination [MORE], racial shadowboxing  occurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists, to speak or act to do harm to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE] In courtrooms across the nation for instance, non-white prosecutors are recruited to do the bidding of the white establishment- which must maintain non-white subordination while not appearing to do so. 

Here, black prosector, Chip Finney III (above) has been assigned to defend the racist conviction and state sanctioned execution of George Stinney which was carried out by a white judge, an all white jury, white prosecutors, a white sheriff and his white officers and the white media for the murder of an 11 yr old white girl. There was no appeal filed by his white defense counsel. At 14 years old, Stinney was the youngest person ever executed in the United States. He was so small that the guards had trouble strapping him into the chair and fitting the electrodes on. When the first jolt of electricity hit him, the mask fell off his face, revealing an expression of horror. [MORE]

From [HERE] The state prosecutor fighting a bid to overturn a 70-year-old jury verdict and death sentence given a 14-year-old African-American boy in 1944 ripped into the defense case Tuesday, sending a clear signal the defense has an uphill struggle to get a new trial. “The evidence here is too speculative, and the record too unclear, for this motion to succeed,” 3rd Circuit Solicitor Chip Finney told Circuit Judge Carmen Mullen in opening remarks to an overflow crowd at the Sumter County courthouse.

It was the first day of one of the most unusual criminal hearings in state history – the judge is hearing a motion to rule that the trial of young George Stinney Jr. in Clarendon County was so unfair, on so many grounds, that the jury verdict should be overturned. (in photo the "Ballad of George Stinney by Travis Somerville, who is white). 

The case of George Stinney Jr. stinks of circumstantial, unproven and unsubstantiated prosecutorial testimony combined with a host of other injustices. The list of questionable characters is heavy, they include; a judge with double standards, a prosecutor who mislead jurors and a Defense Tax lawyer who was not trained for Defense of Capital Cases preparing for an election that dropped the ball and totally misrepresented Stinney. Also don’t exclude the Racist Sheriff who may have been responsible fabricating the case from start to finish. The confession of George Stinney, Jr. was never recorded in police files Detectives offered the boy ice cream once they were done.

On day of the Murders on March 23, 1944-The defendant, a young George Stinney Jr. was walking his cow and happened to pass two white young white girls who were collecting “maypop” flowers. The two girls, 11-year-old Betty June Binnicker and seven-year-old Mary Emma Thames, had crossed paths with George and his sister Katherine Stinney the day the two girls would eventually go missing. Binnicker and Thames’ bodies were later found in a ditch the following morning. Their skulls shattered into pieces and their bodies were so brutally beaten with a railroad tie rod that many medical experts felt a 95 pound boy could not impose that amount of damage and not leave physical scars to him. Stinney even participated in the manhunt for the murder of the girls, mistakenly telling the posse members that he saw the two girls “down by the railroad”

The Confession of Stinney was a historic miscarriage of justice and according to witnesses and court records the confession of George Stinney, Jr. was never recorded in police files and Three Sheriff’s offered the boy ice cream once they were done.

To this day, no physical evidence that he committed the crime exists. His trial — if you call it that —He was convicted and sentenced in one day of court which lasted less than two hours. Prosecution Testimony included three sheriff officers who claimed that Stinney had confessed, although that was the only evidence the prosecution presented. No outside witnesses were called. No defense evidence was presented. The boy faced his sentence without family who were forced to move away from the city for fear of lynching from the angry mobs. Stinney Jr. would be left to face trial alone 1,000 people-whites only crammed the South Carolina courthouse. Blacks weren’t allowed inside. Jury selection began at 10:00 am and a guilty verdict just after 5:00 p.m the all-White jury deliberated for all of 10 minutes in between lunch before sentencing him to death by electrocution. [MORE]

[Last night on the Lawrence O'Donnell show Joy Reid decontexualized the Stinney trial - that is, she discussed it without mention of the racist/white supremacist context that it occured in. The word "racial" was mentioned once. It was "racial" that O'Donnell recruited her for the 5 minute spot in the first place. We are so attached to what we have that we risk & do little to resist white supremacy or pursue justice.] 

The hearing resumes Wednesday for its second and final day. Mullen may issue a ruling at day’s end. [MORE]


Black Man Sues White Prosecutor for Intentionally Using Perjured Testimony to Convict him of Murders of White Victims - Served 16 years in Prison

Why Is This Disgraced White Prosecutor Still Allowed to Practice Law in Texas? [MORE]

From [HERE] A recently passed law in Texas that extends the period of time in which complaints of prosecutorial misconduct can be filed will enable a man exonerated from death row to file a new grievance against the district attorney who helped convict him based on perjured testimony.

In 1994, Anthony Graves was convicted of murdering a Somerville, Texas, woman along with her daughter and her four young grandchildren. His conviction was based on the false testimony of Robert Carter, who confessed to the 1992 murders and implicated Graves as his accomplice. Carter later recanted, stating that Graves had no involvement in the grisly crime, but former Burleson County District Attorney Charles Sebesta pressured Carter into falsely testifying on the stand at Graves’ trial, leading the jury to believe that Graves was guilty. Graves was sentenced to death for the crime that he did not commit.
Graves was released from prison in 2010, more than 16 years after having been wrongfully convicted and four years after a panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas ruled that Sebesta had engaged in misconduct in Graves’ case. Upon his exoneration, Graves filed a complaint against Sebesta, but it was denied because of a four-year statute of limitations for prosecutorial misconduct grievances.

The Austin Chronicle reports, however, that a new law passed in Texas last year will enable Graves to file a formal complaint with the State Bar until October of this year. According to the law, complaints can now be filed four years from the time of release from prison. The new law was passed in response to the case of Michael Morton, who, based on the misconduct of former Williamson County District Attorney Ken Anderson, was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to life in prison before he was exonerated in 2011 after serving 25 years in prison.

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Prosecutorial Discretion is a major cause of Racial Inequality in the criminal justice system

From [HERE] At every step of the criminal process, there is evidence that African Americans are not treated as well as whites - both as victims of crime and as criminal defendants. n10 And because prosecutors play such a dominant and commanding role in the criminal justice system through [*17] the exercise of broad, unchecked discretion, their role in the complexities of racial inequality in the criminal process is inextricable and profound. n11

In this article, I examine prosecutorial discretion - a major cause of racial inequality in the criminal justice system. I argue that prosecutorial discretion may instead be used to construct effective solutions to racial injustice. n12 Prosecutors, more than any other officials [*18] in the system, have the power, discretion, and responsibility to remedy the discriminatory treatment of African Americans in the criminal justice process. Through the exercise of prosecutorial discretion, prosecutors make decisions that not only often predetermine the outcome of criminal cases, but also contribute to the discriminatory treatment of African Americans as both criminal defendants and victims of crime. I suggest that this discretion, which is almost always exercised in private, gives prosecutors more power than any other criminal justice officials, n13 with practically no corresponding accountability to the public they serve. n14 Thus, I maintain that prosecutors, through their overall duty to pursue justice, have the responsibility to use their discretion to help eradicate the discriminatory treatment of African Americans in the criminal justice system. [MORE]


If you are on a Street Named after MLK - you're probably in the Hood

From [HERE] A walk down the 6-mile city street named for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. yields plenty of images that would surely unsettle the civil rights leader: shuttered storefronts, open-air drug markets and a glut of pawn shops, quickie check-cashing providers and liquor stores.

The urban decay along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in St. Louis can be found in other major American cities, from Houston and Milwaukee to the nation’s capital.

“It’s a national problem,” said Melvin White, a 46-year-old postal worker in St. Louis and founder of a 3-year-old nonprofit group that is trying to restore King’s legacy on asphalt. “Dr. King would be turning over in his grave.” 

The system of white supremacy never closes. It operates 24/7, worldwide. [MORE]  

Derek Alderman, a University of Tennessee geography professor who began researching streets named for King in the 1990s says that there are many streets named after King that are not deep in the hood. [MORE] How many? 

Nearly three decades into the observance of Monday’s federal holiday, the continuing decline of the most visible symbols of King’s work has White and others calling for a renewed commitment to the more than 900 streets nationwide named in the Atlanta native’s honor. (here is a list). The effort centers in St. Louis, where the small nonprofit is working to reclaim MLK roadways as a source of pride and inspiration, not disappointment over a dream derailed. [MORE]


In Honor of MLK Day, Sarah Palin Demeans Black People: Obama is 'the Real Racist'

From [HERE] and [HERE] Today, racist suspect, Sarah Palin used the occasion of Martin Luther King Day to demand that President Obama — at long last — stop being so racist.

Believing racism/white supremacy to be a [survival] game she told the first Black President to stop playing a "race card." Palin posted from her Facebook bunker of doom,

Happy MLK, Jr. Day!

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mr. President, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card.

Racism is one of the most powerful motivating forces in the universe. No doubt, "both" political parties will use Palin's comments to motivate their votaries.  

Anon explains that in a White over Black systemblacks cannot be racist toward whites.

"Of course, all people can be hateful or prejudiced. Those terms describe individual behaviors, not systematic power. Racism is the COLLECTIVE behaviors of a group. A white individual within a system of racism/white supremacy has the implicit or explicit support of that system IF they choose to practice racism.

above angry white man Glenn Beck says he is "tired" of this and that. Who gives a fuck? 

If a poor man robs a rich man at gunpoint that doesn’t mean the poor man is more powerful (economically and politically) than the rich man. The poor man is an individual who committed a crime of opportunity. There are no powerful institutions or systems that support his right to rob the rich man, but there are institutions and systems that allow the rich man to rob the poor man - which is why he doesn’t need a gun to do it.

A black person who mistreats a white person doesn’t mean black people are more powerful (economically and politically) than white people. Never confuse the actions of a black individual (or a group of black individuals) that mistreats someone white as proof that black racism exists. Their “power” is limited ONLY to what they can do as individuals. There are NO black institutions or systems that support, defend, or finance the right of blacks to mistreat whites.

There are NO black individuals or black organizations that have the power to strip whites of their collective right to live where they want, work where they want, get an education wherever they want, or control what white people do collectively in ANY area of human activity. There are NO black institutions that are more powerful than white institutions. Therefore, blacks do not have the COLLECTIVE POWER to diminish the quality of life for the white collective. [MORE]


MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Above Black revolutionary thinker, Naim Akbar.

Above, Dr. Welsing: 'King wasn't a Dreamer. He was willing to give his life in pursuit of justice.' 


[white people love to say 'nigger'] Madonna calls her son a nigger then apologizes ['nigger does not define who we are; it defines what is being done to us'] 

From [HERE] Madonna stuck her foot in her mouth when she called her son Rocco Ritchie (in photo) the N-word on Instagram. "No one messes with Dirty Soap!" she captioned a photo of her 13-year-old son during a boxing workout Friday. "Mama said knock you out! #disnigga"

Now the 55-year-old "Justify My Love" singer is apologizing for her choice of words. "I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the N-word on Instagram," she said in a statement Saturday to E! News. "It was not meant as a racial slur ... I am not a racist."

Above unnamed Pet Negro shadowboxes non-whites on Fox (1/18/14), says racism does not exist. What do Black conservatives have to conserve? 

She added: "There's no way to defend the use of the word. It was all about intention ... it was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white. I appreciate that it's a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression. Forgive me." She almost immediately deleted the post when it began causing an uproar, according to Buzz Feed. However, her revised caption wasn't much better.

"Ok let me start this again," she wrote alongside the same image of Rocco. "#get off my d--k haters!"

In a white supremacy system all white people should be suspected of being racist. According to Anon

The Definition Of "Nigger" in a White Supremacy System:

1. "Nigger" is NOT a racial identity.

2. ALL non-white people are niggers  -  by default - in a system of white supremacy.

3."Nigger" is NOT a personality defect.

4."Nigger" is a political term that defines a social, economic, and political REALITY.

5. A nigger cannot decide who is a nigger and who is not.

6. All black people are niggers but all niggers are not black people.

7. All non-white people are niggers (in a system of white supremacy). 

8. There is no place on earth called "Nigger Land," therefore niggers are NOT born (niggers), they are CREATED.

9. White people cannot be niggers in a system of white supremacy.

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