White Party (GOP) Still Dreaming of a White President but Polls Show States Swinging Away from Mittens

In photo GOP freaks in Mecklenberg County, VA dream of a white president [MORE] and [MORE]. From [HERE] During the US election, American voters are the most heavily polled in the world, with hardly a day passing this year without a new survey. They almost all pointed to the same conclusion: the 2012 White House race was nip and tuck. At least until now.
The latest polls show Barack Obama opening up big leads in the swing states. With these most important battlegrounds tilting heavily against him, the Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, faces an uphill struggle to find a path through the electoral college system to the White House.
Obama started the race with an advantage. Look at the electoral college map of the US and you see swaths of Republican red but most of these Republican states have relatively small populations, each delivering only a few electoral college votes.
By contrast, Obama starts with many of the most heavily populated states in the bag: New York, California and Illinois were always going to vote Democratic. Add together all the solid Democratic states and those likely to vote Democratic and Obama starts the election with 237 electoral college votes, just 33 short of the magic victory number.