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From [AP] The FBI is investigating vandalism at a mosque that was spray-painted with obscene graffiti that included a misspelled reference to Iraqis and the phrase, “This is America.” (how could AP also fail to include that "Fuck yall Niggas" was prominently displayed on the side of the bdlg.?)
Lawrence Barry of the FBI office in Richmond said Monday that the agency is helping local authorities investigate. He said the FBI joined the investigation at the request of officials at the Islamic Center of the Shenandoah Valley, one of three Harrisonburg buildings targeted by vandals late last week.
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations also had called on the FBI to investigate. The American Muslim advocacy group said there was clear evidence of a bias motive in the mosque incident. “From the vulgar language and the racist language, it was very clear that the mosque was the target,” CAIR executive director Nihad Awad said.