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Running for President While Black: The double standard in media coverage is plain. The media gingerly criticizes Hilary Clinton for her vivid "misstatements" while rarely questioning her credibility and character. She made up vivid, detailed, imaginary stories about her experiences to mislead voters. She is a professional liar. Last month Clinton surrogate Geraldine Ferraro made the ignorant statement that if Obama was a white man he would not have the success that he has. - as if Black men do not face a struggle demanding human behavior from whites like her. If Obama made up such vivid tales about his experiences he would be done. Played out like Michael Jackson, Barry Bonds or O.J. No the double standard is clear here. If Michael Jordan was a white man he would be running the world. But if Mark Spitzer was a Black man, by now we would know every single salacious sexual detail about him and his whores. And if Hillary Clinton were a Black man she would be considered unfit to be President and probably would be working at Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
New CBS Video Shows Clinton Told the Same Lie 3 other Times
As reported by Darrell Delamaide in MarketWatch today, "So it seems what presidents most need in order to answer that phone at 3 a.m. is a vivid imagination. Sen. Hillary Clinton was able in recent campaign appearances to recount a dramatic arrival at a Bosnian airport in 1996 when sniper fire forced her to dash head down into a waiting vehicle and skip the welcoming ceremony prepared for the then-First Lady. Except, of course, that news footage shows her calmly walking and stopping to shake hands with a little girl and no one else present that day remembers any sniper fire. Clinton said she "misspoke" -- so easy to do when you speak millions of words a week. Evidently, she also mis-remembered and perhaps misled the voters she told this imaginary story to."
She stated, "so I made a mistake," she said. "That happens. It proves I'm human, which you know, for some people, is a revelation."
She claimed she misspoke and was sleep deprived, but CBS News has found several times in the past few months Senator Clinton used the Bosnia trip to try to show her international experience, reports Sharyl Attkisson. Clinton did so in Iowa in December, Texas in February and also last week.
After CBS News video showed what really happened when she landed and greeted officials, Senator Clinton maintained there were risks but explained to the Philadelphia Daily News why she was seen on the Bosnia tarmac greeting a young child if it was really so dangerous.
"I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this eight-year-old girl and I said, 'Well, I, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her,'' Clinton said. "So I greeted her, I took her stuff and I left. Now that's my memory of it."
Once again her memory doesn't match CBS News videotape, Attkisson reports. She and her daughter Chelsea lingered on the tarmac to greet U.S. military officials, took photos, and then walked to the armored vehicle where she did, eventually, duck and enter.