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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Entries from November 1, 2013 - November 30, 2013


Racist Michael Richards (Kramer) Discusses his 'nigger rant' in new Time Magazine

From [HEREMichael Richards opens up about his infamous racist meltdown on stage (video above) in a new interview with TIME. Asked if he’s afraid of it happening again, Richards replies, “What happened in the club? Oh, that’ll never happen again. I know how to behave, to consciously behave.” Right, getting caught practicing racism was the problem. This man probably thinks the word nigger every five minutes. "In the the absence of white supremacy niggers would not exist." [MORE]

It is ironic that white people have treated Richards like a pariah since his nigger rant. But the true power of white supremacy lies in its concealment. The operating system (OS) of white supremacy is based on deception and works in the background - it is never publicly acknowledged by white people and not a part of public discourse. Public, overt racist acts like his angry comedy routine above, disrupt the smooth operation of this global system. Like a Klansman or neo-Nazi, when Richards publicly functioned as a racist he had to be ignored by racist suspects at large. Nevertheless, white people have no morality where race is a variable [MORE] and have now welcomed him back with his new wack show on TVLand, "Kirstie."

The Psychopathic Racial Personality 

'Neely Fuller explains that racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or institutional practice; it is a universally operating "system" of white supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world's white people participate. The word "race," has little biological validity but is translated more correctly as "organization," the sole purpose of which is to maintain white domination and world control of non-whites'. [MORE] Its organizers (white people) prefer to keep it concealed from the victims (non-white people). 

"There is no known code of White Supremacy that can be formally recognized as such in a single set of words or pictures. The basic code of white supremacy is the total pattern of everyday thought, speech and action of the individual white persons who practice it. All things that help to promote it are apart of the white code."  [more] Richards' nigger rant revealed racism and therefore did not effectively promote the white code. 

So it is great when white people reveal that they are racist because it is otherwise difficult for non-white people to "determine who is a racist, and who is not - as it is impossible to monitor (or judge) all the individual actions and words of any white person at all times. [MORE]


Walmart Workers (35% Non-White) Ask for minimum servitude wage of $25,000 [full time] a year on Black Friday

Walmart is the world's 18th largest public corporation, according to the Forbes Global 2000 list, and the largest public corporation when ranked by revenue. For the fiscal year ending January 31, 2011, Wal-Mart reported a net income of $15.4 billion on $422 billion of revenue with a 24.7 percent gross profit margin. In photo, racist suspect, Robson Walton, the eldest son of founder Sam Walton, serves as Chairman of the Board. [MORE]

From [HERE] The nation’s largest private employer is seeing strikes in nine cities on Black Friday this year. OUR Walmart, the non-union group arguing for labor protections, expects 1,500 protests involving workers and their community supporters. At the same time, workers who strike could face retaliation, like being fired, for their actions. Dozens of protesters have already been arrested today for their civil disobedience.

Here’s why the strikes have been building momentum:

Workers have three demands: A minimum $25,000 a year, more full-time positions, and an end to retaliation. More than 825,000 workers make less than $25,000 a year. Recognizing that workers struggle on an average $8.81, one Walmart even held a food drive for its employees. Walmart notoriously relies on part-time, erratic scheduling, denying full-time work to staff who request it — so much so, that Walmart recently announced it would add more full-time shifts to make up for severe staffing shortfalls. Low wages and scarce health care benefits at a single 300-person Superstore cost the economy up to $1.7 million in public assistance programs every year.

WALMART’S RESPONSE: To counter the protests, Walmart has pursued a positive PR campaign to showcase Black Friday sales success (despite reports of violence in stores). Behind the scenes, Walmart takes action against protesting workers. The National Labor Relations Board recently ruled that through media statements and other means, Walmart “unlawfully threatened” employees who walked out in protests last year in 14 states. Shortly before protests began Friday, the retailer distorted the NLRB decision to falsely claim unions paid Walmart protesters.

WHY NOW?: In the weeks leading up to Black Friday, Walmart have seen nine different strikes. Last year, 400 workers went on strike during Black Friday, and another 30,000 supporters participated in protests. And in the race for profits, Walmart opened earlier than ever on Thanksgiving this year and denied workers both fair wages and their holiday.

WHO WORKS FOR WALMART? According to Walmart it is the largest employer of African-Americans and Hispanics in the US. in August 2010, 35% of US Walmart workers – 498,628 people – were non-white. [MORE] In photo, Malcolm for sale at Walmart. [MORE

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The Barney's Deception: 'We Definitely, Definitely Were Not Working with the NYPD to Target Our Beloved Non-white Customers'

What is White Collective Power? When a white owned and operated business targets Black customers and works to exclude them from their premises and the City police support and defend the company's "right" to do so - while the white media pretends any incidents are isolated or individualistic, not systematic. [MORE] In photo, Mark Lee, CEO of Barneys New York on stage with Sharpton, a potted plant, with the message 'please continue shopping.' 

From [HERE] Store security at Barneys New York is now trained on the NYPD. The ritzy retailer released a memo to employees Tuesday detailing new security policies that include videotaping cops whenever they enter the store’s control room and keeping a log of detectives’ visits.

The memo, obtained by the Daily News, stipulates that cops can only access the control room — where employees watch store monitors — when they need to continue surveillance of an individual who entered the Madison Ave. location from the street. Cops who don’t comply will be asked to leave, the memo said.

NYPD officers need to provide “reasonable description of the individual or individuals that they wish to place under surveillance and the reason,” the memo stated.

The new policies were issued when [so-called] civil rights leaders pressed Barneys and other well-known retailers to clarify their relationship with the NYPD after two black shoppers came forward in October to say they were racially profiled at the store.

Barneys has blamed the incidents on undercover cops in the control room at the time. The NYPD said employees conferred with detectives in both cases. The Rev. Al Sharpton (a necessary part of this illusion), whose National Action Network headlined a meeting last week with the retail industry, has prevailed upon the big stores to create a special task force to address the “shop-and-frisk” scandal [white supremacy was not addressed].

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How may I Help You Today Non-White Person? Retailer "Hot Mama" tells ACLU its Policy to Follow Blacks All Around Store No Longer in Use

No Racial Targeting Here. Hot Mama, a national retail chain with three stores in Colorado, has a theft mitigation policy that instructs employees to identify “potential thieves” and follow them around the store until they become uncomfortable and leave. Potential thieves are defined as people who do not “look like typical Hot Mama shoppers.” The store’s written policy specifically acknowledges that some customers will recognize that they are being followed “because of [their] race” and instructs employees not to “worry about making them uncomfortable.” According to the policy, “That is your goal in this situation. The more uncomfortable they become, the quicker they leave… forever.” 

The ACLU of Colorado sent a letter to the National Headquarters of Hot Mama informing the CEO that the policy violates Colorado’s anti-discrimination law, which make it illegal to refuse or deny a person “the full and equal enjoyment of goods and services” at a public place of accommodation because of race or color. The ACLU of Colorado requests that the company “rescind its discriminatory policy and initiate company-wide training to ensure that Hot Mama employees no longer rely on race in dealing with customers.” [MORE

Yes, it is good to Boycott White Supremacists. From [HERE] A national retail chain is encouraging employees to follow non-white customers around the store and make them feel uncomfortable as part of an anti-theft guideline, the ACLU alleged Tuesday. The complaint is [HERE]. “In no way are we discriminating of people who come into our stores,” said store CEO and founder Megan Tampte (pictured above putting Christian tattoos on the arms of Black children in Africa [MORE]). 

Hot Mama has 43 stores nationwide, including three in Colorado. The company manual says when dealing with shoplifters “they may ask you, ‘Are you following me because of my race?” and “Don’t make worry about making them feel uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable they become the quicker they leave forever.”

“Hot Mama’s policy gives the company’s blessing to racial targeting,” the ACLU said.

Tampte said that the shoplifting policy wording changed years ago. She said a former employee sent the old policy to the ACLU. (How many Black employees does this place have?)

Our Theft Mitigation Approach

 1. Identify potential thieves 

a. A customer that doesn’t look like the typical Hot Mama shopper 

b. A customer in a group that demands full attention and draws you away from the group. 

c. A customer that watches the employees. 

d. A customer that really wants to be left alone. 

e. An uncomfortable customer. Follow your instinct. It is probably correct. 

f. A customer who comes in 5 minutes to close 

2. Stick to potential thieves by following them everywhere in the store. Make them feel uncomfortable. Ask questions, such as: 

a. Have you shopped with Hot Mama before? 

b. If yes, what have you purchased?

c. What brands do you like? [MORE]

According to Tampte, her store loses hundreds of thousands of dollars to shoplifters each year. She says when it comes to thieves, race has nothing to do with it. “We don’t welcome shoplifters, we welcome moms. We’ll take any kinds of moms and we would love to have all the moms in Denver shop in our stores. There would be nothing that would make us happier,” said Tampte.

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If you are selling something online don't reveal your skin color to white buyers: Racism Revealed in Online Shopping Study

From [HERE] Are you black? Considering making some cash by selling unwanted items online this holiday season? You might not want to show any of your skin in the photos of your goods. The Daily Mail reports that according to the results of a newly released yearlong study tracking the sales of iPods on Craigslist, shoppers are more likely to make a purchase when they think the seller is white. 

Not only that, but researchers found that black sellers received lower offers than white sellers, and that buyers' correspondence with them "indicated lower levels of trust." So much for only seeing green.

It's just the latest arena in which disparate treatment based on race is not only perceived but actually backed up by numbers. Recently, a study of the preferences of the Facebook dating app Are You Interested found black men and women receive fewer responses to their messages than users of other races.

The researchers in the online shopping study, who published their results in the Economic Journal of the Royal Economic Society, posted 1,200 classified advertisements in more than 300 areas of the U.S. between March 2009 and March 2010, featuring similar photos of an iPod held by a man’s hand that was either black, white or white with a wrist tattoo.

Black sellers received 13 percent fewer responses and 18 percent fewer offers than their white counterparts. When money was offered, it was 12 percent lower than that offered to a white seller.

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Obama Admin Sets Record on Prosecutions of Non-Whites for Non-violent Immigration Offenses (racial population tailoring) 

Racism as a strategy for White genetic survival is the dynamic behind the high incarceration rate of non-white males in the U.S. It contributes in genocidal fashion to the prevention of non-white births and the non-white male-supported development of all non-white children, particularly boys. [MORE] In photo, Obama in the White House with various important white people. As you can see white folks just can't get a break in a Obama's 'Merrikka. 

From [HERE] Prosecutions for nonviolent immigration offenses have hit an all-time high in fiscal year 2013, up 22.6 percent over five years, with offenses often involving illegal reentry. Meanwhile, critics of such prosecutions say the system is harming families.

About 93 percent of these prosecutions were associated with [mostly non-white] people charged with offenses regarding illegal entry and reentry into the US. Illegal reentry prosecutions have gone up 76 percent under the Obama administration. The report has been compiled using data provided by the US Department of Justice. 

New cases were filed against 97,384 defendants in FY2013, which ended on Sept. 30, amounting to 50 percent of all federal criminal prosecutions. 

The total of immigration prosecutions is up 5.9 percent from last year, according to an analysis by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse of information obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request.

The Obama administration is on track to deport 2 million people by 2014. About 97 percent of people being deported are Latino and Caribbean, according to Tanya Golash-Boza, a sociologist at the University of California, Merced.

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Canadian Official says Covert racism behind increased numbers of Non-Whites in prisons

From [HERE] The increased numbers of non-whites in Canadian federal prisons is evidence of covert racism, discrimination and cultural bias in Canada’s justice system, says Canada’s prison watchdog.

In his annual report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, Canada’s correctional investigator, Howard Sapers, said the number of visible minority inmates is partly reflective of the overall demographic change in Canadian society, but also shows that disproportionate representation of minorities in comparison to their share of the general population is a persistent and growing problem.

According to Sapers’ report, Canada’s prison population has grown by 2,100 inmates — a 16.5%  increase — in the last 10 years.

In that time, the overall Aboriginal population in the prisons grew by 46%, while the number of Aboriginal women increased by 80% and now accounts for one in three women under federal sentence.

The prison population of other non-whites including black, Hispanic, Asian and Indian increased by almost 75%, Sapers found. One in four inmates is foreign-born. Meanwhile the population of Caucasian inmates fell by 3%.

“Recent population growth is almost exclusively driven by an increasing number of Aboriginal and visible minority groups behind bars,” Sapers said.

“Today, 40% of the federal inmate population is composed of non-Caucasian offenders.”

The numbers are particularly striking when compared to the general population. Aboriginals account for nearly one-quarter of all prisoners but comprise four per cent of the Canadian population. African-Canadians comprise nearly 10 per cent of the prison population but less than three per cent of Canadian society. The black inmate population in federal institutions has grown by nearly 90 per cent since 2003, the report says.

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More Victims of Macy’s Racial Targeting Come Forward (Stop $upporting White Supremacy) 

From [HERE] and [HERE]  Two Latino women are claiming they were racially profiled in separate incidents at two different Macy’s stores in New York City. The allegations come on the heels of a scandal involving claims of racial profiling by employees at major retailers, including Macy’s.

(Black Jesus now half price @ Macys. In photo, Black Holy Family Figurine set, Reg. $50.00, Sale $24.99 [MORE])

Maria Paez, of Venezuela, claims she was racially profiled, falsely arrested, imprisoned and forcefully separated from her child after employees at Macy’s in Herald Square accused her of shoplifting.
Paez said she was trying on clothes and putting items she wanted to buy in a plastic Macy’s bag to take to the check out when she was stopped and brought to Macy’s jail.

“They kept her in this holding cell for three hours, and when it was clear that she wasn’t going to confess to shoplifting, which she didn’t do, and she wasn’t going to pay their $500 get-out-of-jail fee, they called the police,” said Herb Subin, an attorney who represents both Paez and Hernandez (below) in their separate legal action against Macy’s. [Black Santa on sale @ Macy's $41.99] 

Subin says during the hours Paez spent detained in the Macy’s jail and in the Midtown South Precinct, she had no contact with her 12-year-old son, who was left to wander around Macy’s until the store closed.

“When you go to Macy’s, you check your rights at the door,” attorney Herb Subin said at a news conference Tuesday.

Another similar story has been alleged against a Macy’s in Downtown Brooklyn. In September, Maritza Hernandez was detained on suspicion of shoplifting inside the Macy’s on Fulton Street in Brooklyn. She says the security employees who held her captive used a racial slur, accusing Puerto Ricans of being chronic thieves.

“I didn’t know what to say. I said 'look, I’m not out of the store. I just have two pairs of socks,'” Hernandez said.

Hernandez claims she was holding two pairs of socks as she spoke on her cell phone near the exit when she was thrown against a wall, searched, and then dragged into a Macy’s jail.

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Black Customers at Buy Buy Baby Told told 'their money was not real and didn’t meet certain requirements' 

From [HERE] Damon and David Harvey, two Black cousins, went into a Buy Buy Baby retail store in Garden City, N.Y., to purchase some big-ticket items for a relative’s baby shower. 

When a cashier totaled up their purchases, which came to $1,173, their money was allegedly refused and deemed counterfeit. Now the men have reported their experience to the Division of Human Rights (DHR), who will argue their case of alleged discrimination before a judge, according to NBC New York.

Damon and David went to the all-things-baby mecca to buy a crib, stroller and car seat for their cousin’s baby girl.When David and Damon approached the register and the amount for their items totaled over $1,100, they decided to pay with cash. Upon handing over the mostly $100 bills to the cashier, she examined them and informed the men that larger denominations have to be inspected by her supervisor.

When the cashier returned to her station, she allegedly told Damon and David that she could not accept their money and asked for another form of payment.

The duo also allege that the cashier and store manager accused them of using counterfeit money to pay for the items. The store manager reportedly told them that their money was “not real” and “didn’t meet certain requirements.” The unnamed supervisor then threatened to call police on David and Damon, who refused to budge from their spot and even welcomed the idea of summoning them.

When police arrived at the store and reviewed the men’s money, they surmised that the cash was valid. However, after the officers left, the supervisor still would not allow the men to purchase the items they had selected.

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Why White does 'white plus non-white' scare white people? A Gap ad featuring a Sikh Man & White Woman goes viral after being vandalized with racist messages

From [HERE] The above NYC Gap subway clothing advertisement in question depicted a turbaned Indian Sikh-American, Waris Ahluwahlia, an actor and fashion designer, next to a white female model with the caption “Make Love.” followed by the Gap logo.

This ad apparently offended some white folks who then defaced it by writing "make bombs" and "please stop driving taxis" on it. White people can't help themselves can they?

Why does "interracial" or white plus non-white freak white people out so much? White genes are genetic recessive. White genes or the "white race" cannot be reproduced when mixed with non-white persons. White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored. This means they can be genetically annihilated through assimilation. 

White people practice racism to survive -- the operating system of white supremacy functions to keep them alive. Indeed, if white people had not created such a global system in which they established power over the world's non-white majority, the white collective would have been genetically extinct a long time ago. 

As stated by Cress Welsing, "the war for white genetic survival is conducted simultaneously on nine battle fronts: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and (military) war."

Because Blacks and other non-white people have failed to understand racism as white genetic survival, they erroneously have believed that they could be integrated into the white supremacy system. Blacks and other non-whites have failed to understand that if white people were to do this, it would mean active white participation in white genocide. Non-white people must master this perception of racism as a war for white genetic survival, a system into which non-white people never can be integrated." [MORE


R.I.P. Delbert Tibbs: Exonerated Black Man Falsely Convicted & Sentenced to Death for Rape of White Girl by all White Jury 

From [HERE] Florida exoneree Delbert Tibbs died Saturday night in his home in Chicago. In 1974, Tibbs, a black theological student, was convicted by an all white jury of the rape of a 16-year-old white girl and the murder of her 27-year-old male companion. The conviction was based on the testimony and misidentification of the female victim which was uncorroborated and inconsistent with her first description of her assailant, as well as on the testimony of a jailhouse informant who said that Tibbs had confessed to the crime. The informant later admitted that he had fabricated his story.
Tibbs served three years behind bars, two of which were on death row, before the Florida Supreme Court overturned the conviction and threw out the case because the verdict was not supported by the weight of the evidence.

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Cruel & Usual in a Racist System? Virginia's Sentencing Laws Gave Six Life Terms to 15-Year-Old Black Teen for Armed Robbery (no injury)

From [HERE] Travion Blount of Norfolk, Va., is serving what some are calling the harshest sentence yet for a juvenile who did not commit murder: six life sentences.

Blount, now 23, was 15 at the time that he and two 18-year-olds committed armed robbery at a house party. One of the 18-year-olds struck someone with the butt of the gun, but no shots were fired, according to the ACLU Center for Justice.

The two 18-year-olds pleaded guilty and accepted prison sentences of 10 and 13 years. Blount decided to go to trial instead, turning down the prosecution’s offer of 18 years in prison. At the trial, Blount was found guilty of 24 firearm counts and sentenced to 118 years in prison without the possibility of parole. His only chance of leaving prison is through geriatric release at age 60, an unlikely possibility.

Blount’s case has raised doubts about the effectiveness of Virginia’s harsh juvenile sentencing laws. In the Virginian-Pilot’s coverage of the case, the newspaper reported that Virginia is one of 11 states that impose life sentences without parole on juveniles for nonhomicide convictions. Virginia abolished parole in 1995.

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High Ranking Democrat Senator "Not Comfortable" with Reducing Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws Designed to Lock Up as many Non-whites as possible

According to Neely Fuller the System of White Supremacy Requires a Substantial Number of Non-Whites to be Incarcerated 

From [HERE] Sen.  Diane Feinstein,  D-Calif., said Wednesday that she is conflicted about legislation to scale back mandatory minimum sentencing laws, signaling that lawmakers in both parties are wary of the effort ahead of a Senate Judiciary Committee markup in December.

Feinstein, the second-highest-ranking Democrat on the committee, said in an interview that she is “not comfortable” with legislation that would reduce criminal penalties for some offenders, even though Chairman  Patrick Leahy,  D-Vt., has strongly urged the panel to act on the issue.

“We’ve been wrestling with it,” Feinstein said. “For me right now, it’s not an easy question.”

The Judiciary Committee is expected to meet after the Thanksgiving recess to mark up four bills related to the federal prison system, including two that would effectively reduce criminal sentences and two that would allow some prisoners to earn earlier releases if they participate in rehabilitation programs. All four bills are aimed at curbing the rapid growth in the number of federal inmates.

One of the sentencing bills (S 619), sponsored by Leahy and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., would greatly expand judges’ discretion to impose criminal penalties below the mandatory minimum sentences that are set out in statute. The other (S 1410), sponsored by Sens. Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, is narrower, but would reduce the statutory minimum penalties for some drug crimes, among other steps.

Feinstein said she has serious reservations about any legislation.  Her  remarks represent a break with Leahy, who supports both sentencing bills and has repeatedly argued that lawmakers should reconsider “tough-on-crime” penalties that have led to the increase in the federal prison population and a corresponding increase in taxpayer costs.

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Racist Suspect Media Ready to Pounce on RG3 (Change the Name to 'the Washington Mutant Albinos'?) 

"We Didn't Play Well Today." Young RG3 will have his hands full with the racist suspect (white) media this week for sure. No answer will be correct because he is all wrong; he is an athletic Black quarterback and therefore he threatens the existence of white men and white quarterbacks. What's really real is that the D.C. area will be able to relax when he is replaced with Cousins (or any other white boy) and when Obama finally leaves town.

He is a victim of white supremacy and may be confused about what is happening to him right in front of his eyes. In a sport overflowing with overhyped (Tom Brady has not won a Super Bowl in over 8 years) and well defended (Tim Tebow, Jay Cutler, Car$on Palmer) white boys, no racist suspect reporters will be cheerleading for RG3's success. Let the over analyzing, nit picking begin. How will he react to conduct designed to provoke him? Will he get caught up in the 'substance' of the story/illusion? 

White people practice racism to survive and racism is a behavioral strategy for white genetic survival. [MORE] Racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or institutional practice; it is a universal "operating system" [OS] of white supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world's white people participate. [MORE] and [MORE] Globally, 90% of the world is non-white and the white population is dramatically shrinking. Yes 9 out of 10 are non-white. This scares many white people. 

As stated by Dr. Welsing, "I say that this is the fundamental motivation of people who classify themselves as White, whether it is conscious and/or subconsciously determined. In other words: what the White Collective is doing on the planet is engaging in behaviors—in economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and more—in order for them to survive on the planet, by any means necessary."

Expect racism/white supremacy from white people everyday. If they are not racist then be pleasantly surprised. You must be able to function at a high level in this white supremacy system - having such an expectation may enable you to do that. [MORE] This reaction is not shock, outrage, crying, begging, or violent. Such reactions cause stress, anger, misery, strokes, incarceration, or death - and do not solve any of the problems caused by white supremacy.  

Stop expecting white supremacists to be humane - attempts at moral suasion are a waste of time. [MORE] Thus far, all persons who have attempted to establish justice and or to eliminate racism have failed. [MORE]. White people are playing a survival game with non-white people and they are undefeated against its confused victims. 'Non-white people must dissect and analyze white supremacy/racism to its core. Perhaps with this knowledge, Non-white people can take the necessary steps to eliminate the problem.' [MORE]


Black Teen Locked Up in Rikers Island for 3 Years - Never Convicted [white over non-white system]

Black Teen a Low Priority for White Prosecutors. From [HERE] A young Black teenager spent three years in the infamously violent Rikers Island prison complex without ever being convicted of a crime.

Kalief Browder was initially arrested on his way home on May 14, 2010, after an unknown individual identified the teenager, then 16 years old, as the person who robbed him a few weeks prior. Browder was charged with second-degree robbery and, unable to post the $10,000 bail at the time of his arrest, was transferred to Rikers Island.

The case never went to trial, however, and Browder languished at Rikers Island until the charges were dropped without explanation in June 2013.

“No apology, no nothing,” Browder said about his release to local WABC. “They just said, ‘Oh, case dismissed. Don’t worry about nothing.’ What do you mean, ‘Don’t worry about nothing?’ You just took over three years of my life.”

More than two and a half years into his detainment, Browder was offered a plea deal that would have likely released him under a time served sentence. He did not take the deal because he did not want to admit guilt for the crime. The Huffington Post reported that Browder filed a civil lawsuit in October against the Bronx District Attorney, the City of New York, the New York City Police Department, the New York City Department of Corrections and a multiple state-employed individuals.

His complaint claims that not only was he was “physically assaulted and beaten" by inmates as well as officers, but also that he was denied meals and spent more than 400 days in solitary confinement. The lawsuit also alleges that officers refused to allow Browder to continue his education, and that he attempted suicide a minimum of six times.

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