Cracker or poison for dinner? aka "lesser evil voting." No meaningful decision to make amongst a closed field of selected puppeticians in another staged election hoax. Puppeticians and the elite whites they serve preach to the Black votary that every conceivable problem which confronts it can be resolved through voting. This is a necessary illusion to entertain your mind. Enabling you to pretend that you have some input, influence and inclusion in this highly controlled society. Dr. Blynd explains that "voting power is an oxymoron. 2) a transitory form of illusory power." [MORE]
Obviously, for believers inclined to "participate" there is no choice in this trick bag. The field has been rigged for HRC - Trump, a racist clown, is as real as a Harlem Globetrotter opponent. As Red Silver J points out above, "Bernie Panders" was just a joker or dummy sparring partner (old slumped over fuddy duddy made viable only due to HRC's wackness). Clinton, a horrible, woefully unpopular candidate in her own right ([MORE] and [MORE]) will spend the rest of the summer sweating non-whites for votes. Your vote will mean everything to her. Why? Three Democrats have become president since 1970 — Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Obama — but none of them has won a majority of white votes. [MORE] (but for her lameness this should be an easy task b/c the white votary is quickly vanishing, literally dying from old age, while the non-white Democratic base is growing inexorably). Yet she will do nothing to address the primary problem facing Blacks & Latinos: the system of white supremacy/racism and all its symptomatic problems such as poverty, economic inequality, economic development, unemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, chronic welfare dependency, affordable housing, homelessness, servant education, the administration of justice, police brutality, incarceration and more.
Nigger is What is Being Done to You. Your voluntary submission to this process and programmed beliefs in this system have made you a nigger (or a victim of white supremacy). As explained by Chomsky (video below), rather than simply assuming government structures and systems are legit they should be questioned and held to account. If such structures and systems cannot meet this burden of proof they should be eliminated.
Neely Fuller describes all non-white people as the "powerless class." In a system of white supremacy/racism what areas of people activity do Black people control?