What are these white Missouri democrats doing about replacing the system of racism/white supremacy? In photo St. Louis Mayor, Francis Slay. The Democratic Party has dominated St. Louis city politics for decades. The city has not had a Republican mayor since 1949 and the last time a Republican was elected to another city-wide office was in the 1970s. [MORE]. Slay is the longest serving mayor of the city of St. Louis having been re-elected to a fourth term in April 2013.
Jeremiah Wilson "Jay" Nixon, also a racist suspect is the current Governor of Missouri. He is a democrat. [MORE] There has only been one Republican Governor of Missouri since 1993 (Matt Blunt, who served one term). Nixon has refused to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and file charges in the Michael Brown murder. Instead he has supported white St. Louis County prosecutor, Robert McCulloch, also a racist suspect and a democrat. Now Nixon has created the so called "Ferguson Commission", which sounds like bullshit. Story below.
McCulloch could have filed charges directly himself but chose to take the case to a grand jury. All signs are that McCulloch does not want the grand jury to indict white police officer, Darren Wilson. He selected a mostly white (9 out of 12) grand jury. Also, McCulloch’s office has declined to recommend any charges to the grand jury. Instead, McCulloch’s prosecutors handling the case are taking the highly unusual course of dumping all evidence on the jurors and leaving them to make sense of it. McCulloch’s office claims that this is a way to give more authority to the grand jurors, but it looks more like a way to avoid charging Wilson at all — and to use the grand jury as cover for the outrage that will ensue.
McCulloch's father was a police officer killed in a shootout with a black suspect, and several of his family members are, or were, police officers. He has not prosecuted a single police shooting in 23 years. [MORE] (do not expect justice).
Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill (in photo) has defended McCulloch and made a statement in support of him. She is also a racist suspect.
What are these Democrats doing for their loyal Black votary? Specifically what have they done to address White Supremacy/Racism and all the problems it causes such as poverty, economic inequality, lack of economic development, unemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, chronic welfare dependency, affordable housing, homelessness, servant education, the administration of justice, police brutality, incarceration and other symptoms of white supremacy/racism?
A new study released in September found that in St. Louis:
• The median household income of a white family was $59,041, while a black family had a median income of $30,479.
• The percent of white families living in poverty was 9.2 percent, while 30.6 percent of black families lived in poverty.
• A black infant was 3.6 times more likely to die in the first year of life than a white infant.
• Blacks were more than twice as likely to have no health care coverage than whites. [MORE]
Neely Fuller explained that "Most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." White folks may differ amongst themselves about politics (Democrats, Republicans [White Party]) but all are racist suspects. "As long as white supremacy exists every person classified as white should be suspected of being a racist (white supremacist)."
White Domination is carried out through violence and/or tactics based on deception, through pretention. Such as: pretending to provide economic progress while working to hinder it, pretending to to provide educational progress while working to hinder it and Pretending to promote justice, while working to continue, and refine, the practice of injustice. [MORE]
From [HERE] Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announced on Tuesday the creation of the Ferguson Commission. The independent and regional commission’s purpose is to study and recommend how to address underlying, systemic inequality after months of protests.
The protests surged after a white police officer shot and killed the black, unarmed, 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9. The Ferguson Commission plans to analyze the social and economic conditions underscored by the unrest in the St. Louis suburb since the shooting.
Nixon explained his plan for the commission during a speech at the Florrissant Valley Community College, which is not far from where Brown was shot and killed. The governor intends for the study to be “thorough, wide-ranging, and unflinching,” while delving into governance, poverty, education, and law enforcement. He also wants the recommendations of changes from the commission to make Ferguson “a stronger, fairer place for everyone to live.” [MORE]