Obama: 'A [White] jury has spoken.' [If it Could Happen to Trayvon, it Can Happen to You]
Monday, July 15, 2013 at 12:59AM

What happened to Trayvon was not personal, it was racial. It could happen to any non-white person. His murder, the criminal process and the verdict are the products of white supremacy.

From [HEREShowcase President Obama called the death of Trayvon Martin a tragedy Sunday, but urged "calm reflection" in the wake of a jury's verdict finding his killer not guilty. 

"We are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken," Obama said in a statement posted on the White House web site following a Florida jury's acquittal of white man, George Zimmerman Saturday. We have heard this kind of shadowboxing from Obama before. (In other words he is saying, 'niggers please don't riot.')

(Five of the six jurors were white, the judge was white and all law enforcement and lawyers involved in the white man's arrest, charging and trial were white.) 

To the extent that racists had anything to do with the Zimmerman case, whatever happened or did not happen is the result of white supremacists/racists as they control everything in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) - 24/7 worldwide. 

In response to the Trayvon verdict, white people and conventional civil rights leaders would prefer that we poke holes in the air with signs (protest), sing songs, rap, light candles or hold hands.' [more] None of these activities solve the problems caused by white supremacy.

Another perspective is to recognize that in a system of white supremacy you should expect racism, not justice. That is, expect racism from all white people, everyday. If they are not racist then be pleasantly surprised. Do not expect justice in court in any cases involving white defendants with non-white victims or non-white defendants with white victims. Expect white supremacy. Don't believe it? - go to your local court and observe. Having such an expectation may enable you to have an intelligent reaction to racism and constructively solve problems.

Thus far, all persons who have attempted to establish justice and or to eliminate racism have failed. Non-white people must dissect and analyze white supremacy/racism to its core. Perhaps with this knowledge, Non-white people can take the necessary steps to eliminate the problem.' [MORE]

Failing to comprehend the environmental context of the white supremacy system and its ultimate goal of white genetic survival, Black people fail to grasp the deeper sense of what actually is occurring in front of our eyes. [MORE]. Racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or institutional practice; it is a universal "operating system" of white supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world's white people participate.

The world is 90% non-white and the white population is declining. According to Cress Welsing: 'this global white collective maintains a different appearance from the rest of humankind, and they dislike this difference. Maybe it is time for non-white people to stop insisting to white people 'that we are all the same.' White people don't believe that shit - their actions tell us that everyday.

White people perceive themselves as being inferior to non-whites, fear losing control and fear genetic annihilation by the global majority of non-whites (White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored.). This fundamen­tal fear is at the core of Western civilization - a civilization structured to ensure white genetic survival. This survival plan necessitates the subjugation and control of all non-white peoples.' [MORE

If you understand that Racism is a strategy for white genetic survival then you can see that what the White Collective is doing on the planet is engaging in behaviors—in economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex —in order for them to survive by any means necessary and to prevent white genetic annihilation.

The global white minority must act genocidally against people of color for the purpose of white genetic survival. This is the "kill or be killed" mentality. [MORE] By this point in history, the white collective has demonstrated that in their relations with Non-white people, by and large, white people function as psychopaths. [MORE] In this white supremacy system, White life is more valuable than non-white life; Racists must be able to more easliy get away with killing non-white people. [MORE] Zimmerman is another example of that. 

White prosecutors 'really worked super hard to obtain some truth and justice. The dead teenager's family plus all the Blacks wanted a trial - so we gave them a trial. Our great criminal justice system is great. God bless Merika' (No mention of an appeal). 

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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