White Woman suffering from narcissistic personality disorder demands free meal from 'little sand nigger' @ Dunkin Donuts 
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 08:04PM

From [HERE] How to reward two Dunkin' Donuts employees who calmly endured a racist rant from a belligerent and foul-mouthed customer? (end white supremacy? Black criminal defense lawyers may have had similar experiences in court dealing with racist suspect judges.) The doughnut chain says it will honor the workers at a company event in Florida, but would say no more. Online supporters are less reticent; they argue the two should receive a monetary reward and are raising money for the two. [MORE]

The third Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (1980), published by the American Psychiatric Association, contains a description of the narcissistic personality disorder, with the following stated criteria:

A. Grandiose sense of self importance or uniqueness

B. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

C.  Exhibitionistic: Requires constant attention and admiration

D.  Responds to criticism, indifference of others, or defeat with either cool indifference or with marked feelings of rage, inferiority, shame, humiliation, or emptiness

E. Two of the following:

1.  Lack of empathy: Inability to recognize how others feel

2.  Entitlement: Expectation of special favors with reactions or surprise and anger when others don't comply

3. Interpersonal exploitiveness: Takes advantage of others to indulge his own desires or for self-aggrandizement, with disregard for the personal integrity and rights of others

4. Relationships characteristically vacillate between the extremes of over-idealization and devaluation.

According to Dr. Welsing [HERE] "any non-white person who has had extensive experience with whites, collectively or as individuals, will find in the above a description of those relationships. At a superficial level, it seems ironic that those responsible for including this disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual have failed to recognize this as a statement that characterizes the global relationship of whites to non-whites, a description of the dynamic (racism)." [MORE]

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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