hahaha, more white supremacy pranks: White Frat Phi Delta Theta calls Black Postal Worker "Nigger Faggot" 
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 08:05PM

"In the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist." [MORE

From [HERE] U.S. Postal carrier Iran Becton doesn’t take kindly to being the butt of a frat "joke." He’s insulted that members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity at the University of Chicago were involved in a racist "prank" that had him needlessly dragging postal supply boxes up to doors of their frat house at 56th and University.

“About a week after Memorial Day, I had an order to bring 79 of the boxes. I came to the address and explained to the frat member that I would have a lot more supplies. I went back to the truck for the boxes about six or seven times,” Becton said.

“After the last trip, one of the frat guys came out and said it was a practical joke. Another guy said that I should read the name backwards and I’ll get the joke.”

The items — all 79 of them — were addressed to “Reggin Toggaf.” Written backwards, the first name is "Nigger." The last name is "Faggot.". “I was humiliated,” said Becton, a Black man. ("A moral and just society is "nigger-proof." (because there would be no need to invent niggers))". [MORE] Mr. 'Toggaf' should not take it personal - it was racial, aimed at all of us. Expect white supremacy/racism from white people everyday. If they are not racist then be pleasantly surprised.  

I was unable to reach any of the members of the Phi Delta Theta-Illinois Beta fraternity, whose address is listed on the university’s website, but no phone number. (reach them? perhaps he wanted clarification on what they meant by nigger? [MORE]- BW) 

But Mack Julion, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch #11, said he paid a visit to the frat house last Saturday and spoke with the group’s former president.

“Their contention was it was a practical joke, but we don’t think it was funny, the letter carrier doesn’t think it was funny and it doesn’t reflect well on the university,” Julion told me.

Julion said the fraternity told him the “joke” was being played on them and was not meant to offend Becton.

“But if it was a practical joke from one frat to another and not to the letter carrier, it is still not funny. Is this the way you tease each other?” Julion said he asked. “Is this standard protocol in terms of practical jokes? Is this the way they go back and forth because it is not acceptable.”

The postal supply boxes were shipped from Victory Packaging, a shipping company in Aurora. The representative that handles the U.S. Postal Service account was appalled when I told him about the bogus shipment.

“We are going to take this real seriously,” he said, promising to investigate and get back to me.

Even though the joke involved the abuse and possibly the destruction of postal property (the priority mail boxes are intended for use by customers patronizing the postal service), Becton said so far his complaints about the incident fell on deaf ears with respect to punishing the people who were behind the prank.

“Someone had to send an email to order those boxes, and the postal inspector should go after the person who ordered all this stuff. This is ridiculous that all you can tell me is that you are sorry it happened,” Becton said.

The incident is being investigated, according to Julie Kenney, a spokesman for the Chicago Division Postal Inspection Services.

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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