Shopping while Black: White Man Stops and Frisks Forest Whitaker at 'Classy' NYC Market 
Sunday, February 17, 2013 at 10:38PM

('The existence of White Supremacy (Racism) automatically eliminates the possibility of any non-white person being so-called "upper-class" or "middle class" in his or her relationship to any person, any place. Such persons are the Powerless Class.' [theCode])

From [HERE] and [HERE] Oscar winner Forest Whitaker was wrongly accused of shoplifting and subjected to a humiliating pat down at a Morningside Heights deli on Friday morning by a white man who worked there. No cops were called—Whitaker was publicly frisked by a Milano Deli employee, in what seems to be an instance of blatant discrimination or shopping while Black [more]. 

A store employee frisked Whitaker in front of other customers, according to reports. The search didn't turn up anything, but Whitaker left the market shocked and angry. According to TMZ, a statement from Whitaker's camp said: "This was an upsetting incident given the fact that Forest did nothing more than walk into the deli. What is most unfortunate about this situation is the inappropriate way store employees are treating patrons of their establishment. "

The statement added, "Frisking individuals without proof/evidence is a violation of rights."

Gothamist spoke with a regular deli patron who was present for the incident with Whitaker. She claims to have witnessed previous negative treatment of black customers by the store's employees, as well having heard staff spout "racist crap."

Whitaker  did not call the authorities at the request of the worker, who was in fear of losing his employment. Forest asked that, in the future, the store change their behavior and treat the public in a fair and just manner."

Whitaker, 51, balled out in the film, Ghost Dog, Way of the Samurai. 

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