Thanks Obama - The Enormous Black Prison Population is now Minus 8! Why Do We Tolerate High Levels of Black Incarceration? 
Thursday, December 26, 2013 at 08:49PM

Race as a proxy for genetic difference (genetic recessive and yet superior!). Racists explain away racial disparity in incarceration rates of non-whites and whites as being genetic or based on biological difference. That is, non-whites, particularly Black people, are not the same kind of human being as whites or persons who are classified as white. For instance, non-whites are predisposed to criminality and therefore the reality of mass incarceration is unchangeable. In the white supremacy logic therefore there is no need to address the racial disparities that exist in all areas of people activity. High levels of incarceration then are perceived not as unjust but normal.

Do you think this way about people who look like you?  If you are non-white and you believe this then you subconsciously believe you are inferior to whites and are participating in your own oppression. Do your elected Democrat or Republican representatives also believe in this delusion? If so, replace them. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. 

In photo, the non-white votary waiting in long Jim Crow line in Ohio to vote early for Obama last November. Many were motivated by Obama racism

The sheer scale and acceleration of U.S. prison growth has no parallel in western societies. Most of the people sentenced to time in prison today are black. [MORE] According to Frances Cress Welsing white genetic survival is the dynamic behind the high incarceration rate of non-white males in the U.S.,which is globally second to none [MORE]. Too many non-white people behind bars is a goal of white supremacy. There can be no constructive resolution of this issue without addressing white supremacy/racism - which is the cause of the problem.

The system of white supremacy (racism) requires population control and the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people. [theCode]. According to Neely Fuller, white supremacists/racists make certain that large numbers of non-white people exist under conditions that will most likely cause them to do things that give racists an excuse to put them in Greater Confinement. White prosecutors, judges, police, probation officers and overworked, de-valued or incompetent, mannequin-like defense counsel are filling the jails with non-whites.  There is no need for you to simply believe this; go to your local court and watch the lock-ups/arraignments; they are overwhelmingly non-white. How much will you tolerate? 

From [HERE] President Obama [see Neely Fuller on the art of showcasing above], expanding "his push" to curtail severe penalties in drug cases, on Thursday commuted the sentences of eight federal inmates who were convicted of crack cocaine offenses. Each inmate has been imprisoned for at least 15 years, and six were sentenced to life in prison.

It was the first time retroactive relief was provided to a group of inmates who would most likely have received significantly shorter terms if they had been sentenced under current drug laws, sentencing rules and charging policies. Most will be released in 120 days. The commutations opened a major new front in the administration’s efforts to curb soaring taxpayer spending on prisons and to help correct what it has portrayed as inequality in the justice system.

In a statement, Mr. Obama said that each of the eight men and women had been sentenced under what is now recognized as an “unfair system,” including a 100-to-1 sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine offenses that was significantly reduced by the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010.

“If they had been sentenced under the current law, many of them would have already served their time and paid their debt to society,” Mr. Obama said. “Instead, because of a disparity in the law that is now recognized as unjust, they remain in prison, separated from their families and their communities, at a cost of millions of taxpayer dollars each year.”

The commutations have come during a pendulum swing away from tough mandatory minimum sentencing laws enacted a generation ago amid the crack epidemic. The policies fueled an 800 percent increase in the number of prisoners in the United States. They also carried a racial charge: Offenses involving crack, which was disproportionately prevalent in impoverished black communities, carried far more severe penalties than those for powder cocaine, favored by affluent white users.

Thursday's commutations involved prisoners who already had served at least 15 years in prison. Six had been sentenced to life and several had become the focus of considerable publicity about their plight.

Prisoner advocates welcomed the announcement but said that roughly 7,000 imprisoned crack users or dealers would be free if they had been sentenced after the 2010 law.

Obama has been more reluctant than recent predecessors to use his constitutional right to grant clemency. He previously had commuted only one sentence in his five years in office and has mostly confined himself to pardoning people who have already served their sentences. According to Justice Department statistics, Obama had received 8,576 petitions for clemency by Dec. 1.

"Considering in his first five years in office he granted only one commutation, I suppose we should be thrilled that he granted eight," said Julie Stewart, president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums. "But considering the number of people in prison who are serving excessive sentences, this is a drop in the bucket." [MORE]

According to Families Against Mandatory Minimums, about 8,800 federal inmates are serving time for crack offenses committed before Congress reduced mandatory minimum sentences, going forward, in the 2010 law.

The commutation recipients included Clarence Aaron of Mobile, Ala., who was sentenced to three life terms in prison for his role in a 1993 drug deal, when he was 22. Mr. Aaron’s case has been taken up by civil rights groups and congressional critics of severe sentencing for nonviolent drug offenses, and has received significant news media attention.

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