Don't eat there. Like this silly ass sign, racism usually comes out of nowhere. How will you react to it? In a white supremacy system you should expect racism from all white people, everyday. If they are not racist then be pleasantly surprised. Having such an expectation may enable you to have an intelligent or transformative reaction to racism. You will not be surprised and it will not move you as much. White people's behavior in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) is motivated by their fear of genetic annihilation = White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored [MORE] and [MORE]
From [HERE] and [HERE] Sonic Drive-In has apologized for a racist sign promoting Sunday's Chiefs-Skins game outside one of its restaurants in Belton, Mo. The sign in question said, "'KC CHIEFS' WILL SCALP THE REDSKINS FEED THEM WHISKEY SEND - 2 - RESERVATION."
The uproar began after a photo circulated on Twitter showing the sign in Belton, Missouri. VP of Public Relations Patrick Lenow, who is white, told NBC News that the unnamed white employee is known for creative signs, but that this one was "in poor taste." The sign was taken down hours later and the employee was "very apologetic," according to Lenow.
Still, Native Americans excoriated the sign as indicative of why Native American mascots need to be banned. Audra Simpson, assistant professor of anthropology at Columbia University in New York City, told NBC News that at "first blush (the sign) is just shockingly racist" and "hateful," but added that the existence of signs like these is not surprising to Native Americans. [MORE]