Sarah Palin Practicing Racism to Survive: makes reference to debt while talking about slavery
Friday, November 15, 2013 at 01:29AM

The Party of the Vanishing Majority. "The Republican party is a racial identity party. It is designed to appeal to white people as white people... not as union-members or as unemployed people or as home-owners... as white people.  It is a crude racial-identity party and the numbers bear that out. It is an almost exclusively white party. Many white people vote Democratic, but the Republican party is pretty close to all white. It identifies and caters to white people as an interest group." [MORE] and [MORE]. Much of the white votary, Democrat & Republican have no greater concern than their own survival in a mostly non-white world. Although, Republicans are less deceptive about this, in a white supremacy system, all white persons should be suspected of being racists. 

Racism, one of the most powerful motivating forces in the universe, is their tool for survival. Above, provocative racist suspect, Sarah Palin, throws out red meat to her base to get them motivated. Is her point really about the debt or does she just want to say the words, "racist" and "slavery" and 'Black president' to her "victimized" white people base? - this is the only program the White Party is running. 

White people are the vanishing majority in the U.S. That is, the U.S. Census Bureau has reported that by 2047 non-white persons will be the majority of the US population. The Republican Party is the party of the vanishing majority - it is the White Party. 

As explained by Patrick Buchanan, 'Republicans now depend on this vanishing majority of whites for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections, while the Democratic Party wins 60 to 70 percent of the Asian and Hispanic vote and 90 to 95 percent of the black vote. The Democratic base is growing inexorably, while the Republican base is shriveling. [MORE]

These numbers are sort of an unraveling of the 'white code' to never discuss white people's actual population numbers in public. Discussions about these numbers usually include all type of fictionalized and fractionalized sub groups of non-white people, such as "non-white Hispanic", Latino, "African-american,"bi-racial etc. All these classifications are created by white people (oppressed persons do not do the classifying) out of thin air. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Discussion about white people's numerical inadequacy and their behavior is not done to generate anger but to stimulate counter-racist thought and then action to solve the problems caused by white supremacy. 

Once it is understood that racism is a strategy for white people's survival then we can have better understanding of why white people act the way they do toward non-whites [MORE]. White people are playing a survival game with us. The decline of the Republican Party due to its numerical inadequacy and the daily racist conduct of its votary are no coincidence. The more the party shrinks the worse the conduct gets. This is also true for racist man and woman in the Democratic Party and racist suspects globally. Color deficient, genetic recessive and vastly outnumbered, many white people fear losing control of non-whites and fear for their genetic survival. 

9 out of 10 are not white. 59Liberty asks, "with the country's changing demographics, whites will drop under 50% of the population in the 2040s. Every Republican Presidential candidate since 1968 has won the white vote, but with the population shift can the GOP compete?" Another question is, what do white people plan to do about their minority status throughout the world?

They will practice racism and act genocidally towards non-whites. Once Texas flips, the GOP is most likely completely done in national elections. The only way they can compete is to rig elections, suppress votes, manipulate voting maps, create Jim Crow laws and deceive. In other words in order to survive the White Party must practice racism. This is just part of the racism dynamic - white supremacy domination and oppression of all non-white people is essential for global white genetic survival. [MORE

White people are vastly outnumbered on the planet and their numbers have been dramatically diminishing for some time; at least 90% of the world is non-white [MORE] and [MORE] and [MORE]. White people are genetic recessive. In general, this means they cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations or intermingle with non-whites. White can be genetically annihilated. White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored.

According to Dr. Welsing, racism is a system of white behavior and survival: "genetic annihilation] is the fundamental motivation of people who classify themselves as White, whether it is conscious and/or subconsciously determined. In other words: what the White Collective is doing on the planet is engaging in behaviors—in economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and more—in order for them to survive on the planet, by any means necessary.  The ultimate objective of white supremacy is collective white genetic survival.

Many non-white people do not realize that they are the overwhelming majority on the planet - whites now represent less than 10% of the world's population.  Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained: "whites are vulnerable to their sense of numerical inadequacy. This inadequacy is apparent in their drive to divide the vast majority of non-whites into fractional, as well as frictional, minorities. This is viewed as a funda­mental behavioral response of whites to their own minority status.

The white "race" has structured and manipulated their own thought processes and conceptual patterns, as well as those of the entire non-white world majority, so that the real numerical minority (whites) illusionally feels and represents itself as the world's majority, while the true numerical majority (non-whites) illusionally feels and views itself as the minority.

Interest­ingly, the white collective, whenever discussing the question of color, never discusses any of its own particular ethnic groups as minorities, but constantly focuses on the various ethnic, language and religious groups of non-white peoples as minorities. Then great efforts are made to initiate conflict between these arbitrary groups. This is one of the key methods by which a minority can remain in power. The "divide, frictionalize and conquer" pattern, observable throughout history wherever non-whites are confronted by whites, results primarily from whites' sense of color deficiency and secondarily from their sense of numerical inadequacy. This pattern, then, is a compensatory adjustment to permit psychological comfort through dominance and control." [MORE]  

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