Home Depot tells its nigger customers 'We are Officially Super Sorry for the 'Black Man is a Gorilla' Ad
Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 04:37AM

Expect racism from white people everyday. From [HERE] An unequivocal apology has been issued by Home Depot following a racist Tweet sent from its own official Twitter account.The Tweet depicted a man in a gorilla mask alongside two African-Americans.

The picture was of two African-American drummers and a person in a gorilla mask standing between them. The offensive caption accompanying the strange picture read: “Which drummer is not like the others?”

The Tweet was part of a “College Gameday” football promotion on ESPN. It was immediately pulled by the Home Depot Twitter account administrators but not before Twitterers took screen shots of the racist Tweet and circulated them on the internet.

Following reports about the racist Tweet from NCB and CNBC, Home Depot apologized. Stephen Holmes, a spokesman for Home Depot Inc., said: “We have zero tolerance for anything so stupid and offensive.” [MORE] And what will you do with your apology for racism - give it to the white Jesusss, son of the white god?  

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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