Aurora, Colorado Shooting 'Oddities': Media Sells Fear, Ignores Psychopathic White Terrorist
Saturday, July 21, 2012 at 02:54AM

The FBI says there is no indication that the incident is tied to any terrorist groups. The media seems to be relentlessly focused on victims, guns and Batman. Less is being said about the white man who committed this act of terror in a highly public place, a movie theater. Psychopaths are people who ignore concepts of right & wrong, and ethics or morality. As stated by Dr. Bobby E. Wright most psychopaths are able to function very well in society - few are instituionalized. The police are in high alert all over the country. Are they looking to stop & frisk white guys who look like this? From [HERE

Colo. shooter's father, Robert M. Holmes, authored US Navy, military reports 

HOW is a former student, jobless, able to spend *thousands of dollars* on, essentially, a full-blown military arsenal? Just curious. Oh. Unless, of course, someone *gave* it to him... like... his handler? --LRP

Police found soda bottles with 'unknown substance' in shooter's apartment (Fox News)

Neighbor: Holmes's car had Tennessee license plate (MSNBC)

'He was in full riot gear... He looked like he was from a SWAT team.' (Witness Jennifer Seeger, MSNBC)

'The shooter was dressed from head-to-toe in SWAT gear... with Kevlar. He looked like one of the cops. That's what was really confusing to us.' (Jennifer Seeger, three feet away from shooter in theater, CNN)

The suspected gunman, James Holmes, completed his degree with 'highest honors' and was at the 'top-of-the-top' in neuroscience field. (Press conference, Fox News)

Source: Suspect had high-capacity, drum-style ammo clip (Fox News)

Police refuse to release his mug shot "for investigative reasons." CNN

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates to press, "If we had information about a motive we would not share it with you. I won't talk about his admissions." The most important thing is that there is justice for these victims. And that justice will occur in a courtroom." CNN

Colorado Movie Theater Shooting: 71 Victims The Largest Mass Shooting 20 Jul 2012 Twelve people were killed and 59 were injured in Aurora, Colo., during a sold-out midnight premier of the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" when 24-year-old James Holmes unloaded four weapons' full of ammunition into the unsuspecting crowd. The number of casualties makes the incident the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. Holmes, a graduate student at a nearby college with a clean arrest record, entered the movie auditorium wearing a ballistics helmet, bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof leggings, gas mask and gloves. He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police said today. Holmes was apprehended within minutes of the 12:39 a.m. shooting at his car behind the theater, where police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons, including a AR-15 assault rifle, which can hold upwards of 100 rounds, a Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a .40 Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle.

Gunman Looked 'Ready to Go Into Battle' 21 Jul 2012 A gunman dressed head to foot in body armor and brandishing three weapons, including an assault rifle, opened fire in a theater crowded with families and children at a midnight showing of the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" in a Denver suburb early Friday morning, killing at least 12 people and wounding 59 others, police and federal officials said. The suspect, James Holmes, 24, told the police after his arrest that he had booby-trapped his Aurora apartment with explosive devices, leading the police to evacuate five buildings in the neighborhood as they sought to disable what they described as "incendiary devices" rigged to trip wires. Mr. Holmes had apparently planned the attack for some time: He wore a gas mask, body armor, a tactical helmet and was dressed completely in black.

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