Republicans talk of "Race War" Involving Black Men: During Election Cycle Watch your Back
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 12:10AM

From [HERE] Sally Kohn from ColorLines writes today about new right wing racial propaganda/red meat/dog whistle messaging/ to stir up the Republican Party neanderthal voter base. She says:

Nothing stirs up white racial anxiety in an election year like a black-against-white race war. Never mind the fact that there isn’t one. According to conservative media, there is a growing but underreported black-versus-white race war in America. There’s no data, of course, just some strung together anecdotes... The manufactured race war in general conveniently feed a larger conservative narrative this election year—reminding white America of how dangerous and scary black men are and how white people, especially white men, are the victims. 

Here is an example of this stupidness [HERE] This race war talk is a preview of the racism people of color should expect from Republicans especially during the Obama election/Trayvon muder case cycle.

The Republican Party is overwhelmingly the white party. Many Republicans are racist [MORE] and psychopathic. That is, people who ignore concepts of right & wrong, and ethics or morality. As stated by Dr. Bobby E. Wright most psychopaths are able to function very well in society - few are instituionalized. Republicans represent the vanishing white majority in the U.S and racism is a behavioral system that helps them survive. Appealing to their sense of right and wrong is a waste of time and mental energy. Expect racism from these folks, everyday. Having such an expectation enables an intelligent and organized response to it.

As stated by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, "people who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice." [MORE

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