Richmond Police Officers Made Threat Comments about Obama during visit 
Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 03:57AM

(left) President Obama gives speech behind bullet proof glass in Chicago.

From [HERE]  Richmond police officers allegedley made inappropriate, threatening comments about the President. The statements were made earlier this month while Richmond police were preparing for the Commander-in-Chief and Michelle Obama’s visit to VCU.  Richmond was one of two cities where the President kicked off his re-election campaign.

An officer was there providing extra security to the President on that day at the Siegel Center.  Over the phone, the supervisor said to that particular officer, “You’re down there, right?  So you can take a couple of shots.  You might have to kill yourself, but you can take a couple of shots.”

The Richmond Police Department source says the alleged incident took place during the department’s roll call.

“Another officer in the background started talking and he said, ‘Yeah, somebody should plant a bomb underneath the stage while they’re on there and blow it up.’”  The source claims this comment was made by a 20-year police veteran.

One of the officers allegedly made a comment about the First Lady.  ”Nobody wants to see her anyway, unless she gets undressed or gets naked.”

The whistleblower says it took the RPD two weeks to investigate, but he claims it didn’t happen until after the Secret Service showed up at the police headquarters asking questions.  A spokesperson with that agency says they didn’t find any wrongdoing.

People we spoke to said that they are very concerned.

“There should be instant termination, definitely,” said Winn.

“I feel like if you’re trusting someone to secure and protect you, then you shouldn’t have to worry about those things,” said Haley Wright.

Lamone Prince-Williams said, “Everybody deserves to be respected.  Everybody.  We have Freedom of Speech, but we do have rules.  Respect each other.”

Mayor Dwight Jones released a statement to CBS 6, saying, “I found the allegations appalling and am waiting for the results of the investigation.” He goes on to say, “The allegations are not a reflection of the Richmond Police department.”

The NAACP said, “The Mayor, CAO, Council President and the Police Chief need to address this matter with more than deliberate speed. Silence in this matter is betrayal. We the people will not allow it.”

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