What Will White People Do Next? Some Burn Signs, Some Burn Candles, Others Plot 
Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 02:16AM

Ole Miss Will Miss Mittens! From [HERE] and [HERE] A University Police Department officer leads a protester away from a public disturbance on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday morning, Nov. 7, 2012. A white student protest at the University of Mississippi against the re-election of President Obama turned disorderly on Wednesday morning, with some students chanting racial epithets and two arrested for disorderly conduct.

The university said in a statement that a crowd of 400 people formed at the student union shortly before midnight after reports of a riot spread on social media. Some students yelled racial slurs and profanity in anger over Mr. Obama’s re-election, the statement said. Photographs posted online showed students lighting Obama campaign signs on fire. One person was charged with public intoxication and another with failure to comply with police orders. 

On Wednesday night, about 700 people held up candles and called for racial harmony outside the administrative building at the university in Oxford, countering Tuesday's protest over Obama's re-election. In a state with a 37 percent African-American population, Ole Miss now has a black enrollment of about 16.6 percent. The current student body president, Kim Dandridge, is the fourth black person elected to the post. Full statement from Chancellor Dan Jones, who is white: [HERE]

"Next Nugget" Limbaugh On Election Day: "I Could Be Proven Tonight To Be So Wrong" That "Nobody Should Be Listening To Me"

No worries Rush, "Senior N****rmaniac" Irish Angel will probably be listening. She posted the following White Party (GOP) impeachment plans:

Be of good cheer my fellow N****rmaniacs Last night's reelection of the HNIC was a disgusting display of nigger racism and White liberal guilt. But without having to worry about running again, the full nigger in obummer will come out, so much that even the most liberal self hating White person will not be able to ignore it. Niggers all over the country will be emboldened and there will be more TNB than ever before in our country. Now, what does continued exposure to TNB lead to? That's right my friends, it leads to awareness. If we manage to muddle through the next four years (and that doesn't take into account the possible impeachment of HNIC), the pendulum will be in full swing back the other way. Whites will be awake for the first time in years and take America back, one town, one county, one state at a time. The only places niggers will be able to get elected is in full blown niggerhoods, and there will be no chance of another nigger president for hundreds of years. Don't give up my friends, in the darkest hour, there is always hope, and in our case it is a Great White hope. [MORE] and [MORE

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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