From [HERE] and [HERE] Racist Suspect, Glenn Beck, angry about having a Black President places an Obama toy doll in a mason jar of his own urine. The Obama doll is wearing an American flag across its chest. Naturally, he defends action by saying "freedom of speech" (white supremacists/racists love the theoretical speech protections of the 1st Amendment - as opposed to more practical Constitutional protections such as the 14th Amendment right to liberty or life for the living or 4th Amendment rights supposedly securing freedom from unlawful detentions and searches). But like Porn, all speech is not protected speech - unless white people say so - like commercial speech which is super, super important. More fallout from the failure of "Don't Re-Nig 2012" to come. Expect racism from every single white person you encounter, expect racism every day, if they are not racist be pleasantly surprised.
As stated by hunglikejesus, "Welcome to post racial Merika", where democracy will not exist until the system of white supremacy/racism is replaced with justice.