Detroit to Shut Down Half of Its Public Schools to Kill Deficit
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 12:17PM

From [theAfro] Nearly half of Detroit, Mich.'s public schools will close due to a plan ordered by Michigan State education officials aimed at eliminating the district's hefty deficit. As a result of the move, high school classroom sizes will balloon to 60 students.

According to The Associated Press, Robert Bobb, emergency financial manager for Detroit Public Schools, received orders from state education officials to enact a financial restructuring plan that's poised to eliminate the district's $327 million deficit by 2014.

The plan, filed by Bobb with the state in January, will reduce the district to 72 schools for nearly 58,570 students, according to the Detroit News. In turn, class sizes will increase and school sectors such as public safety, finance and transportation will consolidate.

"We are moving forward with the plan," Bobb told Detroit News. "Right now my focus is on my transition plan and the [Deficit Elimination Plan]."

Bobb will be replaced in June and his successor will have to carry out the plan, a Feb. 8 letter issued by State Superintendent Mike Flanagan revealed. In order to be approved, the district can't file for bankruptcy.

"I believe the district can work its way out of these challenges," Bobb told the Detroit News. "It will take some time. I am a firm believer we have to continue to make the deep cuts, and they are going to be painful. In the long run, the district will be stronger. There can be no retreat."

A full list of suggested school closures and layoff plans will be announced closer to April.

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