Rush Limbaugh Pushing Republicans to Vote for Clinton/ Sharpton Supporting Obama
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 10:35AM
From The Frontrunner
MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews (3/18, 7:35 p.m., Shuster) reported, "According to 'The Boston Globe' in the January and February primaries, Obama attracted on average 50% of self-identified Republicans compared to about 25% for Hillary Clinton. But this month, things changed.

And a lot of people are pointing to one man Rush Limbaugh." Rush Limbaugh said, "I want our party to win. I want the Democrats to lose. They're in the midst of tearing themselves apart right now, it's fascinating to watch and it's all going to stop if Hillary loses." Shuster: "At the time of Limbaugh's remarks, John McCain had practically wrapped up the Republican nomination, and Barack Obama had reeled off 11 straight democratic victories. That's when the Clinton campaign launched its kitchen-sink strategy and Limbaugh launched his vote-for-Hillary strategy. ... Did it work? Texas and Ohio, the Republican turnout in the Democratic primaries was more than twice the share of earlier primaries. And unlike earlier contests among Republicans, Clinton drew even with Obama. Approximately 119,000 Texas Republicans voted for her in a state where Clinton's overall margin of victory over Obama was about 101,000. In other words, Republicans helped turn a virtual draw into a slight Clinton victory."
Sharpton Said To Be Quietly Supporting Obama
The New York Daily News (3/19, Serwer, Saul, 729K) reports, "The Rev. Al Sharpton is backing Barack Obama, but he's made the strategic decision to keep his support quiet. That's the message Sharpton delivered to his flock last Saturday as he boasted of talking to Obama 'two or three times a week' - and insisted the Democratic front-runner knows the rev is in his camp. 'I said, 'I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do to help you. Hillary Clinton has never done nothing for us," said Sharpton, recounting a conversation with Obama for his followers at his group's weekly rally. 'I won't either endorse you or not endorse you,' Sharpton said he told" Obama "as the two made their way to a Nov. 29 dinner at Sylvia's Restaurant in Harlem. 'But I will tell you I can be freer not endorsing you to help you and everybody else.'"
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