Report: U.S. Lost 1.5 Million Jobs to China in 1989-2003
Saturday, January 15, 2005 at 03:14AM
The United States lost nearly 1.5 million jobs between 1989 and
2003 because of increased trade with China, according to a report
released on Tuesday by a government watchdog committee. The report was
prepared by the pro-labor Economic Policy Institute for the U.S.-China
Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressionally-appointed
panel that has pushed for a tough U.S. approach to China on trade. The
study estimates that imports from China displaced 1.659 million jobs
between 1989 and 2003, while exports to that country generated only
199,000 additional U.S. jobs. The job losses have accelerated and moved
into unexpected new sectors as the trade deficit -- which reflects the
gap between imports and exports -- with China skyrocketed to a record
$124 billion in 2003, report author and EPI senior international trade
economist Robert Scott said. "The assumptions we built our trade
relationship with China on have proved to be a house of cards. Everyone
knew we would lose jobs in labor-intensive industries like textiles and
apparel, but we thought we could hold our own in the capital-intensive,
high-tech arena," Scott said in a statement. [more]
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