The right wing hates America. They are the first to wave the flag and
loudly proclaim their love of country. They are also the first to stab
their country men and women in the back when it suits them. Now
that Bush is safely in power for another four years they are wasting no
time in showing us that they are firmly in charge and not taking any
prisoners. Their goals are very simple. They want to destroy the
government's ability to do anything except fight wars and make the
wealthy even wealthier. In early 2003 the occupation of Iraq was
becoming a certainty. Despite the acquiescence of the media, the entire
Republican party, and far too many wimpy Democrats, thousands of
Americans joined the rest of the world in demonstrating against the
approaching atrocity. The press barely acknowledged the existence of
dissent, and the right wing vilification began in earnest. The
protesters were said to hate America but love Saddam, tyranny, and
terrorism. They were accused of not supporting the troops, as if
sending men and women needlessly to their deaths was proof of
love. Nearly two years later 1,286 American soldiers have been
killed. Iraqis have paid a much higher price. At least 14,000 of them
are dead as a result of Uncle Sam's aggression. If any group was
unsupportive of the troops it was the Bushmen. Donald Rumsfeld took his
jackass show on the road when he recently met with U.S. troops
stationed in Kuwait. It wasn't surprising that the same man who gave us
Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib is also lacking in basic social skills, such
as how to speak to people. [more]
Pictured above:The WEAK leading the Strong -- President Bush bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom last Tuesday on
three central figures of the Iraq war: from left, Gen. Tommy R. Franks,
who led the invasion; L. Paul Bremer III, who led the occupation; and
George J. Tenet, who as intelligence director built a case for war. [more]
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