White House Counselor
Karl Rove has a new objective: courting young African Americans for the
Republican party. Rove tells associates that, while older African
Americans still have a strong allegiance to the Democrats, those under
30 are open to new political possibilities. "They've grown up in
what is increasingly a color-blind society," says a Rove confidant.
"That's not to say there's no racism
left, but they haven't grown up with much of it." The confidant adds
that many of the more popular figures in American culture, ranging from
sports heroes to singers and movie stars, are black -- and this is
encouraging younger African Americans, especially
professionals, to feel secure in forming new allegiances. Among the
issues that White House strategists want to promote to court this
important demographic: improving public schools, creating jobs, and
broadening retirement options.The White House Bulletin December 3, 2004